Walter Banick
Appearance and Equipment
* Groomed short brown hair, trimmed beard and curled mustache, brown eyes, fair skin, 6'0", solid soldier's build. Missing his right eye, wears an eyepatch.
* Usually wears a stylish dark blue doublet, dark pants, gloves, and a tan knee-length overcoat. If armored, he dons mastercrafted, articulated plate armor.
* If armed, usually it's with an arming sword.
Skills and Abilities
Nobleman: Count Walter, from the wealthy trading House of Banick, is a rich man. From superior equipment for himself to maintaining his own personal army, Walter leverages his fortune and his resources liberally to achieve his ends. Additionally, his noble upbringing has afforded him a fine base of education, from which he expounded on throughout the years.
Military Commander: Walter has presided over a number of police actions, skirmishes, battles, invasions and defenses, against the enemies of Vel Anir, both foreign and domestic, and has known laudable success. This experience has given him a sound grasp of military tactics, strategy, and logistics. A soldier himself, more often than not commanding from the front lines, Walter is skilled in swordsmanship and fighting within a unit.
Preparation is the Key: Lacking magical aptitude himself, and against foes who are physically superior, Walter has to employ preparation to even the odds. With foreknowledge or proper estimation of what he can expect in a given situation, Walter can leverage his wealth to secure enchanted items, scrolls, potions, and other equipment to better help combat foes. In a world of magic and monsters, the mundane man's providence is to be ready beforehand.
Personality and Characteristics
* Proud and loyal. Quietly arrogant despite outward appearances. Generally of a cool, "in control" demeanor. Eloquent, though can become terse if he gets angry or frustrated. Calculating and ambitious. Serious, generally, but not ceaselessly so. Also despises House Pirian.
* A leader from the front. Thinks it cowardly to ask of others to do what you yourself would not. Cares about the betterment of those around him, a high tide lifts all boats mentality...so long as they don't get in his way.
* Holds himself in high regard (as is only befitting a man of his station of course) and is very keen about social hierarchy. That said, he is still a believer in meritocracy, and extends respect and esteem to men of worthy and demonstrated character, highborn or no.
* Might makes right, but those who wield the sword must do so responsibly, defending kin and state as solemn duty. Strength is the one universal currency, and all understand it, even barbaric non-humans; thus, Vel Anir would be best served with strong, stalwart leadership, for its citizens to take heart in and for its enemies to be pacified by.
* Mildly xenophobic, though it can at times be taxing tolerating their presence, and he doesn't enjoy differing cultures (yet this remains true even for different human cultures). But, generally speaking, if the non-humans in question don't have a problem with humans, Walter won't have a problem with them.
* Fatherly. Likes assuming the role of mentor to those who are able and willing to benefit from his tutelage.
+ Avid reader of the histories.+ Patron of the arts.
+ Enjoys leisure time at his personal beachfront estate at Ostia Anir. Quite the swimmer.
+ Enjoys a relaxing, professional shave.
+ Occasional drinker and smoker, though he'll only ever drink whiskey and only ever smoke from a pipe.
+ Finds brothels to be utterly immoral for both the men and women involved. Tangentially, he himself is divorced, after certain credible but unproven allegations surfaced concerning his ex-wife. The reason for his divorce, in his words, "The wife of a Banick must be above suspicion."
+ Admires those with high energy and initiative. Loathes those who are slack and lazy.
Biography and Lore
Second in line to inherit the House of Banick.
Count of Ostia Anir, port city on the Cortosi Coast, and of the proximate lands.
Mastermind behind the kidnapping of Kristen Pirian, and the Battle of the Blades which resulted.
Walter Banick is a man with ambition and dedication to his country and House. Whether as "monarchy" or republic, Walter wants only for Vel Anir's place upon Arethil to be secure, its power unquestioned and its will unhindered. Forms of government may change, but what remains immutable: that strong leadership is non-negotiable if the people of Vel Anir are to survive and thrive. House Banick, in Walter's judgment, can be made to provide that firm leadership.
If certain changes are made...
First Annual Solstice BallFather and Daughter
Awakening of the Exalted
What Has Become of Us
The Canal
The Battle of the Banicks (Slain in Battle)
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