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Maywynn Wrath
Black cotton or Silk dresses with blood red leather accents over skin tight leather pants and under shirt.
Skills and Abilities
Absolute command of the void.
Fierce intelligence.
Cold logic unimpeded by emotion or relational ties.
Fierce intelligence.
Cold logic unimpeded by emotion or relational ties.
Cold and Cunning
Biography & Lore
A rich merchant turned cultist.
Name: Maywynn Wrath
Species: Human
Age: 500 (looks 19)
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 120lb
Hair: Pitch Black
Eyes: Black eyes, Blood red iris
Skin: Pale white
Occupation: Void Keeper
Place of Birth: Alliria
Affiliation: Cult of Bastellen
Home: Moutian range in the Allirian reach
Often wearing a black cotton or silk dress with blood red leather accents. When in combat she often wear skintight leather suit covered with black steel armor accented with red leather straps.
Skills and Abilities
The oldest of The Bastellen Cult her control and knowledge of the void is uncanny.
The Undying Void: Her soul is apart of the void. The Limbo where souls pass to the afterlife. As its guardian her soul has passed on long ago. Leaving her body and mind in an undying, ageless state.
Void Running: She can fade parts of her body or her body entirely into void essence at will the only traces of her being a dark mist and reform when she sees fit. While not being able to take any sort of bodily harm in this state she can be captured, burned or frozen.
Hunger of the Void: While susceptible to magic attacks her void energy latched as drains the power from many spells either fueling her own power or redirecting it back at the caster depending on the circumstance.Meaning the longer a battle with a powerful mage lasts the stronger she becomes. While she can be drained of power and wounded by silver and blessed iron, Steel seems to have little if any effect along with other weapons and poisons.
Weaknesses: Silver, Blessed Iron, Fire.
Cold and cunning with an almost childlike curiosity. Maywynn is loyal to none but her Master. None hold sway over her or garner her affection. She would pull a person apart like a child pulling the wings from a bug. Just to watch them die and see how their body differed from the last whether it was her own brother or her worst enemy.
Biography & Lore
Born in Alliria to rich merchant parents who cared little for her.
Tutored by the brightest scholars money could buy she showed a razor sharp wit and a cold, logical, intelligence even at a young age. She grew up often feeling as a simple accessory to be paraded and shown off at dinner parties and the like for her parents friends and benefactors.
All seemed as shocked as Maywynn was when at the tender age of 10 her parents soon found themselves gurgling foam as they were mysteriously poisoned and died.
With their wealth inherited and companies under the leadership of others she controlled from the shadows she began to accumulate even more power.
Few in the underworld and black markets didnt know the name of Maywynn. When suddenly at age 18 she mysteriously sold her companies for even more than they had been worth previous before Maywynn would go to study in Elbion where she soon found herself delving into some of the darkest parts of magic.
Obsessed with avoiding her own death she continued her search until she found herself following the trail of a mysterious religion from a far away land over the sea. Following leads and first hand accounts she soon found a voice calling to her. leading her deep into the ruins of a beached ship on the farthest part of an unknown shore. She found a book there. And the whispers that called her were willing to make her an offer. The very thing she had searched for.
Allowing her soul to join with her master. To become the bridge for the void into the common world and gain her immortality. In exchange her undying loyalty and unquestioning obedience her soul for her mortal life,and she was well rewarded. She now resides in a shrine deep in the woods of the Alirian reach. Away from prying eyes. The area around her shrine has been called cursed for decades as locals and travelers rarely return after entering her territory. Rumors of sacrifice and torture run rife along with tales of a dark woman being seen wandering the edge. Rangers sent to investigate have met the same fate. Though when they show in force they often find no resistance to speak of. Simply nothing.
Name: Maywynn Wrath
Species: Human
Age: 500 (looks 19)
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 120lb
Hair: Pitch Black
Eyes: Black eyes, Blood red iris
Skin: Pale white
Occupation: Void Keeper
Place of Birth: Alliria
Affiliation: Cult of Bastellen
Home: Moutian range in the Allirian reach
Often wearing a black cotton or silk dress with blood red leather accents. When in combat she often wear skintight leather suit covered with black steel armor accented with red leather straps.
Skills and Abilities
The oldest of The Bastellen Cult her control and knowledge of the void is uncanny.
The Undying Void: Her soul is apart of the void. The Limbo where souls pass to the afterlife. As its guardian her soul has passed on long ago. Leaving her body and mind in an undying, ageless state.
Void Running: She can fade parts of her body or her body entirely into void essence at will the only traces of her being a dark mist and reform when she sees fit. While not being able to take any sort of bodily harm in this state she can be captured, burned or frozen.
Hunger of the Void: While susceptible to magic attacks her void energy latched as drains the power from many spells either fueling her own power or redirecting it back at the caster depending on the circumstance.Meaning the longer a battle with a powerful mage lasts the stronger she becomes. While she can be drained of power and wounded by silver and blessed iron, Steel seems to have little if any effect along with other weapons and poisons.
Weaknesses: Silver, Blessed Iron, Fire.
Cold and cunning with an almost childlike curiosity. Maywynn is loyal to none but her Master. None hold sway over her or garner her affection. She would pull a person apart like a child pulling the wings from a bug. Just to watch them die and see how their body differed from the last whether it was her own brother or her worst enemy.
Biography & Lore
Born in Alliria to rich merchant parents who cared little for her.
Tutored by the brightest scholars money could buy she showed a razor sharp wit and a cold, logical, intelligence even at a young age. She grew up often feeling as a simple accessory to be paraded and shown off at dinner parties and the like for her parents friends and benefactors.
All seemed as shocked as Maywynn was when at the tender age of 10 her parents soon found themselves gurgling foam as they were mysteriously poisoned and died.
With their wealth inherited and companies under the leadership of others she controlled from the shadows she began to accumulate even more power.
Few in the underworld and black markets didnt know the name of Maywynn. When suddenly at age 18 she mysteriously sold her companies for even more than they had been worth previous before Maywynn would go to study in Elbion where she soon found herself delving into some of the darkest parts of magic.
Obsessed with avoiding her own death she continued her search until she found herself following the trail of a mysterious religion from a far away land over the sea. Following leads and first hand accounts she soon found a voice calling to her. leading her deep into the ruins of a beached ship on the farthest part of an unknown shore. She found a book there. And the whispers that called her were willing to make her an offer. The very thing she had searched for.
Allowing her soul to join with her master. To become the bridge for the void into the common world and gain her immortality. In exchange her undying loyalty and unquestioning obedience her soul for her mortal life,and she was well rewarded. She now resides in a shrine deep in the woods of the Alirian reach. Away from prying eyes. The area around her shrine has been called cursed for decades as locals and travelers rarely return after entering her territory. Rumors of sacrifice and torture run rife along with tales of a dark woman being seen wandering the edge. Rangers sent to investigate have met the same fate. Though when they show in force they often find no resistance to speak of. Simply nothing.
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