Sei Honzou-Dahn

Sei Honzou-Dahn

Biographical information
The Spine 18,743 The Spine
Physical description
Amol Khalit Dragon Female 6'8" 220lbs Black Brown Olive
Political information
Warrior, Noble
Out-of-character information

Beautiful and radiant, Sei's appearance hides her lethality. Trained in the Art of War and trained in the Way of the Warrior, she is a dangerous foe upon the battlefield whether in her human form or that of the dragon she is. For Sei, true perfection is found on the battlefield or at the end of a blade.


Sei wears her black hair long, often in braids of varying intricacy. Most of the time where she is outside of her home in the Spine, she wears masterwork, lacquered armor lined with specialized materials designed to retain heat and protect the bearer. Within her home, luxurious kimonos and other attire are her usual choice; the rarer and more exquisite the better.

Skills and Abilities

A highly trained, highly motivated, and professional warrior, Sei has spent countless human lifetimes mastering both the overt and covert Arts of War, the specialization of her Dahn. She knows how to use and kill with most common weapons and many exotic, more specialized ones as well. While her skills with magic have suffered in the process, she remains proficient with lightning and wind magic as befits a warrior and member of the Honzou-dahn. Outside of combat and conflict, Sei has taken a liking to calligraphy and poetry, often spending her time off the battlefield toying with haikus or illuminating and transcribing various manuscripts and tomes. In addition, as a guilty pleasure that most of her family consider acceptably odd, Sei dabbles as a confectioner, making various candies and sweets with surprising skill.


Sei is aloof, distant, and cold to most, even to her own Dahn. She is utterly merciless on the field and has been known to accept any difficulty for victory at any cost. Such a hardened exterior is, to the keen and trained observer, partly a facade as such a grizzled and elite warrior has often been seen quietly giving children of many dahns candy and sweets made herself when few are looking.

Biography & Lore

Born to Honzou himself, the Dhanesh of the Honzou Dahn of Amol Khalit Dragons, Sei was raised as all Honzou-dahn children are brought up: mastering the arts of war. Careful study and harsh training coupled with practical experience on the battlefield honed Sei into a powerful and proud warrior. She fought for many, many years with her Dahn and slowly became known for her skill, determination, and confidence on the battlefield. Sei personally led battles and sieges against other Dahns and lesser races, carving out territory and their resources for her own Dahn won just as much by skill of logistics as skill at arms. Under her gaze, the steady hand of her Dahnesh, and the strength of her kin, fortresses were erected and grand palaces built bearing the banners of Honzou. A golden age was visible on the horizon, a period of power and prosperity for her Dhan, but visions and delusions of grandeur distract the unwary from those in the shadows.

The upward rise of Sei and her Dahn ended like many things do; in fire and blood. Beset from within by the agents and assassins of rival Dahns and besieged from without by the growing armies and power of lesser races, the Honzou-dahn found their expansion slowed, halted, and transformed into a creeping retreat. For every battle won and territory defended, many more were lost. For every celebrated birth, mourners wept for their mounting dead. Soon, in time, the combined efforts of assassins, murderers, and swarming armies pushed the Honzou-dahn into the Spine. For centuries the War Dahn fought back, Sei among the fiercest fighters, but one by one the Dahn died. First in droves as they defended their homes, then in scattered handfuls. Slowly, one by one, they faded away until only the memories remained, twisted and darkened as their rivals cast the Honzou-dahn name into the dust and dirt and returned to their parties and politics to let lesser beings do their fighting for them. For generations they lay almost forgotten, a distant ghost of the past used to frighten Dahn children, but like all ghost stories there are kernels of truth.

While much of the Honzou were wiped out, some remained. Locked away in hidden vaults and citadels among the peaks and clouds, the remnants of the Honzou-dahn realized that war had changed. Gone were the days of proud warriors and heroic stands upon the battlefield. True, their pride and prowess remained, but to survive in a world of shadows and death, Sei and her remaining family realized that to survive and, arguably, thrive in a changed world they needed to understand and master not just the Art of War, but its shrouded and darkened underbelly as well. They sacrificed honor and tradition and embraced darkness, shadow, and death in turn.

Murder among the Dahn is relatively common, but usually one Dahn or another claims responsibility, veiled or plainly open for all to see. Occasionally, however, none lay claim. A dragon goes missing, never to be found, or is discovered murdered in an unreachable room by an unseen assassin. Rumors begin to circulate of deeds or words in back rooms and dark corridors, yet none know from where despite their veracity. Hired assassins or warlords disappear, their body returned piecemeal, yet none claim the deeds. Where light meets shadow, the Honzou-dahn now walk, slowly following a plan only Sei knows.

With her mother killed in battle in the fall of the Honzou-dahn and her father left crippled early on by an assassin's attack, day to day leadership of the Dahn was left to Honzou's children. One by one they perished to war or murder. As the noose tightened, the Dahn dwindled until Sei, one of Honzou's youngest daughters, was left to guide where he could not. Under her guidance, the Dahn survived and evolved. Under her hand, they have refrained from such mundane emotions such as revenge. Under Sei's leadership the Dahn has decided that if the world is to be ruled by a singular Dahn, it shall be them... or none.


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