", be careful about trusting what you hear of me."
- Srash, to You.
Srash is a First Level Dreadlord. He is pledged to House Luana. At their pleasure, he has served in a multitude of roles since joining their house - from just muscle to intelligence gathering.
Srash was born to a couple that lived on the edge of the Falwood. His father was caught poaching by Vel Aniran authorities just before he turned ten. It was then that they discovered his latent talents in magic and "recruited" him into the Dreadlords. Srash never discovered the fate of his parent - nor did he seek such information after become a full fledged Dreadlord.
During his time at the Academy, Srash developed his magical abilities to a point of distinction. It allowed him to graduate and become an Apprentice by age fourteen. His mentor, Acher Wehr, had similar talents as Srash in illusion magic. Srash journeyed with Wehr as the elder Dreadlord performed tasks for House Luana.
After a few years under Acher Wehr, Srash procured evidence that the Dreadlord conspired against House Luana. In response, Srash presented this evidence to House Luana along with Wehr's head. Since then, Srash served House Luana as a Dreadlord.
Eventually, Srash earned the distinction of a First Level Dreadlord via his service to House Luana. His talents have served the House with intelligence gathering and discretely removing nuisances from the picture.
Even then, Srash still served his time on the battlefield when called. The scars on his face served as evidence for this service.
During his time at the Academy, Srash developed his magical abilities to a point of distinction. It allowed him to graduate and become an Apprentice by age fourteen. His mentor, Acher Wehr, had similar talents as Srash in illusion magic. Srash journeyed with Wehr as the elder Dreadlord performed tasks for House Luana.
After a few years under Acher Wehr, Srash procured evidence that the Dreadlord conspired against House Luana. In response, Srash presented this evidence to House Luana along with Wehr's head. Since then, Srash served House Luana as a Dreadlord.
Eventually, Srash earned the distinction of a First Level Dreadlord via his service to House Luana. His talents have served the House with intelligence gathering and discretely removing nuisances from the picture.
Even then, Srash still served his time on the battlefield when called. The scars on his face served as evidence for this service.
Personality and traits
Srash emulated his masters' demeanor. He would be affable to all he needed to speak to. He also maintained the appropriate etiquette depending on who he spoke to - being extremely humble to the nobility while still respectful to the common-folk. He held an outward appearance of respect to his Dreadlord peers and sought to mentor the young.
And just like his masters', Srash never hesitated to snuff out a life for their benefit. Nor did he ever complain when he had to physically rearrange a prisoner's body or mind to get answers they desired...
And just like his masters', Srash never hesitated to snuff out a life for their benefit. Nor did he ever complain when he had to physically rearrange a prisoner's body or mind to get answers they desired...
Powers and abilities
Just any other Dreadlord, Srash was trained in both magical and physical combat.
For physical combat, he wields a spear-tipped staff. He would not be a battlemaster in such combat, but it would be difficult for anyone untrained in combat to best him even if he never tapped into his magic. And then coupled with successful use of his own magic, Srash could stand against talented swordsmen.
When it comes to magic, Srash goes slightly against the Dreadlord standard. Instead of raw, damaging power, Srash specialized in illusion magic. During his time at the Academy, he even managed to trick instructors every once and a while.
His abilities with such magic were a wide range. He could make one see things that did not exist, reverse the sounds they hear in their ears, and more.
While he does not have the raw, destructive power of Dreadlords like Selene Avar, Srash is still capable of producing deadly spells one would expect from any successful Dreadlord. Coupled with how he has hidden such spells with his illusion magic, he is able to punch above his weight.
The upper limit of how many people could be affected at one time is not known to anyone but himself. Depending on conditions in the battlefield, he could fool both sides. This can be used to hide devastating spells he prepared for ahead of time, his own comrades' spells, or entire Aniran forces. This is why he earned the distinction of a First Level Dreadlord.
The downside is that Srash has tells for when his magic is activated. Anyone of any magical skill (even none) can discover these tells. Usually once a victim discovers how one of Srash's spells works, a repeat of the same spell would be ineffective. Srash attempts to get around this deficiency via either killing the subjects of his magic or cycling through which spells his uses for a given foe.
For physical combat, he wields a spear-tipped staff. He would not be a battlemaster in such combat, but it would be difficult for anyone untrained in combat to best him even if he never tapped into his magic. And then coupled with successful use of his own magic, Srash could stand against talented swordsmen.
When it comes to magic, Srash goes slightly against the Dreadlord standard. Instead of raw, damaging power, Srash specialized in illusion magic. During his time at the Academy, he even managed to trick instructors every once and a while.
His abilities with such magic were a wide range. He could make one see things that did not exist, reverse the sounds they hear in their ears, and more.
While he does not have the raw, destructive power of Dreadlords like Selene Avar, Srash is still capable of producing deadly spells one would expect from any successful Dreadlord. Coupled with how he has hidden such spells with his illusion magic, he is able to punch above his weight.
The upper limit of how many people could be affected at one time is not known to anyone but himself. Depending on conditions in the battlefield, he could fool both sides. This can be used to hide devastating spells he prepared for ahead of time, his own comrades' spells, or entire Aniran forces. This is why he earned the distinction of a First Level Dreadlord.
The downside is that Srash has tells for when his magic is activated. Anyone of any magical skill (even none) can discover these tells. Usually once a victim discovers how one of Srash's spells works, a repeat of the same spell would be ineffective. Srash attempts to get around this deficiency via either killing the subjects of his magic or cycling through which spells his uses for a given foe.