Captain Wark
Captain is a tall man, a former soldier and city guard he possesses an imposing physique of solid lean muscle. His nearly Jett black hair is grown out and wavy but doesn't quite reach his shoulders. His facial hair is trimmed and he has an all around charming appearance.
His face is all at once handsome yet hard, the lines in his face etched with the history of a longtime soldier having buried many friends and comrades.
His face also holds a slightly feral cast now, his skin formally weathered and darkened by years in the sun and wilderness is now alabaster pale and even fair and smooth.
In spite of his undeath his body still possesses countless scars from his lifetime of war and fighting.
He dresses in clean commoners garb, trousers with a buttoned shirt and tall soldiers boots. He was allowed to keep his equipment after he left the city guard, his guardsman's uniform, an iron breastplate, pauldrons, gauntlets and armored shin plating.
Over the top of his armor he wears a hooded green cloak.
He carries a longsword, shield, and a guardsman's spear.
His face is all at once handsome yet hard, the lines in his face etched with the history of a longtime soldier having buried many friends and comrades.
His face also holds a slightly feral cast now, his skin formally weathered and darkened by years in the sun and wilderness is now alabaster pale and even fair and smooth.
In spite of his undeath his body still possesses countless scars from his lifetime of war and fighting.
He dresses in clean commoners garb, trousers with a buttoned shirt and tall soldiers boots. He was allowed to keep his equipment after he left the city guard, his guardsman's uniform, an iron breastplate, pauldrons, gauntlets and armored shin plating.
Over the top of his armor he wears a hooded green cloak.
He carries a longsword, shield, and a guardsman's spear.
Skills, Traits & Weaknesses
Warrior: He's a skilled soldier and warrior, having been trained in the use of weapons such as the sword, spear, bow, and hand to hand combat. His training as a city guard has also added physical restraint techniques to his repertoire for apprehending criminals.
Vampiric Traits-
- Power: As a vampire he is gifted with a superhuman boost to both his strength and speed, and with his undeath his endurance is practically limitless.
- Age: Vampires are immortal and can be any age. Vampires retain the physical appearance of the age at which they were turned at during their mortal life. They also retain the psychological development associated with that age, therefore vampires who did not reach adulthood in their mortal life may still have the impulses of an adolescent in their vampiric life.
- Blood Drinker: Even though he is undead, he still requires sustenance in the form of blood to sustain his unholy existence. He is immune to diseases. He does not need to eat or breathe, but he can ingest food and drink if he wanted, though this food is always bland and stale to him. If he goes for longer then seven days without drinking at least one ration of blood, he suffers from exhaustion on the midnight of that day, which can only be removed by drinking a ration of blood. After consuming one ration of blood, he recovers all of his energy. If he goes six weeks without blood he will be destroyed.
- Darkvision: He can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. He can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
- Bite: All vampires have sharpened teeth capable of tearing flesh from bone and draining blood from the body. Drinking blood this way during combat is equal to consuming a ration of blood. When he uses his Bite he can make it painless and even have a euphoric effect.
- Claws: As a vampire he has a set of claws, his claws are retractable natural weapons.
- Spider Climb. He can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings.
Vampiric Weaknesses-
- Forbiddance: He can't enter a residence without an invitation from one of the occupants.
- Running Water: His flesh is torn apart in the presence of water.
- Stake to the Heart: If a piercing weapon made of wood is driven into his heart while incapacitated in his coffinlike structure, he becomes paralyzed until the stake is removed.
- Sunlight Hypersensitivity: He sears and burns in the light of the sun, his flesh immolating, his senses reduced. With prolonged exposure he will turn to dust.
- Spawn. He is only a vampire spawn, a fledgling, and as such his will is circumvented by that of his true vampire master. There is little he can do in the way of resisting his master and can't take actions to harm them, however, he can pervert the intent of their commands by exploiting their poor wording. The knowing perversion of such a command though will often lead to his destruction if his master believes it to be so. Any attempt to go against his masters will or pervert their command requires a tremendous force of will.
Captain, once an open and outgoing man enjoying the company of woman and comrade, given to joking and witty banter back and forth with friends and enemies alike and exuding the confidence and spirit of a man living his life to the fullest, has now become withdrawn.
He keeps to himself, he avoids company and conversation, hides away from his friends and casts them away from him for their own sakes, fear being a much more profound aspect of his life now that death and destruction await him at nearly every corner.
He keeps to himself, he avoids company and conversation, hides away from his friends and casts them away from him for their own sakes, fear being a much more profound aspect of his life now that death and destruction await him at nearly every corner.