Unlike the Royal family and the numerous noble houses of Thanasis that hold much of the prestige and power of the City of Dragons, the Thanasis family is notable in that while they no longer have the influence or distinction they once had, they are still heralded as one of the earliest families known to have settled in Malakath, crucial to the initial settlement of the region before the great city of Thanasis shielded them all in exchange for their devotion to the winged beasts they worshipped.
In today's Thanasis, the Thesius family holds no real power. They are, however, greatly respected for their history and often consulted by the other families and houses as advisors, and the public sees them as an important historical symbol. Those born with the last name are expected to uphold the values, traditions, and leadership set by their forbearers.
Their continued presence is more cosmetic than anything else, but it's an anchor of tradition and a piece of history that all of Thanasis look to with reverence.
Biographical information
Physical description
Political information
Out-of-character information
Em Cecilia
Se young Lee (Ryla) / Manoela Costa (Kaari)
In today's Thanasis, the Thesius family holds no real power. They are, however, greatly respected for their history and often consulted by the other families and houses as advisors, and the public sees them as an important historical symbol. Those born with the last name are expected to uphold the values, traditions, and leadership set by their forbearers.
Their continued presence is more cosmetic than anything else, but it's an anchor of tradition and a piece of history that all of Thanasis look to with reverence.

Ryla Thesius
Skills and Abilities

Biography & Lore
Ryla likes to think of herself as the middle child even though she is only ten minutes older than her twin, Raimond. As the only girl in the Thesius family, she was the light of everyone's world. She got anything she wanted. She was five when she bonded with Kaari and she spent as much time as she could with her dragon. Unlike Rai, she did not know the word no until she was in her teens.
She grew up idolizing her older brother, Errune, and after the tragedies that he endured, it was clear that he was no longer the same man. She was sixteen years old when Rune almost died and subsequently left the military and moved to the Palace. That was the day that everything changed. Her parents turned their attention to Rai in order to carry on the family name while the attention dwindled from her.
When she was eighteen, she joined the military in order to receive the attention that she had grown so used to in life. Her parents were less than pleased since it was her job to marry a noble and be a good wife. She had no desire to give them satisfaction as long as they would not let Rai live the life he wanted.
What Ryla did not expect was to actually enjoy being in the military and, while she enjoyed that it pissed her parents off for quite some time, over the years she has mended her relationship with them. She is still resentful that Rai gets all the attention but she does enjoy being able to do whatever she wants when she is not working.
She grew up idolizing her older brother, Errune, and after the tragedies that he endured, it was clear that he was no longer the same man. She was sixteen years old when Rune almost died and subsequently left the military and moved to the Palace. That was the day that everything changed. Her parents turned their attention to Rai in order to carry on the family name while the attention dwindled from her.
When she was eighteen, she joined the military in order to receive the attention that she had grown so used to in life. Her parents were less than pleased since it was her job to marry a noble and be a good wife. She had no desire to give them satisfaction as long as they would not let Rai live the life he wanted.
What Ryla did not expect was to actually enjoy being in the military and, while she enjoyed that it pissed her parents off for quite some time, over the years she has mended her relationship with them. She is still resentful that Rai gets all the attention but she does enjoy being able to do whatever she wants when she is not working.
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