Lala Dune of Jaleyanaa

Lala Dune of Jaleyanaa

Biographical information
Jaleyanaa 16+ ~18 Jaleyaana Palace
Physical description
Human Female Medium Light Pale Blue Pale but tanner than hair
Political information
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Out-of-character information
Nidraak Fireflyness


Her most notable feature are her crystalline blue eyes, which have an almost gemlike appearance to them.

Skills and Abilities

Dune is practically skilless, aside from her unusual affinity to snakes. Her white pet snake is very protective of her.


Dune is spoiled and scheming.

Biography & Lore

As a 'Lala/Mulay' (a title of very specific noble birth) Dune's lineage is strictly documented, tracing back to the 'King of Dragons', 'Aspect of War', 'King of Kings', 'he who was stabbed ten thousand times and lived', 'Uršumgal', a conqueror of myth from the distant past, whose empire stretched as far as the sun could reach.

Her life was marred with jealous nobles, assassinations and the death of her parents.
As the younger sister of Amir Danush and Abaty, her prospects are not too promising in her hometown of Jaleyaana, no matter how much she wants to stay there.


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