Samson Kraith
Samson Kraith is a tall and wiry man with sharp features and a fiercely intelligent gaze. He has shoulder length hair that he keeps tied back and he keeps himself critically trimmed and shaven to maintain a professional look.
He dresses professionally in a uniform befitting a castle Steward, and he keeps himself crisp and clean for every occasion.
His posture is straight and his shoulders are back, everything about him denoting a sense of pride in the house and lord he serves.
He dresses professionally in a uniform befitting a castle Steward, and he keeps himself crisp and clean for every occasion.
His posture is straight and his shoulders are back, everything about him denoting a sense of pride in the house and lord he serves.
Skills, Traits & Weaknesses
Housekeeping: He's a good hard worker, he can clean floors, polish silverware, chop firewood. Cooking isn't a major need, but he possesses the abilities of a skilled chef to create delectable dishes for any pallet.
In general, he can find ways to be useful and excel at them, while also giving guidance and leadership to other servants under him.
Gardening: He is a skilled gardener, with lots of love and practice he has created a garden of intense beauty. He has tended it for years with the hands of devotion and has caused the plants to thrive in his care.
Combat: He is a gentleman in every respect, but he is no slouch when it comes to fist-a-cuffs, or a duel with swords. His combat style is heavily reliant on speed and agility which is greatly enhanced by his newfound immortality, preferring to not get hit at all if it can be helped. Due to his lankiness and height, with the added reach of his arms he has a decided advantage in close combat. He is light on his feet and seems to float in combat, like an experienced dancer or acrobat.
Gentleman: He is a gentleman in every regard, cut from the cloth of nobility he has received an extensive education. He knows the workings of politics and inner courts, the dance and weave of verbal combat... And his best foot at dancing is nothing to sneeze at.
In general, he can find ways to be useful and excel at them, while also giving guidance and leadership to other servants under him.
Gardening: He is a skilled gardener, with lots of love and practice he has created a garden of intense beauty. He has tended it for years with the hands of devotion and has caused the plants to thrive in his care.
Combat: He is a gentleman in every respect, but he is no slouch when it comes to fist-a-cuffs, or a duel with swords. His combat style is heavily reliant on speed and agility which is greatly enhanced by his newfound immortality, preferring to not get hit at all if it can be helped. Due to his lankiness and height, with the added reach of his arms he has a decided advantage in close combat. He is light on his feet and seems to float in combat, like an experienced dancer or acrobat.
Gentleman: He is a gentleman in every regard, cut from the cloth of nobility he has received an extensive education. He knows the workings of politics and inner courts, the dance and weave of verbal combat... And his best foot at dancing is nothing to sneeze at.
Vampirism Strain:
- Increased lifespan: effectively immortal, he has stopped ageing completely.
- Increased healing factor: Heal non-fatal wounds quickly.
- Increased speed and dexterity.
- Transformation: Wolf, bat and mist.
His left Eye: While undeath- and vampirism in particular- cures many ailments for those it affects, it cannot always cure injuries that scar the soul. Even though his eye is intact and whole, it remains mostly sightless as a reminder of the severe hurt he received at the hands of his own family. He now wears a monocle to compensate for this weakness.
Vampirism Strain:
Vampirism Strain:
- Sunlight Hypersensitivity: If he becomes exposed to sunlight he will burn and eventually burst into flames, if he is reduced to ashes he will be destroyed.
- Stake: If a sharp piece of wood pierces his heart he will become completely paralyzed until the stake is removed.
- Forbiddance: He is unable to enter an abode without an invitation from one of the occupants.
- Sterile due to the disease.
Samson is the definition of strict discipline and absolute devotion to duty, he is almost military in the regimes he puts himself and those under him through. He's a harsh but fair taskmaster, he runs a tight ship and keeps the castle and its subjects running smoothly so that his lord need not worry himself over mundane matters.
He keeps tight control over his domain, which the keeping and maintaining of the castle and its subjects. One might think that his idea of fun involved polishing the floor tiles or the dinner utensils, or brushing down the horses after cleaning the stables. But when he's not working, he's enjoying his immortality to the fullest!
He enjoys nature and the beauty of the world. Exploring the wilderness around Koscoria has been his favorite pastime for many years in his service to his lord.
Whenever he's not working or hiking, he's simply peacefully enjoying silence in his free time.
He keeps tight control over his domain, which the keeping and maintaining of the castle and its subjects. One might think that his idea of fun involved polishing the floor tiles or the dinner utensils, or brushing down the horses after cleaning the stables. But when he's not working, he's enjoying his immortality to the fullest!
He enjoys nature and the beauty of the world. Exploring the wilderness around Koscoria has been his favorite pastime for many years in his service to his lord.
Whenever he's not working or hiking, he's simply peacefully enjoying silence in his free time.
Samson Kraith is a man of high birth, but of low standing among the noble factions of Mardus. Hailing from the country of Mardania he was born into a family of many brothers who were all heirs to the family inheritance, of course the idea of sharing such an inheritance between so many had the potential to cause trouble between them. So, when Samson came of age along with several other of his brothers, they set out on their own to seek their fortunes elsewhere to leave the family inheritance to the eldest.
As luck would have it, he was in possession of an incredible work ethic and desire to serve, he was very organized and disciplined in his duties. Thus, he found no issues finding various forms of work to pay his way throughout his travels until he found his way to the country of Koscoria.
When he arrived, he was able to impress the lord with his organizational and leadership skills, as well as his discipline and willingness to serve.
He was given employment as the castle steward, at twenty years old he was organizing the castle staff and affairs into an orderly and efficiently working machine. He took on the duties of handling the day-to-day workload so that the lord could focus on matters of actual importance, rather than getting bogged down in the daily issues of economics and crop rotations.
That was seventy years ago, and he's hardly aged a day. For it became revealed to him that the lord he served was a vampire that had lived for over two-hundred years, coexisting with the humans that lived under his protection.
His service to the lord had made him an asset, and so the lord rewarded his dedicated service by passing on the gift of immortality to him.
He forever bears the appearance of a young man in his twenties, but he has been serving the lord for a long time and has never wavered in his loyalty.
As luck would have it, he was in possession of an incredible work ethic and desire to serve, he was very organized and disciplined in his duties. Thus, he found no issues finding various forms of work to pay his way throughout his travels until he found his way to the country of Koscoria.
When he arrived, he was able to impress the lord with his organizational and leadership skills, as well as his discipline and willingness to serve.
He was given employment as the castle steward, at twenty years old he was organizing the castle staff and affairs into an orderly and efficiently working machine. He took on the duties of handling the day-to-day workload so that the lord could focus on matters of actual importance, rather than getting bogged down in the daily issues of economics and crop rotations.
That was seventy years ago, and he's hardly aged a day. For it became revealed to him that the lord he served was a vampire that had lived for over two-hundred years, coexisting with the humans that lived under his protection.
His service to the lord had made him an asset, and so the lord rewarded his dedicated service by passing on the gift of immortality to him.
He forever bears the appearance of a young man in his twenties, but he has been serving the lord for a long time and has never wavered in his loyalty.
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