Raphael Thrice
- Noble birth
Abandoned responsibility for the sake of adventure.
- Mercenary
- Criminal
Raphael would be described by his various ex-girlfriends as utterly insufferable. With his boyish good looks and million-coin smile he seems to get by without needing much intelligence or grace since he brings excitement and revelry wherever he goes
Learned lightning magic from his noble privilege he has done nothing good with the skill besides the occasional scrap where he beats up someone that was bad despite not knowing they were. He just wanted a fight.
A womanizing, crude pathological liar with a penchant for reaching into people's bags like they belong to him, it's safe to say Raphael has little to no friends. Just contacts and targets.
Raphael stands at a respectable six-foot one inch, with hair so blonde it's almost transparent. He is conventionally attractive as far as young adult humans go and he makes a show of knowing it by running his hands through his silken hair. He is pale and burns easily in the sun. Often can be found wearing what would equate to street wear. Fluffy jackets with tight undershirts and loose fitting pants that only reach down to his ankles, so you can see the ever so edgy tattoos he'd gotten on his legs. He also has tattoos covering his neck and arms in the style of traditional gothic angels and demons.
Skills and Abilities
Sky and Earth:
At his core strengths, Raphael is an electromancer. He conjures and manipulates lightning at will. This shows in various forms. He is lesser known for his terramancy, as he cannot conjure earth and requires loose earth in order to manipulate it. IE; sand, mud, broken terrain, etc.
(Sky) Cloudwalk: With enough electrical energy encompassing him, Raphael can trigger a sort of pseudo teleport. The lightning conjured allows him to move across space he can see in a faster than light fashion and move him instantaneously up to 60ft. This is an exhausting ability and often only used as an escape.
(Sky) Arcanist's Big Iron: Raphael wouldn't be caught dead in a fist fight. Instead, he's learned to conjure launchers around his hands that can propel his lightning magic forward like a hand cross bow, if not much faster.
(Sky) Hath No Fury: In dire scenarios, Raphael has learned to emit all his pent-up lightning into a large aura wave that causes mass destruction in a short radius. Everything in a 10ft radius to him is shocked with an immense amount of lightning but will drain him of his magic for the remainder of the day.
(Earth) Surfer: Raphael can alter any loose earth into a shifting sort of treadmill at any speed he desires. He can use it to advance long distances across sand or mud in order to remove an obnoxious obstacle. Being that this is a magic he is less familiar with, it is possible for the spell to deactivate mid use unless it is practiced more.
(Earth) Who Doesn't Love a Wall Spell: It's all there in the name. He can make walls out of loose earth. The size of which is determined by his focus and energy levels.
Ladykiller: A young man of his stature has certain sway with certain crowds. Often times that involves flirting in order to get information or have tasks accomplished without his hand in it. Though this is person to person, as those who know him or are not fond of people like him, will likely have the opposite reaction.
At his core strengths, Raphael is an electromancer. He conjures and manipulates lightning at will. This shows in various forms. He is lesser known for his terramancy, as he cannot conjure earth and requires loose earth in order to manipulate it. IE; sand, mud, broken terrain, etc.
(Sky) Cloudwalk: With enough electrical energy encompassing him, Raphael can trigger a sort of pseudo teleport. The lightning conjured allows him to move across space he can see in a faster than light fashion and move him instantaneously up to 60ft. This is an exhausting ability and often only used as an escape.
(Sky) Arcanist's Big Iron: Raphael wouldn't be caught dead in a fist fight. Instead, he's learned to conjure launchers around his hands that can propel his lightning magic forward like a hand cross bow, if not much faster.
(Sky) Hath No Fury: In dire scenarios, Raphael has learned to emit all his pent-up lightning into a large aura wave that causes mass destruction in a short radius. Everything in a 10ft radius to him is shocked with an immense amount of lightning but will drain him of his magic for the remainder of the day.
(Earth) Surfer: Raphael can alter any loose earth into a shifting sort of treadmill at any speed he desires. He can use it to advance long distances across sand or mud in order to remove an obnoxious obstacle. Being that this is a magic he is less familiar with, it is possible for the spell to deactivate mid use unless it is practiced more.
(Earth) Who Doesn't Love a Wall Spell: It's all there in the name. He can make walls out of loose earth. The size of which is determined by his focus and energy levels.
Ladykiller: A young man of his stature has certain sway with certain crowds. Often times that involves flirting in order to get information or have tasks accomplished without his hand in it. Though this is person to person, as those who know him or are not fond of people like him, will likely have the opposite reaction.
Raphael would be described by his various ex-girlfriends as utterly insufferable. With his boyish good looks and million-coin smile he seems to get by without needing much intelligence or grace since he brings excitement and revelry wherever he goes
Learned lightning magic from his noble privilege he has done nothing good with the skill besides the occasional scrap where he beats up someone that was bad despite not knowing they were. He just wanted a fight.
A womanizing, crude pathological liar with a penchant for reaching into people's bags like they belong to him, it's safe to say Raphael has little to no friends. Just contacts and targets.
Secret Unveiled:
Raphael admitted to Oliviana that he was just scared of being useless. His antics and exterior are a front for his genuine depression and lack of self worth. Having been put through the ringer by his parents, he has lashed out in his early adulthood to make up for the childhood ripped from him.
Raphael does not wish to do harm to others, but rather surrounds himself with drink and women in order to actually feel alive.
Learned lightning magic from his noble privilege he has done nothing good with the skill besides the occasional scrap where he beats up someone that was bad despite not knowing they were. He just wanted a fight.
A womanizing, crude pathological liar with a penchant for reaching into people's bags like they belong to him, it's safe to say Raphael has little to no friends. Just contacts and targets.
Secret Unveiled:
Raphael admitted to Oliviana that he was just scared of being useless. His antics and exterior are a front for his genuine depression and lack of self worth. Having been put through the ringer by his parents, he has lashed out in his early adulthood to make up for the childhood ripped from him.
Raphael does not wish to do harm to others, but rather surrounds himself with drink and women in order to actually feel alive.
Biography & Lore
Raphael was born into a rich noble Allirian family and had everything handed to him. Be it magic or school or any expensive thing he wanted; he was granted it. He was spoiled, privileged, and poisoned by ignorance trickled down from parents of the same ilk.
It is easy to see why Raphael is the way he is, even if such behavior can be deemed inexcusable in certain circumstances. He has never been told he couldn't have something so eventually he very much believed he could have it all. But where was the fun in that? The danger? He was sick of the easy mode in life. So he threw it away.
Once he was an adult, he set off to find adventure, fights, and all manner of debauchery in between. Stealing to provide just for the thrill of it. And he knew he had a safety net with his home life.
It is easy to see why Raphael is the way he is, even if such behavior can be deemed inexcusable in certain circumstances. He has never been told he couldn't have something so eventually he very much believed he could have it all. But where was the fun in that? The danger? He was sick of the easy mode in life. So he threw it away.
Once he was an adult, he set off to find adventure, fights, and all manner of debauchery in between. Stealing to provide just for the thrill of it. And he knew he had a safety net with his home life.
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