Penteth Charosh (village of the Charosh) is a small settlement north of Falwood. During the summer, or the Savannah wet season, it is only inhabited by a handful of older orcs. During this time the tribe roams around the savannah, searching for food. Towards the end of the dry season when the water and game is most scarce, the tribe will migrate south back to Penteth Charosh.
The largest building is a wooden central hall, within which the entire tribe of 200 can fit whilst standing. This building is next to a wide open space where the clan can also gather. The rest of the settlement consists of permanent wooden buildings, semi-permanent structures made of both canvas and wood and temporary tents. Whilst the clan does not have a very formal structure, those most important to the tribe (chieftain, shamans and others) reside in a circle of houses near the centre of the settlement. A loose palisade surrounds the land.[1]
The land is often threatened by parties from Vel Anir. The humans frequently try to expand their farms into the lands of the southern savannah, often having a disastrous effect on the land. The clan often clashes with humans.
The elves of Falwood occasionally venture this far north. As the orcs do little damage to the woods or environment they are generally ignored, but the odd skirmish between younger members from each side do happen occasionally.
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