Bored one night, Vasilios made a bet with a fae friend of his to see if he could survive outside of the summer court with humans for at least five years. He was young and had little contact with non-fae but he accepted the wager. The only problem? He had to live in the Empire. Not just live in the empire but find a way to thrive. The Empire was still young, at least in the fae's eyes.. He feared the empire would crumble before the five years were up. By technicality, if the empire crumbled, then he would lose the bet. Vasilios must help the empire survive for at least five years without revealing his true identity.

Vasilios takes on the appearance of a beautiful man with black long hair that goes past his shoulders, dark brown eyes, and a tattoo sprawling across his left shoulder. He typically wears black clothing with golden jewelry adorning his head, ears, and neck. He is yet to reveal his true form.
Celestial Alignment
Vasilios is a Solar Fae. During the day, he is fairly powerful but he weakens at night. As such, he tends not to cause too much mischief during the night.
Elemental Alignment
Fire is his element. He will never be burned by anything other than iron and silver. But he has to be careful about this or risk revealing his true fae nature.
Skills and Abilities
Magic: Across Arethil are magical ley lines which Harper and other fae can tap into. These lines connect centers of magical power meaning that when she is in areas with a higher concentration of magic her abilities are stronger. Magic is borrowed by fae from these lines and can be stored in their bodies to be used as well as be tapped into during times of need. As this is raw power it can often take many forms dependent on need, though he is governed by the same laws of magic as every other creature of Arethil.
Contracts/Deals: Everyone knows that a deal with a fae is binding. In order to hide his fae nature, Vasilios writes down all his deals in "magical" contracts that cannot be broken until both sides have carried out their bargain. Since he chooses to write down his deals, this allows him to be a bit more specific and create more loopholes.
Fairy Charm: Whether he tries to or not, he has a natural charm that follows him around. This magical charm is ineffective with other fae or people with fae ancestry. Anybody else? Well, then it works like a charm. He cannot force anybody to do anything but it does give him an edge in conversation and encourages others to listen to him.
Talent Hunter: This is a non-magical skill. Vasilios was born with a natural ability to spot talent within a person or group. Especially if it's an artistic talent.
Study of The Arts: This is a non-magical skill. Before leaving the Summer Court, Vasilios was obsessed with the arts. He loved to learn about singing, painting, etc. He would "borrow" books from other fae about art and culture across the world. He would collect scrolls, books, tools, paintings, music sheets, and much more. After 300 years of collecting and learning about it, he has a lot of knowledge over the subject. Just don't ask him to actually paint something.
Contracts/Deals: Everyone knows that a deal with a fae is binding. In order to hide his fae nature, Vasilios writes down all his deals in "magical" contracts that cannot be broken until both sides have carried out their bargain. Since he chooses to write down his deals, this allows him to be a bit more specific and create more loopholes.
Fairy Charm: Whether he tries to or not, he has a natural charm that follows him around. This magical charm is ineffective with other fae or people with fae ancestry. Anybody else? Well, then it works like a charm. He cannot force anybody to do anything but it does give him an edge in conversation and encourages others to listen to him.
Talent Hunter: This is a non-magical skill. Vasilios was born with a natural ability to spot talent within a person or group. Especially if it's an artistic talent.
Study of The Arts: This is a non-magical skill. Before leaving the Summer Court, Vasilios was obsessed with the arts. He loved to learn about singing, painting, etc. He would "borrow" books from other fae about art and culture across the world. He would collect scrolls, books, tools, paintings, music sheets, and much more. After 300 years of collecting and learning about it, he has a lot of knowledge over the subject. Just don't ask him to actually paint something.
Fae Code: Like many fae, he has a strong moral code which can lead to some weaknesses, depending on how you use it. He must be a polite host whenever someone enters his home. He absolutely will not kill anything, even if he ends up dying instead.
Iron/Silver: The touch of iron or silver burns him.
Cooking: Anything he cooks will turn into a disgusting mess. He will somehow burn water. If it's soup, expect to find a dirty old shoe. He understands what good food looks like but he struggles with the process. All prayers goes to those who eat his cooking.
Water: He can tolerate being in or around water but his magic weakens when he is in a large body of water.
No Swimming Lessons: He cannot swim. He will drown.
Biscuit: Vasilios has a cat named Biscuit. He would be devastated if anything happened to the cat. It is a normal cat and can easily be killed.
Iron/Silver: The touch of iron or silver burns him.
Cooking: Anything he cooks will turn into a disgusting mess. He will somehow burn water. If it's soup, expect to find a dirty old shoe. He understands what good food looks like but he struggles with the process. All prayers goes to those who eat his cooking.
Water: He can tolerate being in or around water but his magic weakens when he is in a large body of water.
No Swimming Lessons: He cannot swim. He will drown.
Biscuit: Vasilios has a cat named Biscuit. He would be devastated if anything happened to the cat. It is a normal cat and can easily be killed.
A flirtatious and elegant young man who is passionate about the arts, culture, and his cat. Despite his initial presentation, people tend to find out that he's a crafty fae who is unafraid to go after what he wants. He enjoys to laugh and party and loves life. He sees the world as a dangerous and beautiful thing that must be admired.
Yet... at times he hates it. All the people, all the crowds. At times it feels like the crowded rooms are completely empty. He cannot put his finger on it but there are times in which he feels like nothing matters at the end of the day. Not even himself. Vasilios will never admit to these feelings and chooses instead to focus on the drama of the world. Who wanted to feel things anyway?
Yet... at times he hates it. All the people, all the crowds. At times it feels like the crowded rooms are completely empty. He cannot put his finger on it but there are times in which he feels like nothing matters at the end of the day. Not even himself. Vasilios will never admit to these feelings and chooses instead to focus on the drama of the world. Who wanted to feel things anyway?
Biography & Lore
Born in the summer court, he grew up with his three parents. His father and two mothers. They raised him within the family and trained him on how to be a proper summer court fae. But he was a very lonely child. He wasn't allowed to leave the summer court nor was he allowed to explore with humans or any other non-fae. Even normal animals proved to be a poor playmate. They had too short of lives. He did get attached to this one human boy who appeared to be around his age. They played together for a while but Vasilios had to return home. When he finally came back to find the boy, he discovered he had died fifty years ago. That was the last time Vasilios treated humans like a playmate.
The many many years passed and he was finally a full grown adult at age 400. During a festivity with another fae friend, he made a bet over whether not he could survive living among humans for five years. The winner of the bet would receive a personal treasure given by the loser of the bet. However, there was a catch. He had to live within The Empire for five years. The Empire, a newly established kingdom, (at least new to the fae) that would probably crumble.
Despite knowing this, Vasilios took the bet. He donned a human disguise and convinced a lower ranking noble family living in Annuakat to take him in as their only son. According to the paperwork, he is their son and joined the Jaziri household. Rumors say that he was a bastard son that they brought in out of desperation. He lived with them for a bit to confirm this then moved into his own tower within the noble community.
After being gifted some money from his "family", he has been carefully spending it to invest in certain artist. Although he's aware that he cannot help The Empire grow through battle or expand politically, he has intentions to help it culturally. He would give certain artists money and in exchange they would pay him back with interest. It wasn't just artists either. Restaurants, stalls, etc. He had an eye for talent and was able to guide these groups of people to the right people using his fae charms and a bit of magic.
As he invested more, he gained more and more money in the repayments. The Jaziri household has suddenly become far wealthier than it used to be and he has even started earning a bit of name recognition. He has started hosting parties, funding more artists and businesses, and even organizing public art events. He started getting a reputation of being a patron of the arts.
NOTE: His true name is not Vasilios. That is the secondary name he goes by.
The many many years passed and he was finally a full grown adult at age 400. During a festivity with another fae friend, he made a bet over whether not he could survive living among humans for five years. The winner of the bet would receive a personal treasure given by the loser of the bet. However, there was a catch. He had to live within The Empire for five years. The Empire, a newly established kingdom, (at least new to the fae) that would probably crumble.
Despite knowing this, Vasilios took the bet. He donned a human disguise and convinced a lower ranking noble family living in Annuakat to take him in as their only son. According to the paperwork, he is their son and joined the Jaziri household. Rumors say that he was a bastard son that they brought in out of desperation. He lived with them for a bit to confirm this then moved into his own tower within the noble community.
After being gifted some money from his "family", he has been carefully spending it to invest in certain artist. Although he's aware that he cannot help The Empire grow through battle or expand politically, he has intentions to help it culturally. He would give certain artists money and in exchange they would pay him back with interest. It wasn't just artists either. Restaurants, stalls, etc. He had an eye for talent and was able to guide these groups of people to the right people using his fae charms and a bit of magic.
As he invested more, he gained more and more money in the repayments. The Jaziri household has suddenly become far wealthier than it used to be and he has even started earning a bit of name recognition. He has started hosting parties, funding more artists and businesses, and even organizing public art events. He started getting a reputation of being a patron of the arts.
NOTE: His true name is not Vasilios. That is the secondary name he goes by.