Princess Amun'Dzeer
Tall, and lithe for a Gnoll, Amun'Dzeer is not the hulking figure of most Gnoll Matriarchs. Possessed of a keen mind, a calculating tongue, and a taste for finery, she drapes herself in quality linen and exquisite jewelry. Bathing daily and groomed twice as often by a cult of priestesses, she is the perfumed and arguably pampered last of a once-opulent royal line. In antiquity, during the days of stone armies and ensorcelled bronze, her lineage commanded the largest Gnollish nation to have ever existed. She wears the pride of this heritage upon her body, golden fur impossible among the common Gnoll that marks her as special, unique even. While she wears many colored silks and satin's readily, in battle she is clad in lamellar and lacquered bone glazed in gold. Hers is an impressive figure, on and off the field of conflict, with the figure and presence of one touched by a God.
Skills and Abilities
*Keen senses: She is quite capable of sensing the world around her many times more effectively than a human. All of her senses are keener, supposedly even tasting poisons that are 'tasteless' upon her food where a lesser Liege might succumb to such deceit.
*Pharaonic: The power in her words is undeniable; otherworldly even. Some force, be it magic or the divine lineage from which she has come, lends weight to her words and pressure to her will. Simple, common Gnolls have difficulty not groveling before her, and stronger willed men and Blackland Gnolls find her charming and agreeable. The only creatures immune to this persuasion are Elves, greater spirits, and Anaphite; supposedly Orcs as well, though this may be due solely to their irrepressible bull-headedness more than anything else.
*Charioteer: While not a master of the sword or spear, she is a very skilled Charioteer, able to out-race and out-maneuver most others when mounted. She has a preference for the truly impressive mounts, adoring her pet Grand Scorpion dearly, and can coax it into feats and maneuvers that would not otherwise be attempted.
*Divine Blood: While not a magician of any sort, she can channel very effectively. Usually with a retinue of Priests and Priestesses to attend her, she can empower her consorts and guardians to feats of potency not commonly seen outside of the Dreadlords. Her Anaphite Tomb Knights are more resilliant, her Priestess-Maidens are more deadly, and her High Priests more oppressive.
*Pharaonic: The power in her words is undeniable; otherworldly even. Some force, be it magic or the divine lineage from which she has come, lends weight to her words and pressure to her will. Simple, common Gnolls have difficulty not groveling before her, and stronger willed men and Blackland Gnolls find her charming and agreeable. The only creatures immune to this persuasion are Elves, greater spirits, and Anaphite; supposedly Orcs as well, though this may be due solely to their irrepressible bull-headedness more than anything else.
*Charioteer: While not a master of the sword or spear, she is a very skilled Charioteer, able to out-race and out-maneuver most others when mounted. She has a preference for the truly impressive mounts, adoring her pet Grand Scorpion dearly, and can coax it into feats and maneuvers that would not otherwise be attempted.
*Divine Blood: While not a magician of any sort, she can channel very effectively. Usually with a retinue of Priests and Priestesses to attend her, she can empower her consorts and guardians to feats of potency not commonly seen outside of the Dreadlords. Her Anaphite Tomb Knights are more resilliant, her Priestess-Maidens are more deadly, and her High Priests more oppressive.
Reserved, decadent, and passionate, Amun'Dzeer is a force of historic willpower. To not fall to your knees at her sight is likewise an act of willfulness and focus worthy of praise. She speaks with a careful, calm heat to each word, as if about to errupt into an all-consuming flame. As ever, she maintains control, yet the will and the power are barely shackled to her purposes, eager to be released upon a worthy cause. Her words can stir her followers to fanaticism, her smile considered a reward worth a hundred ounces of gold, and these are all things she is very much aware of. She bends those who succumb to her towards a greater purpose than simple personal gratification, moving her agents and warbands where they might advance the ultimate goal of restoring Iterulon, the ancient lost Empire. She knows she is the Mother-Goddess reborn, she is Basaph in mortal form, she is the last of the Pharaohs of old, and she is devoted to bringing back the Exiled Kingdom. The final age of darkness draws to a close, and she is the dawn.
Biography & Lore
Princess Amun'Dzeer is the last of the Pharaohs of the ancient Kingdom of Iterulon. Once a mighty, massive empire in the age of Bronze and high magic, the Anaphite foresaw a calamity. They demanded the last daughter of the reigning Pharaoh, spiriting them away alongside a contingent of their closest, most trusted servants. What happened next was, of course, history. Iterulon collapsed from within and without, raiders and invaders in equal measure, magical apocalypses, and the decline in quality of Pharaohs. It took generations, but inevitable Iterulon collapsed in on itself. Amol-Kalit was freed of the ancient Gnoll empire, free to debase itself towards whatever trivial pursuits it deigned of import.
For several thousand years the last of the bloodline was chronicled, paid attention to, and preserved. The Anaphite ensured to track the movements of the descendants, never revealing fully the extent of their investment to the Gnolls as a whole. As the race grew more and more barbarous, degenerating into a dismissed race akin to goblins, they kept their records, their eyes, and their memory intact. The same High Priest who spirited away the last true Pharaoh has now entrusted to Amun'Dzeer, thirty-seven generations later, the sacred Ankh with which to open the Grand Palace of Iterulon. With it, the army of war golems, the infrastructure, the treasures, all the knowledge too, will return to those who created them.
Or so the Anaphite have promised. Whatever their game, ambition, or design, the sacred Ankh is the key to a massive city and many tombs of relics, a sigil of a resurgent Kingdom, the ambitions of an entire fallen race, and the means to control a lost reliquary army. The Sphynx-Sages agree, the wheel turns once more. The Dragons watch from on high, and the Elves recall a time long since passed from memory. The Gnolls seek to reclaim their place at the table of civilization, and it will be bought with their lost riches and their zealous blood.
For several thousand years the last of the bloodline was chronicled, paid attention to, and preserved. The Anaphite ensured to track the movements of the descendants, never revealing fully the extent of their investment to the Gnolls as a whole. As the race grew more and more barbarous, degenerating into a dismissed race akin to goblins, they kept their records, their eyes, and their memory intact. The same High Priest who spirited away the last true Pharaoh has now entrusted to Amun'Dzeer, thirty-seven generations later, the sacred Ankh with which to open the Grand Palace of Iterulon. With it, the army of war golems, the infrastructure, the treasures, all the knowledge too, will return to those who created them.
Or so the Anaphite have promised. Whatever their game, ambition, or design, the sacred Ankh is the key to a massive city and many tombs of relics, a sigil of a resurgent Kingdom, the ambitions of an entire fallen race, and the means to control a lost reliquary army. The Sphynx-Sages agree, the wheel turns once more. The Dragons watch from on high, and the Elves recall a time long since passed from memory. The Gnolls seek to reclaim their place at the table of civilization, and it will be bought with their lost riches and their zealous blood.
Return to the Blacklands: In a bid to secure a homeland for the Gnoll peoples, Amun'Dzeer begins to intigrate her Packs into the Blacklands, known ancestrally as 'Iterulon', or the Crown Rivers.
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