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For as long as monsters and creatures of the night have existed on Arethil, the Noct Yaegir has worked to bridge the gap between those with the misfortune to encounter these beings and those hunters who are willing to provide a solution. Working as a network or conglomerate, the Noct Yaegir is a shadow organization that provides the resources and necessary communication methods for informing hunters and mercenaries where the creatures of the night have bled into the mortal world and where their services are needed.
Who can be a Yaegir?
Anyone with the ability and gumption to pick up a weapon and put down a monster with it. All races, creeds, skillsets, and cultures are welcome and there is a Yaegir locale in every major area of the world.
How do I join?
Successfully complete a monster hunting mission or bounty and bring proof of your work and the bounty to the closest Yaegir Keep. There you can swear in to the Yeagir brotherhood and its governing laws then receive your Yaegir Pendant from the attending Keep Warden.
Where are they located?
Everywhere. Major Keeps and minor Dens/Outposts are located all across the map - though not every Keep has been developed as of yet. If you are interested in developing a Keep that does not yet have a description in the NC Wiki, please send me and Rainer a DM either on the forum or on Discord. (I am Velaeri and Rainer is Rainer Venandi in the Chronicles discord).
Can I write a Warden or Ranger?
At this time we'd like to keep Wardens and Rangers as named NPCs in order to facilitate continued activity within the locations, this way no one is waiting around for another member to write the attending Warden or Ranger in order to get their threads going. If popularity of the Noct Yaegir picks up in the future, we may consider opening them as PCs for members to "adopt" and write.
Can my character already be a member?
Absolutely. If it makes sense for your character's history and journey to have joined the Noct Yaegir in the past, that's perfectly fine. The Noct Yaegir have been around for a LONG time, ICly.
Can my character join even though he/she/they are already part of a Featured Group like the Dreadlords or Thanasis?
Yep! Noct Yaegir is an open association. Think of it like a Guild or a Club. While the conglomerate itself holds no allegiance to any ruling power in any region, it DOES work with local ruling Kingdoms and leaders in order to best place and utilize their hunters where and when they are needed.
Is this like The Witcher? Does my character have to get mutated to join?
No. And yes. Rainer and I will be the first to admit that the Noct Yaegir are heavily influenced by the Witcher books, games, and tv series. We're big fans and we've taken a lot of inspiration from the Witcher as well as other Monster Hunter type settings. However the Noct Yaegir differ in that we are not creating Yaegir in the fashion or vein of Witchers. We're not mutating people for the job - we're simply giving those who are already hunting monsters or WANT to hunt monsters a place and group to call home.
This sounds fun and cool, can I help?
Definitely, we're always open for ideas and help! We'll be looking for people who want to assist with routinely creating beasties for our Yaegirs to hunt, and bounties for the forum members to use for threads.
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