Hedron Dol Fitz

Hedron Dol Fitz

Hedron Dol Fitz

Biographical information
Mardania 500 Alliria
Physical description
Human Lich Male 5'8" 120lbs N/A N/A N/A
Political information
Himself Necromancer Dol Fitz Commoner Undeath None None Lord Dol Fitz
Out-of-character information
Haloshooter 04/10/23 Gemini AI art

"... It never fails... You find a nice, secluded place to conduct your research... And the second anyone finds out about it you get evicted!" ~ Hedron Dol Fitz


Hedron Dol Fitz is an ancient corpse, a skeleton scoured of flesh and bleached entirely white by the elements.
Contrary to his theme of undeath and decay, he's dressed in the high-quality dark robes of an academic, and carrying a thick wooden staff etched with many arcane sigils.

His boney features are sharply pronounced and in good condition, without cracking, aging or deterioration. His fleshless face grins leeringly out from the depths of his deep hood which conceals his hairless head.

His eyeless sockets are home to two glowing lights of baleful red fire which seem to flare or dim with his mood or with his magical exertions.
When he activates his magic, scrawling runes of glowing blue arcane script appear all over his boney body.

Skills, Traits & Weaknesses

Wizardry: In life he was well studied in the arcane arts, with a wide knowledge over a vast array of magic spells. Now, unhindered by a limited human brain of grey matter, his knowledge has only grown in capacity.

Necromancy: His abilities in manipulating life forces and effecting the living, the dead and the undead are based both in his significant knowledge of magic and in his affinity gifted to him through his own undead state.

Faith Casting: As a servant to dark entities, he's granted the ability to cast miracles through rituals and sacrifices that pertain to the darkness and evil of those entities. The aid of these entities aided in his descent to undeath and provided him with many dark rituals.

Martial Proficiency: Not an expert in hand-to-hand combat, but he does have some skill in using weapons.
Undead Traits:
- He is immune to disease and poison. He does not need to eat, drink or breathe. He does not require sleep but may choose to enter a comatose state to pass the time.
- Thanks to the fact that he has no eyes, magic was necessary to give him sight. In addition to being able to see in normal light, he can see in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. He can discern color in darkness.
- He can restore any limb after it being detached or destroyed by simply finding a suitable replacement, then using necrotic energy to animate and attach it.

Lichdom: Due to the profane rituals of undeath Hedron has transformed himself into a powerful type of undead, a lich who naturally commands powers of undeath, negative and unholy energies and powers. While those of power may be capable of resisting these abilities to some small degree, the number of such people who can come through the effects of his power entirely unscathed is small.
Some of the abilities granted to him are as follows:
- Lich Touch: His touch causes paralysis in his living victims of a sort that makes them appear as though they were dead, though skilled healers can discern that such victims are still alive though under a curse.
- Negative Touch: His touch can drain the strength and vitality from the bodies of his living victims, causing rapid muscular atrophy and exhaustion.
- Fear of Death: His very presence causes those of weak will to flee in terror, the negative energies surrounding him produce a magically induced fear in the living who do not possess the strength of will to withstand it.

Bolster Resistance: Each undead he raises or creates have a higher resistance against panic and outright destruction caused by Holy and light magic.

Contagious Paralysis: Any creature paralyzed by his special attack can confer paralysis to other creatures that touch it. Any creature touching a creature that he has paralyzed is immediately affected as if he had delivered a paralyzing attack upon it. If a creature successfully resists the effects of the paralysis, the same creature cannot be affected by that sort of paralysis for a full 24 hours.

Corpsecrafting: Each undead he raises or creates gains greater strength and becomes slightly harder to destroy.

Craft Magic Item: He can create magical items. Enchanting a magic item takes one day for each enchantment placed on it.
He can also mend a broken magic item if it is one that he could make.

Tomb Chill: Each corporeal undead he raises or creates imbues the claws and weapons of the dead with a supernatural chill.

Necrotic Revenge: Each undead he raises or creates releases a burst of negative energy upon its destruction, creatures within a 10-foot spread of the undead are caught in the blast. This damage comes from negative energy, and it therefore heals undead creatures.

Deathly Animate: He can alter a spell that deals damage to foes. Any living creature that could normally be raised as a zombie, when slain outright by a deathly animated spell, rises as a zombie under his control. Spells modified this way consume more power.

Toughened Flesh: Every undead he raises or creates is enhanced with tougher bodies to resist physical damage.

Limber Bones: Each undead he raises or creates reacts and moves faster than normal undead.

Necromantic Aura: Whenever undead he controls are within 60 feet of him, they are unable to be panicked by Holy or light magic.

Necromantic Power: Whenever undead he controls are within 60 feet of him, they are physically inspired by his necromantic aura and gain a magical enhancement to their strength and durability.
Holy Magic: As an undead, holy light has a burning effect on his unholy body, causing him severe pain and reducing the effectiveness of his necrotic magic.

Fire: Since his body is composed solely of dry bones, his body is particularly vulnerable to fire. That being said, as a lich he is far more durable than any normal undead against this natural vulnerability.

Rock and a hard place: Bludgeoning weapons and crushing are generally a weakness of skeletons, the lack of flesh to cushion the blows serve to increase the effectiveness of such attacks. That being said, as a lich he is far more durable than any normal undead to this vulnerability.


Hedron is a generally good-natured person, cordially carrying on a one-sided conversation with the bound victim he's dissecting alive or engaging in witty banter mid combat.
He's polite until provoked, which isn't a unique characteristic but worth noting to some degree.

He cares very little for the comfort of others, his mentality as an ancient and sentient undead has changed slightly from when he was living and human. He doesn't feel pain or exhaustion, so he cares little if others suffer from such mortal ailments.
That said, he can be a gracious host when he remembers the limitations of his "guests".

He views others, especially the living, not with distain but with a detached sort of disinterest. Study of the living ended when he ceased to be living himself, all of his interest is now occupied either by exceptional individuals or in the exclusive study of undeath, necromancy and the forces of life and death.

He's arrogant as they come, a villain assured of his power and more than willing to show it off!
But power defeats power, and he knows when he's outmatched.
When his backs against the wall and he's in danger of true death, he's not above begging and bargaining for his life.


The Hedron Dol Fitz that existed before his transformation is hardly worth mentioning except to say that he studied deeply into the secrets of magic and became a great sorcerer for his time.
Achieving Lichdom was a turning point in his career to say the least, and the true beginning of the story of Hedron Dol Fitz, the lich and necromancer.

For the first 400 years of his Unlife he took extensive measures to ensure his immortality; gathering souls for his phylactery, seeking out lost spells, enchantments and rituals to prolong his existence. Over this time, he has been the source of ten outbreaks of undeath in the Allir Reach, but the last 100 years he seemed to have vanished from knowledge.

He gathered his strength after his nearly final resounding defeat at the hands of heroes, in their cunning they found his phylactery, and in their foolishness, they thought they destroyed it when in truth they merely damaged it. Now, after another hundred years, he has awakened from his slumber and is back to his plotting, a little older and a little wiser.

Now armed with five centuries of experience and magical knowledge he's slowly building his strength, taking his time lay proper groundwork for his machinations unburdened by the impatience of the living.
To create his undead army, he requires corpses.
To make them stronger he needs more powerful magic, magical items and equipment of better quality.
To succeed he needs allies.

While he has neither love nor hate for the living, he's willing to look to them if they prove useful.
Valuable allies that can be used to advance his machinations.
So, leaving his secluded strongholds he's hidden his undead form behind magic and disguises and reentered mortal society, seeking those who can be used.



Hedron Dol Fitz is capable of casting spells in several different ways.
The powers he possesses naturally can be projected in a raw display, but until it is shaped and directed it is incapable of any sort of purposeful utility.
A spell’s components are the physical requirements that must be met in order to cast it. Each spell’s description indicates whether it requires verbal (V), somatic (S), or material (M) components. If the caster can’t provide one or more of a spell’s components, the caster is unable to cast the spell.
- Verbal (V)
Most spells require the chanting of mystic words. The words themselves aren’t the source of the spell’s power; rather, the particular combination of sounds, with specific pitch and resonance, sets the threads of magic in motion. Thus, a caster who is gagged or in an area of silence, such as one created by the silence spell, can’t cast a spell with a verbal component.
- Somatic (S)
Spellcasting gestures might include a forceful gesticulation or an intricate set of hand motions. If a spell requires a somatic component, the caster must have free use of at least one hand to perform these gestures.
- Material (M)
Casting some spells requires particular objects.
A caster can use a spellcasting focus in place of the components specified for a spell. But if a cost is indicated for a component, he must have that specific component before he can cast the spell.
If a spell states that a material component is consumed by the spell, the caster must provide this component for each casting of the spell.
A spellcaster must have a hand free to access a spell’s material components — or to hold a spell-casting focus — but it can't be the same hand that he uses to perform somatic components.

As a lich most of his magical abilities are instinctive to him. The fear he inspires, the negative energy projected from his body and by his touch, and the resistances he possesses can be activated and deactivated at will as easily as breathing for him, and he doesn't need to breathe.

As a wizard he does have some powerful spells in his book, but there are several limiting factors.
He is limited to only casting spells that he has recorded, memorized, and formulated in his spellbook.
And the price for casting this magic is the power stored in his magical tools.
The wizard must have a spell prepared and memorized from his spellbook in order to cast it, as well as any components required for the casting.
In addition, they must have a magical tool that stores magical power and then projects it in a usable medium that is then influenced by the words, gestures and materials present.

In addition to his natural aptitude and intellectual achievements in arcane spellcraft, he is also a capable faith-based caster as he pays homage to divine and eldritch entities of death and undeath.
Being favored by such entities he's been granted several miracles that he can call on as favors from his patron.
These miracles sometimes have requirements he must meet, usually in the form of sacrifices.
A phylactery is a receptacle of the lich's soul, and it can take nearly any shape or form.
When his body is destroyed, his soul is not present but continues to reside in his phylactery. After a period of several days his body will be regenerated and free to pursue his goals once again.

If Hedron is destroyed and his phylactery found and destroyed, he will be permanently dead, unable to regenerate forevermore. If Hedron is not destroyed but his phylactery is, then Hedron's soul returns to his body and he must craft another phylactery before he can face destruction again.



As a magical and sentient undead he is attributed with certain magical effects apart from what is described in his traits.
His mastery of negative magical energies is heightened by the natural negative energy that animates, fuels and springs forth from his undead body.
Partnered with complex chants and incantations this energy can be turned into potent magical spells of dark magic and negative element.

- Touch of the Grave: The caster conjures a spectral clawed hand that latches onto a living target, the chill of the grave seeps into the victim and temporarily causes their body to stiffen in a magically induced rigor mortis while they are still alive.

- Negative Restoration: This spell infuses an undead subject with negative energy, restoring the corpse and repairing damage to the body in a profane mimicry of holy healing spells.

- Negative Ray: A beam of black radiance shoots out from his hands, driving a force of life draining anti-energy that does no physical damage but saps the vitality from the target.

- Bone Armor: Upon his touch, bones become thicker and boney ridges appear across them, making them harder, tougher, and more resistant to non-magical physical damage.

As one who inherited magic through his lineage, he maintained this ability even into undeath. In spite of his natural power, he has delved into the arts of wizardry, arcane magic through the use of tools and ingredients and instructions.
He is possessing of a large grimoire of spells compiled from his years of research and exploration, a book that contains the recipes for casting advanced and simple magic spells without tapping into his own reserves of magic.

Wizard Spells Known:
- Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60ft.
- Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks.
- Read Magic: Magically translates a script, allowing the caster to read scrolls and spellbooks.
- Touch of Fatigue: Touch attack fatigues target.

- Animate Corpse: Negative energy is infused into a corpse of humanoid shape, having an upright torso, head, an assortment of limbs ranging from one to four and possessing a size between 2ft to 8ft. The power animates the corpse into an imitation of life and movement and binds the newly minted undead to follow the commands of the caster. This undead functions without concentration and will continue to follow its orders until it is destroyed.
The corpse can be fresh or old, possessing flesh or only bones in any state where most of the corpse exists in order to function to some degree.
- Explosive Flames: The caster conjures a ball of fire and launches it at a target, exploding in a wide area on impact.
- Magic Darts: Five floating darts manifest around the caster and fly at any target chosen by the caster. It strikes the target dealing small amounts of magical force damage that ignores armor.
- Levitation: The caster causes himself to levitate and float up or down and slowly float around at will.
- Create Bone Scythe: Animated bones assemble and bind themselves to make a scythe. The scythe disassembles once the spell ends.
- Flesh to Ice: The caster throws a ball of ice up to 80ft, on a hit the living target makes a fortitude save or is frozen and restrained with ice. Targets who successfully resist the spell don't take as much damage and are not bound.
- Cause Fear: Causes one subject of weak will to flee for 6 to 24 seconds.
- Chill Touch: The touch of the caster afflicts the subject with necrotic rot as well as a subtle drain on strength.
- Ray of Enfeeblement: A beam of enervation, causing weakness and fatigue.
- Mage Armor: Enhances the physical defense of the caster with a magical armor that covers the body, deflecting blows and preventing attacks from striking too deeply and blunting the effects of most weapons.
- Command Undead: Undead creature obeys your commands until the spell ends.
- Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
- Spectral Hand: Creates disembodied glowing hand to deliver touch attacks.
- Dispel Magic: Cancels magical spells and effects.
- Hold Person: Paralyzes one humanoid temporarily.
- Nondetection: Hides subject from divination, scrying.
- Enervation: Subjects affected by this spell are weakened overall, their magical and physical ability are reduced as if a whole year of experience and development have been erased.
- Curse: The caster lays a curse on the subject, specifying the effect. Depending on the power of the curse, it will require a way to break it.
- Scrying: Spies on subject from a distance.
- Summon Undead: Temporarily summons undead to fight for you.
- Cloudkill: A deadly green cloud that causes death over a large area.
- Antimagic Field: Negates magic in an area within 10 ft of the designated spot.
- Halo of Death: An aura of death that surrounds the caster, killing the living that come too close.
- Contingency: Sets trigger condition for another spell.
- Create Undead: Creates ghouls, ghasts, mummies, or mohrgs.
- Greater Arcane Sight: As arcane sight but also reveals magic effects on creatures and objects.
- Control Undead: A spell that forcibly takes control over most kinds of undead, unless they are already being controlled.
- Touch of Death: Kills one subject.
- Create Greater Undead: Create shadows, wraiths, specters, or devourers.
- Dimensional Wall: Bars extradimensional movement, blocking any kind of Teleportation in or out of the area.
- Deathtrap: Triggered rune slays nearby creatures.
- Apocalypse: Animates hundreds of corpses at once to create a horde of undead.
- Word of Death: Kills one creature who's been sufficiently weakened to not resist the spell.
Cleric Spells Known:
- Virtue: Subject is temporarily covered by an invisible shell that can absorb a single attack.
- Resistance: Subject is temporarily enhanced to better resist the effects of other spells.
- Inflict Minor Wounds: The touch of the caster causes a physical cut to appear on the subject.
- Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.

- Deathwatch: Reveals how near-death subjects within 30 ft. are.
- Doom: One subject is suddenly inundated with bad luck and becomes prone to mistakes.
- Divine Shield: The aura around the caster deflects attacks, making it harder to land a solid strike.
- Sanctuary: Until the caster attacks or casts a hostile spell, anyone intending to do harm to the caster receives a powerful compulsion to not attack.
- Desecrate: Fills an entire area with negative energy, making undead within that area stronger.
- Enthrall: Subjects within a certain radius around the caster who can see the caster are charmed and unable to take hostile action until they are harmed in any way.
- Gentle Repose: Preserves one corpse, preventing it from decaying.
- Silence: Negates sound in 15-ft. radius.
- Curse: The caster lays a curse on the subject, specifying the effect. Depending on the power of the curse, it will require a way to break it.
- Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease.
- Dispel Magic: Cancels spells and magical effects.
- Dimensional Wall: Bars extradimensional movement, blocking any kind of Teleportation in or out of the area.
- Inflict Critical Wounds: The touch of the caster causes a physical deep cut to appear on the subject.
- Freedom of Movement: Subject moves normally despite impediments.
- Poison: Touch bestows subject with chosen poison.
- Mass Inflict Light Wounds: The touch of the caster causes a physical cut to appear on the subject. To many creatures.
- Pain Trap: Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures caught in the area with debilitating pain.
- Conjure Undead: Temporarily summons a number of weak undead to fight for the caster.
- Unhallow: Designates location as unholy.
- Antilife Field: 10-ft. field hedges out living creatures, driving out and preventing them from entering the area.
- Harm: The touch of the caster causes a lethal injury to the subject no matter what body composition they possess, unless they are undead.
- Greater Glyph of Magic: A magical symbol that can either explode with deadly magic, or store a spell to be cast with a specific trigger.
- Blasphemy: Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes subjects affiliated with good and holy alignments.
- Control Weather: Changes weather in the local area.
- Ghostly Jaunt: The caster becomes Ghostly and ethereal, allowing them to pass through nonmagical objects and creatures for a limited time.
- Deathtrap: Triggered rune outright slays nearby creatures caught in the area.
- Unholy Radiance: An aura of shadow that protects against holy and light elements.
- Apocalypse: Animates a massive number of corpses to create a horde of undead.

Dark Gifts:________________________________________________________________
++ Cause Fear: Causes one subject of weak will to flee for 6 to 24 seconds.
++ Death Toll: Kills a dying creature; the caster is rejuvenated with the creature’s final vitality.
++ Animate Corpse: Negative energy is infused into a corpse of humanoid shape, having an upright torso, head, an assortment of limbs ranging from one to four and possessing a size between 2ft to 8ft. The power animates the corpse into an imitation of life and movement and binds the newly minted undead to follow the commands of the caster. This undead functions without concentration and will continue to follow its orders until it is destroyed.
The corpse can be fresh or old, possessing flesh or only bones in any state where most of the corpse exists in order to function to some degree.
++ Death Ward: Grants immunity to death spells and negative energy effects until the spell ends.
++ Slay Living: Touch attack kills the subject.
++ Awaken Undead: Grant sentience to otherwise mindless undead.
++ Destruction: Kills subject and destroys remains.
++ Create Greater Undead: Create shadows, wraiths, specters, or devourers.
++ Scream of the Banshee: Kills a large mass of creatures that can hear the scream.


This magic staff is the catalyst through which Hedron casts many of his spells, preserving his own natural power in favor of magical tools to maximize his potential.
The staff itself houses several protective and utility enchantments that can be activated by specific words or incantations. Since the magic is a function of the staff, the caster is unburdened by concentration to focus on other things while the staff operates independently.

- Protection Mode: A state of magical activity that activates several enchantments at once. A magical ward that prevents non-magical weapons from striking the wielder, a spell ward that prevents spells and magic affects that propel or launch a damaging effect at the wielder that he is actively aware of, a mental buff that enhances his mental resistances and fortifies his ability to overcome illusions and glamours.

- Sentry Mode: An active magical state where the staff operates as an autonomous entity. If not actively grasped, it will hover on its own and use magical divining sensors to identify threats to the wielder, then use a variety of elemental attack spells to eliminate the target, starting with fire it will then go to water and ice, then acid, then thunder or sound, then lightning and electrical damage, then pure force. It will determine which element is most effective then continue to use that element until the enemy is dead, the staff runs out of magic, or the wielder deactivates the function.

- Diviner Mode: This magical state activates several divination spells to discover as much information as possible about a particular target, most effective against inanimate objects. It can determine the physical composition of an object, material or substance, it can detect the presence of magic and identify the types of enchantments that are on an object (if any).
This amulet is a platinum pendent on a silver chain, the pendent shaped into the likeness of a skull. The face of the amulet has four enchanted jewels that possess different effects that can be activated by a command word.
The amulet itself as a whole has a single passive effect.
This amulet was supposedly created by an ancient, defeated lich who specialized in necromancing and creating unstoppable hordes of undead, empowered beyond their normal capabilities.

- Jewels of Death: The four jewels inset into the skull faced pendent have four different effects activated by command words. Each jewel can be activated twice a day and regain power at every dusk.
The first jewel activates a soul aura which gathers transient souls to be stored in the amulet for later use.
The second jewel activates to cast a negative energy aura which drains all life and harms the living caught in a five-foot radius around the wearer as a short-range burst attack, harming even the wearer if they are among the living but physically enhancing and rejuvenating the undead.
The third jewel activates a spell that infuses souls stored in the amulet to physically and magically empower any undead created or enhanced by the powers of the wearer. Temporarily granting the undead greater strength and durability and greater reserves of magical power of they are capable of spells.
The fourth jewel activates a spell that emits a fast-moving black fog out from the wearer to a 100ft radius. Any living creatures caught in the fog are drained of their vitality and become slowed and fatigued, while undead are energized and quickened.

- Amulet of Death: The passive ability of this amulet grants a general enhancement of physical durability to the wearer and any undead created or raised by the wearer, granting them above average toughness against physical attacks and resistance against magical attacks, including the holy and light elements which allows them to last a little longer against such specialized opponents.
Hedron wears a set of magical gauntlets that imbue his body with additional defensive strength, enchanted with the power to better withstand and survive physical attacks even by a magical weapon. The magic blunts the effects of damage to the body, dispersing force and halting objects before they can strike too deeply.
Similar to the Enchanted Gauntlets, this ring further enhances the physical and magical protection surrounding his body.
These gloves magically enhance the reaction speed and dexterity of the wearer.
This enchanted Circlet fortifies the mind of the caster and increases the intellectual capacity and capabilities of the wearer.
This is a satchel with an expansive interdimensional space that can hold far more than its size indicates
An integral part of becoming a lich is creating a magic phylactery in which the lich stores its life force. As a rule, the only way to get rid of a lich for sure is to destroy its phylactery. Unless its phylactery is located and destroyed, a lich reappears 1 to 10 days after its apparent death.

Hedron's phylactery is an undisclosed hidden object in his horde.
Summoned creatures and objects with a duration of concentration are sustained by this magic item until the summon is dispelled or the item is unattuned. This item can maintain concentration on 5 different summons indefinitely.


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