Helia Glacies Kyxo

Helia Glacies Kyxo

Helia Glacies Kyxo

Biographical information
Mardania 18 Mardus
Physical description
Human Mardanian Female 5'4" 115lbs Silver Blue Caucasian
Political information
The Kingdom of Mardania Crown Princess, Heir of Mardania Kyxo Royalty Mardus King Kyxo The cold princess, the frozen princess, princess of ice, the snowy princess.
Out-of-character information
Haloshooter 09/08/2020 Gemini AI Image


Helia is not an albino in spite of her white hair and pale complexion. She is fair of skin and delicate of frame, her long silky hair reaching down to her hips in a snowy wave. Her body is slight and delicately built with little sign of hardship and no indication of excess. She possesses the fingers of a musician, the voice of an opera singer, the grace of an elf, and the beauty of an angel.

She normally dresses in pure whites or light blues and general ice colors or cool and muted colors. Her clothes are high quality as befitting her station.

Skills, Traits & Weaknesses

Oration: She's a skilled public speaker and a cunning politician. She uses her words either as a deadly sword, a poisoned dagger, or an olive branch.

Singer: She has the voice of an angel, and some would say that literally. The siren tones of her voice can bring forth great emotion in even the most stoic of individuals... All save herself.

Sorcerer Spellcasting: She has a talent for magic, but that is not outweighed by her knowledge of spells and magical application and science. Due to her bloodline all of her spells have to do with ice in some way.
Sorcerer Spellcasting: Her magic comes from an inborn trait in her bloodline, a gift somewhere down the line of her heritage when an ice dragon intermingled with their family.

Cold Affinity: Almost as a reflection of her magic she loves the cold, winters, storms, and inclement weather. She doesn't feel the cold the way others do and thus has an immunity against it, and a strong resistance to magical cold.

Frozen Heart: Her heart is under a curse that she had placed on herself. As a result her emotions, both positive and negative, are locked away and protected behind a wall of ice, slumbering and waiting for the ice to thaw.
Fire: While even she can appreciate heat, fire is more effective as the countermeasure against her ice.

Delicate: She has a low pain tolerance and doesn't hold up under physical attack for very long. She's not strong enough to wield anything heavier than a rapier, and far from strong enough to overcome the average man in a contest of strength.


Her attitude matches her magic, cold and heartless, even cruel and uncaring at times. She is called the Ice Princess for a reason, and it's said that her heart itself is frozen under a curse to keep it from breaking.

She is calm and reserved, emotion doesn't come into play for her and she regards everything with cold clarity and clinical precision.
Logic and cool calculation rule her actions as she deals with the day to day life of a princess.


The last time she smiled was a happier time, such are the years of childhood in the royal family. Her father used to smile as well and cared deeply for his two children, Helia and her older brother. He adored them and always put aside time to play with them and spend time with his wife.
The kingdom of Mardania flourished back then, with a wise king and his son a promising heir and successor, his daughter a prodigy sorceress and the apple of his eye who was also arranged to marry her best friend that happened to be the young prince of their allied kingdom.
It was a happy time when all was right with the world...
But would this be a story if tragedy didn't strike? A tragedy that, in this case, took the form of an assassin...

No kingdom was without enemies, and no king was totally safe. But during times of peace, who could anticipate the sudden declaration of war in the shape of a blade cutting down the queen, the young prince of Mardania, the prince of their allied kingdom, and nearly adding the young princess to the list as well.
Some say that was when the young princess froze her own heart. With the blood of her mother, her brother, and her betrothed covering her hands, she felt pain like nothing else in the world, and like anyone would want to she locked it away so that she couldn't feel it anymore.

She no longer smiled, and neither did her father. He grew old and resentful, not of her but of the world. The mourning of this loss never seemed to end, even as war was waged and Mardania defeated their enemies, the death of the queen and the prince shook everyone to their core.
Over time the subjects recovered from the loss and moved on with their lives, but the king and the now princess heir were forever altered.

As her father's health faded and the years went on Helia began to take on more and more responsibility in administration for the kingdom, even as her father desperately tried to set her up with suitors to once again try and build marital ties with another kingdom. But in spite of his efforts Helia turned them all down, her frozen heart felt nothing for them and even if it was best for the kingdom that she be wed she didn't see it that way.

She now all but runs the kingdom, caring for her father in his waning years while regularly attending balls and soirees to keep him happy and at least pretending to consider being married to one of the royalty or noble factions as he desires.

Her story became somewhat of a local legend in Mardania and the capital city of Mardus, the villagers would tell stories of the frozen princess who's heart was so cold that no flame could melt it, a heart without love that radiated the cold of the deepest winters. Her power over ice magic is even said to be fueled by the sorrow locked away in her heart.
So many tales both romantic and tragic, but all promise unending love and devotion to the one who could finally melt that frozen heart of ice.

At least, that's how the stories go.


She is able to create a magical armor that covers her body. It protects her from most magical and non-magical damage except that it's more vulnerable to magical fire, normal fire can't seem to overcome her armor.


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