The ever impeccable Baenon. A highly skilled pursuer of the Erlking's targets, he became a prize acquisition of the Wild Hunt over a millennia ago. Having formerly tenured within the Winter Court as a sleuth and investigator for Queen Mab, he made a begrudging departure from his life of quietude amidst the tumult of the death of close friend Traynor. He's not only experienced in tracking down those who do not wish to be found, but has a calculating head on his shoulders as well as a chip or two.
Presently doing dirty work for a purpose he's never been quite in-line with among a cadre of fellow dog-minded fae in the Autumn Court, he's finding the life of the Wild Hunt isn't quite the glorious dream it had been made out to be. His sense of self preservation and order in his life having been fully perturbed, Baenon seems intent on doing something about it but finds himself incapable of sloughing off the expectations of others.
A jack of many trades and Master of a select few, Baen's talents include ley-tracking, breaking and entering, sniffing out irrefutable truths, squinting in distaste, cooking for one, symmetry and feng shui, making hasty exits of undesirable social gatherings, and cleaning up all manner of unholy messes.
<Briefly describe what your character looks like>
Skills and Abilities
<List a few key skills your character has>
<What is your character's personality like?>