Livyatan the Tempest

Livyatan the Tempest

Biographical information
The Sea ~1000 The Sea
Physical description
Dragon (Leviathan) Male 10 meters (true form); 1.78 meters (human form) 5 Tons (true form); 60 kilograms (human form) Turquoise (human form) Turquoise (human form) Aquamarine Scales (true form), Pale (human form)
Political information
None Freelance Mercenary / Sailor
Out-of-character information
Aleph Null October 2018


In humanoid form, Livyatan appears to be a well-built, somewhat feral young man with bluish-green hair and piercing blue eyes the color of the sea. He wears simple clothing and does not appear to care too much about his appearance, though his hair seems to fall well regardless of how unkempt he is.

Skills and Abilities

Physical Skills and Abilities:
Combat Proficiency: In both of his forms, he possesses prowess in combat, though through different methods (see Powers).
Keen Senses: Dragons have exceptional perception, and can spot anomalies via sight, smell, or hearing many times better than a human can. This ability extends to all of his forms.
Aquatic Nature: In his true form, he can breathe air and water, and can swim in both forms, maneuvering as well as a large fish. His true form is also capable of flight, as his fins double as wings.
Change Shape: Livyatan is capable of shifting between a human form, that of a small or medium aquatic or avian creature, and his true monstrous form. This ability can be used once, and then Livyatan must remain in his chosen form for at least an hour before shifting again.
Beast of Legend: In his true form, Livyatan is a gigantic terror with strength and resilience befitting his size. His agility, however, is limited by the same. His true form possesses a breath weapon of lightning, which requires considerable physical exertion to manifest.
Heart of the Tempest: In his human form, he is limited by the nature and size of the human body, and instead uses magic as his main weapon. This magic is storm-themed with lightning and thunder, and using it requires physical exertion, meaning he can only use it a number of times before resting.


Livyatan is somewhat aloof, but he does not turn away those who attempt to socialize with him. He can be cold, but those who do manage to get past that exterior will find him to be a strong (albeit silent) protector to whatever friends come his way. He refuses to initiate conflicts, but those who pick a fight with him seldom get away without suffering some form of injury (whether physical or otherwise).

Biography & Lore

The word "Leviathan" instills fear in the hearts of many a sailor, but the truth about this creature is that he simply desired peace for the seas and skies. Those that incurred his wrath generally included whale-hunters, bird-hunters and naval vessels; he rarely attacked them, but rather was attacked and destroyed them in retaliation.
He has ventured onto land on various occasions, mostly to persuade authorities to enact environmental protections, and mostly to no avail. Knowing his limits in combat, he was wise enough to invoke the ire of an entire civilization, knowing a small army of soldiers or group of adventurers would likely mean his end; even a single adventurer could match him in combat if combat was that adventurer's focus. Thus, he attempted diplomacy. But the civilizations of the land could not be persuaded to care about the seas and skies.
For now, he wanders the world, lending his aid to those goodly folk who would travel peacefully, and even helping fight if the cause is just enough. But one day, he hopes to help create a world where the sea is untainted by blood.
Even if it takes an eternity.


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