Tholbor Militia

Tholbor Militia

Biographical information
Physical description
Political information
Clan Tholbor, Clan Blacklocks, Kingdom of Khazar
Out-of-character information

The Tholbor Militia are the Dwarves of Clan Tholbor and the Valley of Tholbor who are willing to take up arms for clan and hold. They once served as auxiliaries for the Iron Legion of Khazar. Once Khazar fell they operated as the town militia, defending from goblin raids and pirates who risk traveling a days march inland. Their location near the Gulf of Ryt and its proximity to the Blightlands has made these impoverished kin fierce warriors.

  • Name: Tholbor Militia
  • Group Type: Militia
  • Size: 500
  • Alignment: Lawful Good


Tholbor Militia protect the Valley of Tholbor and the surrounding villages. The militia boast a large number of fierce warriors but lack in many fields. Their armor is ramshackle pieces of ancient heirlooms and bucket helms, leather coats and rusty mail cuirasses. Their weapons are more often than not trade tools. From axes and scythes to hammers and mallets. A handful of dwarves are able to afford swords. Only eighty in the militia own crossbows and composite bows. These kin serve as hunters for their township and as scouts in the militia.











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