I traveled southwards
I did not plan to reach this Residence,
expecting strife would happen;
I did not think to live after him.
I did not plan to reach this Residence,
expecting strife would happen;
I did not think to live after him.
-- The Tale of Sinuhe, 1875 BC
Once the trusted courtier of a wealthy emir, Sinuhe's career path changed abruptly when a greater power killed his leader and erased the name of his land from the maps. Now he does whatever.
Tall in stature and broad of shoulder, Sinuhe was blessed with a good brow and straight tusks. He keeps his midlength hair tied back in a high frond and, in a small slight against desert fashions, prefers to stay clean shaven. A scar down the right side of his face seems recent, the skin there gouged deep and silvery-grey.
Skills and Abilities
In his time as a courtier, Sinuhe's duties were not well defined. This might have turned other men to sloth, but he always hated staying still. Sinuhe found a role as strategist and advisor, leading small warbands and organizing supply lines - whatever his emir needed at the time. He took the time to hone his own skills in combat and became an established warrior in his own right. Not the best nor the strongest, but capable of standing next to the men that he commanded at least.
Combat Skills
Combat Skills
- Swordsmanship
- Horseback Riding
- Strategy
- Basic First Aid
- Animal Husbandry
- Musical Instrument - Lyre
- Woodworking
- Astronomy & Navigation
- Good Handwriting
An earnest sort, Sinuhe has a hard time hurting others and loathes to tell a lie. Despite the deceptions of the court, this loyal nature of his served him well, and his previous lord trusted the young man with things well above his station. Some could argue that his reputation is not well earned, as the man lacks experience, and can fail under pressure.
In conversations, Sinuhe is not above enjoying a good joke, but has a serious lean himself, and often goes about his day with a solemn intensity that others might mistake for irritability. The glowering cast to his eyes does not help this perception. In truth, he is slow to anger and cautious in battle, unwilling to escalate a situation unless there is good cause.
In conversations, Sinuhe is not above enjoying a good joke, but has a serious lean himself, and often goes about his day with a solemn intensity that others might mistake for irritability. The glowering cast to his eyes does not help this perception. In truth, he is slow to anger and cautious in battle, unwilling to escalate a situation unless there is good cause.
Biography & Lore
There was no reason to run, actually.
The coup was a peaceable affair, little blood shed and the emir's children unharmed. No one had Sinuhe's name on their lists, no blame had been placed on him. He could have kept his position, sworn fealty to the next warlord to take over, remained in the valley that his tribe had lived in for so long.
Yet, when the messenger came to deliver the news of his emir's death, Sinuhe hid like a common criminal. And then, he ran.
The coup was a peaceable affair, little blood shed and the emir's children unharmed. No one had Sinuhe's name on their lists, no blame had been placed on him. He could have kept his position, sworn fealty to the next warlord to take over, remained in the valley that his tribe had lived in for so long.
Yet, when the messenger came to deliver the news of his emir's death, Sinuhe hid like a common criminal. And then, he ran.