Rammal Zabal

Rammal Zabal

Basic Information
Desert Pickers, Sand Pickers. Moderate. Attack from burrowing under sand, pack tactics. N/A Amol Kalit, deserts.
Physical description
Medium. Reptilian Features, shaped for burrowing, mandibles.
Out-of-character information

Racial Traits

Burrowing: They're able to burrow and dig beneath the sands at high speeds.

Flesh Scavenger: Their bite is venomous, the corrosive venom loosens flesh from bone, making it easy to pull off and tear in a single bite.

Lore & Behavior

The desert pickers are scavengers and will rarely go up against any living creature. But once they have locked in on a corpse they will fight anything that comes too close, even if it were a larger predator.

They burrow under the sand and love to ambush small prey or even humans if food is scarce.
During their seasonal migration small Kalitian villages often suffer from their relentless feeding frenzy.

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