Ripley of Many Faces

Ripley of Many Faces

Biographical information
Vel Anir 23 Malakath
Physical description
Human (usually) Preference based Fluctuant As needed Pretty Striking Optional
Political information
Out-of-character information
Szesh Midjourney AI

Ripley is a shapeshifter. Beyond this description, it is difficult to consistently define them. It is unusual to see them with exactly the same features twice, though they do tend to present as a young adult male human. Their mood can be as changeable as their shape, and they are an exception actor, having been trained extensively to use their abilities to confuse, misdirect, and infiltrate.

Nevertheless, Vel Anir sees limited combat potential in Ripley’s abilities compared to other Dreadlords, and it is unlikely that they will have a chance for true glory on a battlefield. Now they have been relocated to Malakath as part of an advance party to settle and explore the new continent. While Ripley’s abilities would be useful for meeting new civilizations, they are also simply out of the way this far east.


<Briefly describe what your character looks like>

Skills and Abilities

Ripley may take the physical form of any being or object they have personally seen. Ripley does not employ illusions or alter the perceptions of anyone - they truly and completely become whatever they are mimicking, along with most strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and limitations this may incur. Ripley does NOT acquire any magical or non-physical abilities of the new form. For example, changing into a fish will grant gills to breath underwater, but taking the human shape of a mage will not grant the knowledge of a spell to breath underwater.

Very few things remain constant when Ripley changes shape, however some aspects are immutable. Ripley’s mind remains their own, with all of their memories, experiences, and mental skills. Ripley’s age also remains unaltered and proportional to whatever form they take. For example, shifting into a creature whose lifespan is 500 years does not grant Ripley 500 years of life. They will continue to age at a normal human rate. Injuries, sickness, and other maladies are not necessarily cured upon changing form. A lost limb in one shape will remain on the next, though the impact of this injury may be more or less severe based on the form.

Ripley may take the shape of non-animal and non-living objects. They may even manifest clothing onto themselves out of their own flesh, when needed. All of the aforementioned limitations still apply.

Ripley’s physical form is unstable, preferring to meld and shift rather than remain stationary. It takes effort to change shape, but also to maintain a given form. The further the shape is from a human “base,” the more difficult the shape is to change into and maintain. As a result, Ripley’s appetite is voracious.

Partial Transmutation
Ripley can change their physical characteristics without fully morphing into a different entity. They can harden their skin, morph an arm into a steel blade, or use their physical form to mimic clothing when actually nude. These changes take less overall energy but more concentration to maintain, as they are not mimicking a natural state of being. Ripley prefers to use actual weaponry and clothing when available, however, as any damage to their physical form remains constant.


<What is your character's personality like?>

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>


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