Arlowe Ravaryn
Arlowe is a young woman with short red hair and hazel eyes. She's tall and thin, to most she looks like a young boy at first but when they hear her soft and girly voice they know her place. She likes to wear pants and thick shirts. She usually wears a dark hooded cape to hp disguise herself in the night. Across her torso and her left cheek are the scars left from when bandits raided the carriage she was in as a baby. Along the top of her back is the large burn mark when she was punished by someone she'd stolen from, one who had next to no mercy. She always walks around with her hands in fists, like she's ready to punch anyone. Along her right arm she has the tattoo of a roaring tiger with eyes spewing smoke. On her ankle she has a tattoo of words in the Elven language that says "Mark my words, or my blade."
Skills and Abilities
Class: Rogue, Theif
Arlowe is good at things pertaining to thieving, which includes pickpocketing, stealing, sneaking around quietly, disguising herself, maneuvering in dangerous places, parkour, hiding, and spying. She's great at using melee weapons such as small blades, large blades, axes, bo sticks, and clubs. She also uses magic such as illusion making, shadow manipulation, and creating small blasts of energy, but nothing exceptional. She finds magic convient, not a necessity, because she feels like it will run out sooner or later.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Arlowe is a playful and brave young lady who will do what she thinks is right, usually in her own way. She's bold and crafty, always taking chances and usually just trusts her conscious. She has strong morals and cares deeply for those in need, having lived in a poor family herself and knowing the struggle of having little to know money in a populated area. She's very stubborn and doesn't give up easily, even when whatever situation she's in feels dire. She doesn't take herself too seriously and likes horsing around and teasing others. She usually tries to lighten the mood, even during depressing events. Some would say she's even optimistic but she does have some negative thoughts, especially when it comes to caring for her family. She's prone to procrastination though and sometimes puts things off when but she doesn't like to leave things undone for too long.
Biography & Lore
Arlowe was the second of a set of triplets to be born, but they were all separated at birth due to inconvenience. Her birth mother was a noble woman who didn't want children and paid for them to be taken care of by someone else. The carriage that carried them was ransacked and the bandits managed took all but one of them. Arlowe was one of the stolen. They were taking the babies to Bhathairk when their group was overwhelmed by blithe orcs. The ones that managed to get away with most of their supplies eventually reached Bhathairk but they were caught and arrested. They were sentenced to death but no one knew what to do with the baby.
One of the guards said he knew of someone who wanted children. He ended up giving her to a friend and she was raised by a merchant and his family of six other children. As she grew up she learned how to gamble, steal, spy, and trick people, but all to support her family, who had became poor due to bad times. She learned merchantry from her very successful uncle.
She knows of her twin sister but not if they're alive and well.
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