Raphael the Red
Raphael was the perfect pre-evolution Dreadlord in one specific regard, the man was a natural-born killer. Born to two dreadlords, the night before a battle. Raphael has only ever known bloodshed and battle.
A Dreadlord with a reputation for extreme and sudden acts of violence. He first earned this reputation when he killed 1/4th of his graduating class during their final assignment at the Academy.
He has not voiced displeasure with the new government, but he has also been missing since the revolution.
Raphael is a towering, chiseled perfect specimen of death. His pronounced and sharp facial features and smooth face make him a beauty. Well, except for the missing left eye. While his face is without blemish, the rest of Raphael's body is covered in countless scars.
He has white hair and red eyes which make it easy to identify him in a group. These rare features, combined with his personality, has led some to call him a Demon.
Skills and Abilities
Blood Manipulation: Raphael can freely manipulate any blood that his body is in contact with. He can move it about freely, or he can harden the blood to be harder than normal steel. He most commonly uses this ability to boost physical abilities or to form weapons.
Tracking: Raphael has a passion and a skill for hunting people down and then killing them.
Dreadlord Combat: He has been trained in all weapons, but mainly prefers close combat over ranged. His favorite weapons are the greatsword and a spiked mace.
Brawler: He loves hand-to-hand combat. He loves the pain and the thrill of the fight. His physical abilities make trying to fight his fist with a fist a near-death sentence.
Brutality: Almost a skill, and less of a personality trait, Raphael delights in causing and inflicting pain onto others. He has a real talent for it.
Hedonist: Raphael really just enjoys the pleasures of life and fuck anyone that tries to tell him he can't. He loves a drink, food, and women...and men every now and then depending on how he is feeling.
Relentless Masochist: One of the main reasons that Raphael loves violence is that he loves pain. Nothing is more thrilling than causing or feeling pain. He considers it the easiest way to know he is alive. This thrill also always has him coming back for more in a fight.
Biography & Lore
Raphael is a killer at his core and Vel Anir is keenly aware of that fact. He is commonly sent on missions where violence and bloodshed are expected in large quantities. Raphael's skill and abilities have him ranked as a 2nd-level Dreadlord. However, his powers are so well suited for large-scale battles that he might be considered 1st tier, if not for the political problems that he is not easy to control or command. Raphael works more as a wild card for the city.
Substitute Teacher: Raphael is proctor for a day.
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