Sibylle Avar
Sibylle Avar was born in the ancient Anirian Bastion of Vel Asre.
Sister to now dead Archon Selene Avar, Sibylle was born nearly ten years after her now passed sibling. Unlike her sister, Sybille was not found by the Proctors of the Dreadlord Academy. Due to the intervention of her sister she has instead lived a rather peaceful and quiet life in the quiet mountain fields of the Allir Reach.
Though most would expect that this quiet life has been a benefit to her, Sibylle has grown up bitter, angry, and entirely lost among those whom she should have called her peers.
Unlike others within her village, Sibylle has a constant feeling of being out of place. She does not believe, and has never believed, that the Allir Reach is her home. Incessantly there is a voice in the back of her head that she does not belong, that she is meant for greater things, and that she should not be wallowing away within a tiny Village among long forgotten farms.
This is truth, of course, has recently wormed it's way to the surface, and after a confrontation with her adoptive parents she has broken away in search for greater purpose.
Leaving the Allir Reach, Sibylle has sworn to return to her true home and find her sister. Perhaps seeking some form of validation in her abilities and what she is meant to do.
After finding out that her sister was killed, Sybille was inducted in the Academy. There she trained for three years, learning some small amount of control over her powers and eventually making some friends. Ingratiating herself as the sister of the Archon Selene Avar.
When the Revolution struck and the Republic took over, Sybille decided not to stay at In Vel Anir and ran away with her friends.
Skills and Abilities
Though not quite a pyromancer like her Sister, Sibylle's magic is closely connected to her siblings.
She does not have control over fire, nor earth, but instead wholly their combination. Sibylle can most easily be described as a lavamancer. She is capable of creating, drawing forth, and manipulating molten streams of earth as easily as any elemental.
This natural talent caused her untold amounts of distress when the abilities first began to manifest, though as she grew older it's control became more and more natural.
Despite this, Sibylle did not grow up with the structure of the Academy. Nor did she have a true teacher.
Because of this, there is something utterly wild about Sibylle's magic. Her abilities are often linked to her emotions. Anger, melancholy, and most negative emotions draw forth her abilities more than any other. More than once in her childhood she was thrown into a fit of rage which nearly burnt down the entirety of her village.
Though she is capable of some control when calm, Sibylle's magic has a way of wild fluctuating. This makes her not only powerful, but incredibly dangerous even in the best of times. A lesson that has been taught more than once throughout the years.
She does not have control over fire, nor earth, but instead wholly their combination. Sibylle can most easily be described as a lavamancer. She is capable of creating, drawing forth, and manipulating molten streams of earth as easily as any elemental.
This natural talent caused her untold amounts of distress when the abilities first began to manifest, though as she grew older it's control became more and more natural.
Despite this, Sibylle did not grow up with the structure of the Academy. Nor did she have a true teacher.
Because of this, there is something utterly wild about Sibylle's magic. Her abilities are often linked to her emotions. Anger, melancholy, and most negative emotions draw forth her abilities more than any other. More than once in her childhood she was thrown into a fit of rage which nearly burnt down the entirety of her village.
Though she is capable of some control when calm, Sibylle's magic has a way of wild fluctuating. This makes her not only powerful, but incredibly dangerous even in the best of times. A lesson that has been taught more than once throughout the years.
Biography & Lore
Sibylle was born nearly ten years after Selene Avar.
At the time of her birth Selene had already been taken by the Academy nearly three years earlier. Her parents had thought that the odds of birthing another magical child was next to none, and thus had decided they would attempt once more.
They were of course, wrong.
Though neither of them knew this for some time, it became apparent when their now grown daughter appeared at their daughter. Graduating from the Academy at the age of only sixteen, Selene, unlike many Dreadlords, still had vivid memories of her family.
Due to this she sought out her parents, and when she found her little sister was abhorred to realize that the young girls gifts mirrored her own. Filled with rage at what her parents had allowed to be done with her, and unwilling to let her sister endure the same torture Selene turned to what she thought was her only option.
With her magics she turned their home into an inferno, attempting to burn her family and taking her vengeance while simultaneously preventing her own sister from growing up a tool of the state.
When the fire finally died, the last of the flickering embers settling down did not find silence. Instead she heard the cries of a toddler, the young Sibylle sitting amongst the ashes untouched by heat and flame.
Selene, wracked with guilt, took her sister and used what meager resources she had to send her away. Still refusing to allow Sibylle to share the same fate as her, Selene sent her sibling as far away as she could. Eventually the girl ended up in the Allir Reach, two loving adopted parents taking her in. Each month they received a stipened, growing larger as the years wore on and Selene became more solidified in her place.
Though her life was peaceful, Sibylle never felt quite at home within the Reach.
Her parents were loving, kind, caring. In turn she gave them the same, yet there was a constant frustration within her heart. She did not know why until she confronted her mother and father, the truth eventually coming to bare as her magics threatened to consume their home within her rage.
Finally told the truth, Sibylle felt no relief, but instead only more anger. She stormed from her home, each step a burning pool of molten earth. Her things were thrown over her shoulder, and without a word she began a journey across the world.
A determination to find her sister and learn of who she was set into her heart.
After finding out that her sister was killed, Sybille was inducted in the Academy. There she trained for three years, learning some small amount of control over her powers and eventually making some friends. Ingratiating herself as the sister of the Archon Selene Avar.
When the Revolution struck and the Republic took over, Sybille decided not to stay in Vel Anir and ran away with her friends.
At the time of her birth Selene had already been taken by the Academy nearly three years earlier. Her parents had thought that the odds of birthing another magical child was next to none, and thus had decided they would attempt once more.
They were of course, wrong.
Though neither of them knew this for some time, it became apparent when their now grown daughter appeared at their daughter. Graduating from the Academy at the age of only sixteen, Selene, unlike many Dreadlords, still had vivid memories of her family.
Due to this she sought out her parents, and when she found her little sister was abhorred to realize that the young girls gifts mirrored her own. Filled with rage at what her parents had allowed to be done with her, and unwilling to let her sister endure the same torture Selene turned to what she thought was her only option.
With her magics she turned their home into an inferno, attempting to burn her family and taking her vengeance while simultaneously preventing her own sister from growing up a tool of the state.
When the fire finally died, the last of the flickering embers settling down did not find silence. Instead she heard the cries of a toddler, the young Sibylle sitting amongst the ashes untouched by heat and flame.
Selene, wracked with guilt, took her sister and used what meager resources she had to send her away. Still refusing to allow Sibylle to share the same fate as her, Selene sent her sibling as far away as she could. Eventually the girl ended up in the Allir Reach, two loving adopted parents taking her in. Each month they received a stipened, growing larger as the years wore on and Selene became more solidified in her place.
Though her life was peaceful, Sibylle never felt quite at home within the Reach.
Her parents were loving, kind, caring. In turn she gave them the same, yet there was a constant frustration within her heart. She did not know why until she confronted her mother and father, the truth eventually coming to bare as her magics threatened to consume their home within her rage.
Finally told the truth, Sibylle felt no relief, but instead only more anger. She stormed from her home, each step a burning pool of molten earth. Her things were thrown over her shoulder, and without a word she began a journey across the world.
A determination to find her sister and learn of who she was set into her heart.
After finding out that her sister was killed, Sybille was inducted in the Academy. There she trained for three years, learning some small amount of control over her powers and eventually making some friends. Ingratiating herself as the sister of the Archon Selene Avar.
When the Revolution struck and the Republic took over, Sybille decided not to stay in Vel Anir and ran away with her friends.