Imperial Hands
Many special interest tasks fall outside of the reach and scope of ability of the Imperial Army. In many instances a more subtle approach is necessary to supplement the Empire's advance or to resolve a matter quietly. The Imperial Hands stand ever ready to eliminate those that would stand in the Empire's way with surgical precision and deadly efficiency.
Where the Imperial Army is a mighty hammer, designed to crush the enemies of the Empire of Amol-Kalit with brutal force, the Imperial Hands are a fine scalpel, hand crafted to resolve issues that require much more finesse. While the Hands serve a variety of roles within the organization, their ultimate purpose is simple: to loyally serve the will of the group's creator, Medja of Ragash.
The Imperial Hands are divided into four subgroups, each specializing in a particular role.
- Emerald Hands are the enforcers, the muscle. Be they powerfully built warriors or destructive mages, the Emeralds are the one subdivision that still operate on brute force over subtlety. They serve as security to the Kaliti nobility and Divan, as crowd control, as heavy support to law enforcement, and occasionally as shock troopers.
- Onyx Hands are assassins. While usually not as potent as Emeralds, Onyxes play the part which requires the most skill and puts them in the most danger. Many are skilled in both the magical and martial arts, weaving arcane power with matchless bladesmanship. To be marked by an Onyx Hand is to be consigned to an unavoidable death,
- Quartz Hands are couriers. While not as illustrious or exotic in their duty as the other subdivisions, Quartzes are still incredibly important. Maintaining a steady flow of information is vital to the Empire's ability to subsist, and ensuring that the moving of messages and packages is being done reliably and without tampering is what Quartzes do best.
- Sapphire Hands are spies and information brokers. Where Quartzes transport information, Sapphires are the ones who acquire it. The Sapphire Hands will stop at nothing to gather knowledge they deem important, and none are better at rooting out the spies and assassins of rival factions and nations as they are. They, perhaps above all the other Hands, contribute immensely to the safety of the Empire at large.
The Imperial Hands were originally founded by Medja of Ragash many, many years before the Battle of Ninagal and Ragash's subsequent annexation into The Empire. In the times before Gerra of Molthal conquered Ragash, they had been dubbed the Unseen Hands, and they served only to manifest Medja's will in her city. Since Medja became a courtier under the God-Emperor, however, the sorceress repurposed the group into one that would serve not just her own will, but that of the Empire as well.
"Trust is the most valuable thing one can acquire, more so than any precious metal or jewel. Believe it or not, there are quite a few individuals who I have come to trust in my time -- most of them just happen to fall under my employ."
-Medja of Ragash
-Medja of Ragash
The Imperial Hands are very few in number, owing to two main reasons. The first is that Medja values quality to far greater degrees than quantity; indeed, the the least among the Emerald Hands is worth ten Imperial soldiers. The second is that the members of the organization are handpicked by Medja herself. Only those found to be competent, efficient, and utterly loyal to her are found worthy of being admitted to their ranks.
Outside of the Imperial Divan and the Emperor himself, the Empire at large do not know of the overall purpose of the Hands, only of their existence. Imperial Hands are an exceedingly rare breed, even the enforcers among them trusted to secrecy about their operations and policies. The exceedingly few who have betrayed the trust of their mistress have invariably vanished from existence, rumored to have been hunted down by their once-kin and delivered to Medja to suffer a fate worse than death.
In spite of this, the relationship that Medja builds with each hand is one that is based not upon fear, but upon pride, friendship, and mutual respect. Many of the Hands began their lives as slaves and urchins, coming from the absolute dregs of society, only to have great potential seen within them by Medja and be uplifted and given a chance to shine.
The Hands often have strong bonds with each other as a result. While competition is encouraged among them to aid in each Hand's constant effort to improve, each Hand is wholly aware that they are each a piece of a finely tuned machine that can only function properly if each part works in concert with the others.
Imperial Hands that live long enough generally retire relatively early, fabulously wealthy, and with Medja's blessing.