Recent content by Glamses

  1. Melu

  2. Glamses

    Witness Me.

    Don't worry, chum: we'll work it out in DM's! I appreciate the warm welcome nonetheless!
  3. Glamses

    Witness Me.

    Most people aren't Hawaiian, nor practice the language: it was super mind-boggling to see it where I least expected, not to mention a little broken ;)
  4. Glamses

    Witness Me.

    Hello, everyone! My name is Glamses: the rockin'-est dude around by many accounts, with a long history of diabolical and belladonnic powers unleashing themselves upon unsuspecting forums of monocultural structure. I recently arrived here at the request of a friend, and I hope to bring much...
  5. Glamses

    LFG Looking not for the one, but the many

    Yes... YES... As a fellow newcomer, I think this is the thread for me! I'll spawn a few fresh-faced fellows to throw into the mix.