A face easily forgotten, with ever-changing markings, Sebast is an individual who is happy to remain in the shadows, aloof from the conversations and activities of those around her. She rarely remains in one place for very long, only stopping at towns to restock any necessary items she cannot procure in the wild and peddle what wares she might happen to have on her person. More often than not these come in the form of strange potions and ointments brewed by her own hand, though anything of intrigue she discovers on the road is just as likely to be added into the mix.
She is most often covered from head to toe in a breathable red cloak that wraps around her simple traveling attire which is made up of a long sleeved green tunic, grey trousers, and leather boots. Due to her nomadic lifestyle she does not really have the luxury of extra sets of clothing, as such would be only an added burden on her person, and so instead she will carry with her a small sewing kit that can fit snug within one of her pockets. From her belt hangs a myriad of items, from small ingredient pouches, to a coin purse, skinning knife, waterskin, colourful vials, and a small leather belt case, all of which is hidden beneath the her cloak.
Visible over her shoulder is a satchel which makes up any larger things she might need, such as a small blanket for those particularly cold nights, dried foodstuffs, and whatever random assortment of items she happens upon on her journeys. She also has a small black tome filled with archaic runes and scribing tools, both of which she will make use of during quieter hours. While she carries just the essentials, it can at times still remain quite a burden and any tumble could spell disaster where the more fragile pieces are concerned. She is often deemed an easy target along the main thoroughfares with seemingly just a walking staff for protection, yet somehow she has managed this long without succumbing to highway men or bandits.
Though her origins are completely unknown, a topic never really answered when brokered, Sebast has at some point studied the arcane. She has a particular knack for illusionary magics, though she is not the sort of person to make unnecessary use of it outside of practice which is always done out of the sight of others. Her more reserved nature lends her to blend in as best she can, to become more like a subtle fixture in a room than something bright and attracting of attention, and if she believes herself to be threatened or compromised in any way she will often use what she has learned to better evade the attention of others.
All in all Sebast is a girl simply trying to survive in a world stacked against her. Most of what she has she procured from the wild, gathering her own food, partaking in crude forms of hunting for meat and skins, seeking out abandoned settlements or structures in hopes of unearthing trinkets of intrigue, she does her best to never owe anyone anything so that she might continue her solitary journey unhindered.
In truth she is not entirely alone. Sebast is often accompanied by a small raven that will fly overhead on her journeys or settle happily against her shoulder. His name is Tsun, and thus far he has been the one constant in her life. Whenever she ventures into busier hubs of activity he will likely take the time to spread his wings and venture off into the wilds alone, returning to perch upon her shoulder when she inevitably leaves, though in smaller towns he will remain by her side, or huddled beneath her cloak.