Brenna Ardullsson
Unlike most of her kind who have decided to continue their education to pursue a career in fighting, the years Brenna was unable to do so mean physically she has a lot of catching up to do. Less muscled and built like a brick privy, Brenna is shorter, curvier and more slender. However, the past few years under the tutelage of her uncle have seen her begin to bulk up more. Instead of skin and bones, Brenna has put on a good layer of muscle and filled out more. He frets she takes too much after her mother, who is also on the more slender side, however her lithe nature means she often outwits her opponents more on agility and strategy than brute force. She has blonde hair she keeps braided, though fine tendrils always seem to have escaped the weave, giving her the appearance of someone who is busy constantly. Brenna has inherited her mothers captivating eyes, which are a deep and vast blue, framed by thick and long eyelashes. Paired with her fine skin and high cheekbones she turns more than a few heads now she has reached the cusp of adulthood, though she is entirely oblivious to it.
In her Svalen form she takes the form of a beautiful copper-gold bear. Like in her human form, her bear form is slightly more slender than most of her fellow apprentices.
In her Svalen form she takes the form of a beautiful copper-gold bear. Like in her human form, her bear form is slightly more slender than most of her fellow apprentices.
Skills and Abilities
Svalen: Like most of her race, Brenna has the ability to shape-shift into the form of a bear. The transformation is easy and painless, like stepping in to another coat. Scars, wounds, and permanent injuries transfer between her two forms. This also means her deafness transfers between her forms.
Heightened senses: Like most of her people, Brenna has an incredibly good sense of smell. However, in the years following her loss of hearing Brenna found her other four senses made up for her lack of hearing even further. Her sense of smell far surpasses that of her fellow novices, she appears able to pick up movement further away than most, she is incredibly sensitive to taste and also touch. This has its downfalls. At times busy areas can become too much for these other senses, and touch can cause her to physically flinch if she has had too much of it recently.
Sign Language: After losing her hearing Brenna learnt sign language. However, the language was geared towards the communicating on the battlefield and hunting, not the more everyday aspects of life. Irritated she couldn't communicate well anymore, Brenna helped to develop the language alongside some of the more well respected educators of the kingdom. Their work means that now the language can be used in multiple ways, and Brenna has helped teach it to tutors across the land, as well as herself teaching all young children as part of their education in Fiirevik.
Lip reading: Brenna has learnt how to lip read incredibly well and she can follow most conversations with ease without the use of sign language on their part.
Weaponry: Brenna is now two years into her formal education under her Uncle Haandel. Her natural skills have fitted in more with swords and spears, which require quick and fluid movements. She can use the heftier pole arms and axes, but currently lacks any particularly skill in them above the basics.
Heightened senses: Like most of her people, Brenna has an incredibly good sense of smell. However, in the years following her loss of hearing Brenna found her other four senses made up for her lack of hearing even further. Her sense of smell far surpasses that of her fellow novices, she appears able to pick up movement further away than most, she is incredibly sensitive to taste and also touch. This has its downfalls. At times busy areas can become too much for these other senses, and touch can cause her to physically flinch if she has had too much of it recently.
Sign Language: After losing her hearing Brenna learnt sign language. However, the language was geared towards the communicating on the battlefield and hunting, not the more everyday aspects of life. Irritated she couldn't communicate well anymore, Brenna helped to develop the language alongside some of the more well respected educators of the kingdom. Their work means that now the language can be used in multiple ways, and Brenna has helped teach it to tutors across the land, as well as herself teaching all young children as part of their education in Fiirevik.
Lip reading: Brenna has learnt how to lip read incredibly well and she can follow most conversations with ease without the use of sign language on their part.
Weaponry: Brenna is now two years into her formal education under her Uncle Haandel. Her natural skills have fitted in more with swords and spears, which require quick and fluid movements. She can use the heftier pole arms and axes, but currently lacks any particularly skill in them above the basics.
Like her brother Valthar, Brenna didn't take after her father in terms of his brash and bold personality. However, she did share in his love of fighting. As a very young child she was adventurous, curious and loved nothing more than to play fight with her father. Even before the accident she was incredibly intuitive and her parents used to comment that it was as if she had been on this earth before. Despite her dream of one day earning the right to ride a Strekker in the army, Brenna loved with all of her heart and was a very sweet girl - her laugh and surprising gifts of woven art softened even her fathers grizzled heart. Despite being the apple of her fathers eye, her true love was her older brother Valthar, who she would shadow constantly.
It was a crippling blow as a young child to be told the future she had dreamed of for herself of following in his footsteps was gone forever. It was yet another blow when she lost her father soon after and their family moved to be with her Uncle. Brenna became a very quiet child, though she was still a sweet and affectionate one. The cruel blows fate had dealt her gave her a strong streak of stubbornness and determination, which spurned many of her life choices including her quest for a language that still connected her to her home, her journey to find her Svalen, and her eventual enrolment into the army. Her quietness can often come across as shyness, and her gentleness mistaken for weakness.
Brenna still loves with all her heart and remains a stark contrast to most of her peoples brash natures, though they only ever seem to make her love her people more.
It was a crippling blow as a young child to be told the future she had dreamed of for herself of following in his footsteps was gone forever. It was yet another blow when she lost her father soon after and their family moved to be with her Uncle. Brenna became a very quiet child, though she was still a sweet and affectionate one. The cruel blows fate had dealt her gave her a strong streak of stubbornness and determination, which spurned many of her life choices including her quest for a language that still connected her to her home, her journey to find her Svalen, and her eventual enrolment into the army. Her quietness can often come across as shyness, and her gentleness mistaken for weakness.
Brenna still loves with all her heart and remains a stark contrast to most of her peoples brash natures, though they only ever seem to make her love her people more.