Syr Matvi Iramene

Syr Matvi Iramene

Biographical information
The Valen Wilds 31 Astenvale
Physical description
Human Male 5' 9" Lithe a dark auburn Bellamy Sun-kissed
Political information
Knight Sworn of Dusk, Medicant, Scribe, Researcher
Out-of-character information
Dingo 7/18/24 Art by Zaicon

A bastard, of Bellamy blood. Son to Enrika Iramene, Mistress of the Iramene estate, a minor March Hold west of the Valen Wilds. His stepfather, Rodrick Vodlan, has little love for him.

He arrived at the Monastery at the formative age of sixteen, upon recommendation of one Syr Vodlan of Dawn, Rodrick's younger brother. A fresh burn still healing across the left side of his face.

Now, Syr Iramene is one of the Order's Sworn Medicants. Trained in the arts and magicks of healing, he can oft be found in the Nymphaeum, attending to many a Knight after their most perilous encounters.


Of average height and build. He is lean, with a boyishness to him. He has a distinct burn scar patterened about the left side of his face.

Skills and Abilities

Pursuits of Magick-

Healing - Skilled
Anti-poison - Skilled
Curse Breaking - Proficient

Mind Diving - Proficient
Sleep Weaving - Skilled
Ice Magic - Rudimentary

Spirit Calling - Rudimentary
Soul Sealing - Proficient
Curse Breaking - Proficient

Non Magick

Combat - Proficient
Fabric Craft - Skilled
Cooking - Passable (barely)
Bartending - Proficient
Riding - Not Good
Animal Handling - See riding


Probing, Tender, Optimist, Sober, Patient

Biography & Lore

Trainee Logs

Squire: Matvi Iramene
Family: First son of Enrika Iramene, born out of wedlock. Half brother to Vendrick and Lilhelmina Vodlan. Stepchild to Rodrick Vodlan.
Year of Recruitment: 257
Notes: Well spoken, can read and write. Quick temper. Not good with a sword. Has a knack for weaving.


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