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Sovereignty Castle
Sovereignty Castle serves as the headquarters of the Sovereign Order, and is the seat of the sovereign council, as well as where the Heavenly Throne is located. It houses most of the order's military power and the leadership of the seven departments.
The terrain around Sovereignty castle is a hilly one, with a few hills occupying most of the surrounding land. The castle itself is located on the tallest of these hills, right by a cliff. Beneath the cliff is a wide river, which, together with the cliff, serve as a natural barrier, protecting the castle from sieges from that direction. The hills and valleys surrounding the castle also make it hard for any besieging army to assault the castle. Beyond the hills, mostly just forests and plains, giving wide visibility to the sentries, making it easier to see approaching armies.
The castle has several structures, each with their own functions, from the walls on the outside, to the keep in the center of the castle.
The Walls
Around the castle, are two concrete walls, the inner wall twice as tall as the outer wall. Both walls have sentry towers all along them, each one manned at every hour of the day in rotations. Atop each tower floats a crown and crossed swords flag, a symbol of the order's dominance and sovereignty over the land that surrounds it. In between the walls, is a moat, deep and filled with alligators.
The barracks and Eatery
The barracks house the order's forces across four very large floors, making it the castle's largest structure after the walls. There are three floors above ground, and one below ground. The squires and silver knights reside in this building, in small shared rooms.
Detached from the main barracks is another building which houses the golden knight and celestial knight ranked officers. The celestial knights enjoy small individual rooms, while the golden knights share rooms that less congested as compared to the lower ranked knights.
The eatery is right next to the barracks and is where the soldiers have their meals. It also gives the soldiers a chance to unwind after a long day's work with some drinks. The soldiers pay for their own drinks, and this money is solely used to purchase more drinks for the eatery.
Detached from the main barracks is another building which houses the golden knight and celestial knight ranked officers. The celestial knights enjoy small individual rooms, while the golden knights share rooms that less congested as compared to the lower ranked knights.
The eatery is right next to the barracks and is where the soldiers have their meals. It also gives the soldiers a chance to unwind after a long day's work with some drinks. The soldiers pay for their own drinks, and this money is solely used to purchase more drinks for the eatery.
Council and Guest lodgings
This refers to the lodgings given to the councillors and guests of the order, such as diplomatic envoys, for example. It is a building of its own, with its own infrastructure for meals. The accommodations are bigger and more luxurious than those of celestial knights.
The Training field
This is the area of the castle used for the training of initiates and where already established members hone their skills. A building, two floors high, is located right by it, and temporarily serves as the academy for new initiates.
The Keep
This is the center of the castle, where most of the bureaucratic work is done. It is divided into three floors. The first floor is where most of the work happens. It is divided into seven sections, which serve as the center of the bureaucracy of each department.
The second floor is where the offices of the knight commanders and councillors are located. It is also where the council chambers, where the council sits to discuss issues, is, as well as where the throne room is located.
The third floor is the supreme monarch's exclusive quarters. His office is also on this floor, as well as the dining room where he hosts his guests.
The second floor is where the offices of the knight commanders and councillors are located. It is also where the council chambers, where the council sits to discuss issues, is, as well as where the throne room is located.
The third floor is the supreme monarch's exclusive quarters. His office is also on this floor, as well as the dining room where he hosts his guests.
The Granary and watershed
In order for an army to survive, it needs food and water. Within Sovereignty Castle, there is a complex which serves the specific purpose of making sure the castle doesn't run out of either.
The granary stores food purchased from nearby settlements and transported to the castle via its supply routes, while the watershed serves the purpose of treating water gotten from the river, by boiling and filtering it, and storing this water.
The granary stores food purchased from nearby settlements and transported to the castle via its supply routes, while the watershed serves the purpose of treating water gotten from the river, by boiling and filtering it, and storing this water.