Tatum Sankori
Tatum is a red hair maiden who always wears a smirk on her face, whether from amusement or getting sweet revenge. She wears her long hair wavy and soft, since she cares for her appearance very much. She's beautiful, with sharp elegant features and deep blue eyes. She's curvy and looks magnificent in gowns but she usually wears dark clothing and light armor to match. Sometimes she wears a masquerade mask to cover her face that has a golden design, given to her by her mother when she was young. Across her body she has marks when she was whipped by her father and the people at juvenile center she attended in Cerek At'hul for misbehavior when she was twelve. The most noticeable one are the scars across her neck when a student attacked her with faux claws out of jealousy and hatred.
Skills and Abilities
Class: Rogue, Bladedancer
Tatum is great at lot of things, thanks to her intense training and hard work. Her expertise varies, from acrobatics to swordsmanship to general althetics. She enjoys swimming, martial arts, scaling walls, parkour and using magic to her advantage. She's well knowledged in astronomy, mathematics, and science, since she wanted to have a career in those fields. Just for fun she took classes for escape artists, piano, violin, art, cryptography, blacksmithing, and hunting, so she's very well off.
In magic Tatum specializes with fire, lightning, and camouflage. She uses her magic to enhance her own skills, like speed and strength, and some say that her own aura strengthens her magic by itself. But she thinks it's just her anger and rage built up that did it.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Tatum is a very ambitious and charming young woman. She grew up in a rough household and in even rougher juvenile center, so she knows how be tough and determined for everything she wants. She's usually in the know about everything concerning her and uses that intelligence against her rivals. She's always prepared for things, since she thinks ahead. She doesn't give out her respect freely, so she treats people like they're lower than her until they prove themselves. Although she's not very open about herself, she's a great listener and open-minded, but she's realistic as well. She speaks her mind when she feels like a wrong choice or idea is being shared and will defend herself well if she feels like she's right.
When she cares for someone, she's fiercely loyal and passionate. She hates when people's she thinks are important in her she is are upset, hurt, or angry, so she'll use everything in her power to make things better for them, even if it costs hers or anyone else's life. She always holds a grudge, so if anything happens to her or her friends, she will avenge whatever happened.
Biography & Lore
Tatum was the last of a set of triplets to be born, but they were all separated at birth due to inconvenience. Her birth mother was a noble woman who didn't want children and paid for them to be taken care of by someone else. The carriage that carried them was ransacked and the bandits managed took all but one of them. Tatum was the one who avoided being taken and the travelers quickly rid back to her mother, who ended up feeling ashamed and wanted her children back. After hearing what had happened, she took care of her daughter with as much love as a mother could, but the lucky twin grew up angered about her sisters' fates. Her father didn't help. He didn't know of his other two daughters but Tatum was enough. He was very hard on her and even abused by beating her half to death for her failures. She was weak and pathetic when she was young but she grew up to be very strong and resilient, valuing honor and power than anything else, but mostly power.
She felt that they were still alive, although everyone told her that it was very unlikely, but she had faith. No one had heard about and red haired babies but she never stopped yearning for their presence. Tatum always had a big temper and she focused it on making herself stronger and more powerful. She was sent to Elbion when she was sixteen to learn from powerful mages, praised her for her strength but scolded her for her apathy towards others and ruthlessness. She only did things that benefited her and other she cared about.
Now Tatum works as a mercenary, always on the look out for her sisters, although it has become almost like a childhood dream now, and she builds up her strength everyday wherever she can, whether it's killing people she doesn't like or doing things that are too daunting to others.
She knows of her twin sisters but not if they're alive and well.
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