Marcella Iteius
Life and death are two sides of the same coin. You can’t have either without pain, without suffering. You can’t have either without healing, without rejuvenation.
Those thoughts ran through the minds of Proctors and magical scholars at the famed Dreadlord academy as they poked and prodded at the young child from Cortos. Left orphaned by the atrocities Vel Anir committed, she was swiftly taken into the custody of the Dreadlords as soon as her magic manifested itself.
The exact nature of Marcella’s magic wasn’t completely understood by the academy at first but upon its manifestation she went from being a child likely to “wash out” in her first few years to the Proctor’s favorite toy. This came at the cost of her own mental state and saw the tides swap drastically in the wake of the Revolution.
Marcella has brown hair and blue eyes. Her physical form is slightly behind many of the other initiates as she was often regulated to tasks that took her away from direct martial training. Being from Cortos her skin is a slightly darker complexion than many of the Anirian born students at the academy.
Skills and Abilities
Damage Absorption and Redistribution - Marcella Iteius has the magical ability to absorb damage and store it within herself. Initially the academy believed that she was simply a healer, although her healing capabilities seemed extraordinarily impressive for someone so young. It came with the drawback that her healing took slightly longer than others and required constant skin-to-skin contact but she was able to completely remove wounds many other magical healers struggled with.
Only a few years into her tenure did they recognize that she wasn’t actually healing others; she was absorbing the damage they had suffered and storing it into a magical well of sorts. At any point she can touch someone and cause them to suffer from the exact same kind of injury she currently has stored.
An ally on the battlefield has a broken arm? She can fix it and store that specific type of fracture into herself. At will she could make skin contact with an enemy and instantly cause them to suffer from the exact same type of fracture.
Throughout her Dreadlord training the Proctors have used this ability of hers to both heal other initiates and inflict untold horrors onto other initiates. It was also unclear, at least before the revolution, what impact absorbing and redistributing physical trauma took on Marcella.
Biography & Lore
As a toddler Marcella Iteius was discovered living with her Cortosi family on an island just off the coast. Vel Anir had decided that they wanted said island and her life was only spared as her magic kept her entombed family alive for two days until the invading Anirians dug them out.
Upon discovery her family was slain and she was inducted into the ranks of the Dreadlords.
It wasn’t until after the revolution that she ever learned their exact fates although she had always assumed the Anirians had killed her family given her Cortosi surname.
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