Where Mahir was originally born or just exactly where he came form is unknown.
He is a rather mysterious figure in the servitude of Nysia, the Lamia.
It is a life that is measured by cruelty dealt and marks hunted. Many would think him a shade of what he once was. An old life was left behind, and in place remained a monster of sorts.
It is hard to say just what Mahir is. Though outwardly he appears human, there is something distinctly off about him. An unsettling aura hangs around him, and he the tone of his voice seems to shift more often than the clouds in the sky. In his 'natural' form he seems to have glowing red eyes. His strengths outstrips that of many mortal men, and he moves faster than even most trained monks.
Mahir himself is capable of changing his shape. Needing to only taste ones blood in order to take on their form. Throughout his life he has managed to create a vast hoard of faces, a fact in which he delights in.
Though no one is quite sure where Mahir came from, it is contended by many who encounter the Lamia that the boy was not born, but rather created.
Whatever the truth, Mahir seems a loyal servant of Nysia. Carrying out her will however she might wish it.
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