Ravaryn excavation site


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In the year 370, three different expeditions to Malakath met at a place long-buried by land. Unearthed by the cartographer E. Vergeßo-Avellini's crew, the rest of the adventurers could have never guessed that this site would unveil itself as the final resting place of the Eolydiir's Crook.

The ruin

Located in the south of Malakath, the excavation site is a roughly circular depression some 15 to 20 meters deep and accessible from the surface via ramps, ladders and stairs.
At the very base lies the Ravaryn portal stone, perfectly preserved and surrounded by pillars and statues from a long bygone era.

The ruin proper, which is some hundreds of thousands of years old, is accessible through a gate that is 3.6 meters tall.

The antechamber

The first room beyond the gate is the antechamber. Its floor is lined in glowing runes, bearing a striking resemblance to those on portal stones, while the walls are carved out in intricate murals, inlaid with a blueish, reflective metal.

The murals

The murals present the creation of the portal stones and the demise of a once-great civilisation.
While they are, for their age in near-pristine condition, the faces of the portal builders have been carved out... destroyed. It is unclear when this happened, who did this and what the purpose of this censorship was.
Curiously enough, the first mural features a pedestal, akin to the one near Tirnua.



The crystaline room

The crystaline room is located well beyond the antechamber and its mesmerizing artistry.
Many smaller crystals or low-value mark this area, growing larger and denser towards the centre of this space, where the room is completely crystalised.
Deep within this structure once rested the Eolydiir's Crook, however, now only a deep excavation into the crystalline formation remains, bearing marks of Chi'xilixi tools.


The Ravaryn ruin was discovered in the year 370, by an alliance between E. Vergeßo-Avellini and Andekhah, the queen of the Shaxa hive.
While the many Chi’Xilixi of the hive have been put at work to quickly excavate their way to the elder crook, they were not able to claim it fully as their own.
Intercepted by locals and foreign adventurers from Liadain and Epressa, the fate of the crook has remained at large.


As a newly discovered ruin, Ravarny has not been completely explored and the full extent of what lies beyond its few known chambers, is for now still unknown.



Mural art by Nidraak.

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