Kiileet Glassdancer
As a Doppelganger Kiileet can change its appearance. But its most favored form is that of a tall human man in his early to mid twenties. His hair is white shoulder length and usually loose. His skin is almost albino white. His eyes a strangely glowing tinge of yellow ringed with pink. His face is usually jovial and entertaining, an almost perpetual smile is on his face as if the world were the most entertaining show or joke that he has ever seen.
It often chooses the form of the young man, but has no compunction about turning into women. Thusly, its gender is undefined and doesn't really matter very much to it.
He usually appears dressed in two ways. Casually middle to upper class common, and Ringmaster. When he is casual he is dressed in a black coat with dark trousers and a black top hat. This top hat remains with him as a ringmaster, along with his red masters coat, white frilled trousers, tall riding boots, and white gloves. Also always present in his outfits is an obsession with roses.
It often chooses the form of the young man, but has no compunction about turning into women. Thusly, its gender is undefined and doesn't really matter very much to it.

He usually appears dressed in two ways. Casually middle to upper class common, and Ringmaster. When he is casual he is dressed in a black coat with dark trousers and a black top hat. This top hat remains with him as a ringmaster, along with his red masters coat, white frilled trousers, tall riding boots, and white gloves. Also always present in his outfits is an obsession with roses.

Skills and Abilities
Showman: He is an entertainer, an actor, a singer, a dancer, a musician, a conductor, a magician. If he could give someone a good show and make them smile at the end of it, then he can do it.Spatial Awareness: He is an incredible acrobat and tumbler, always aware of his body and where he is in the world.
Gumby: It seems like he is made of rubber, able to contort and twist himself into and out of nearly impossible positions and poses.
Nothing Up My Sleeve: He is practically a master of slight-of-hand.
Illusionist: He is very adept in the use of illusion magic, mostly for entertainment and special effects, but also capable of so much more.
Doppelganger: He is able to change his shape to appear as anyone he sees or imagines. This also extends to his clothing, voice, and the way he moves.I'm You: When he takes the form of someone he sees he can glean some of the most recent memories from his victim, usually enough to pass himself off as that person unless questioned thoroughly.
Dark Vision: He is able to see perfectly in the dark up to fifty feet.
Limited: He is only capable of taking the shapes and faces of human and other humanoid creatures. He cannot turn into animals or inanimate objects.Remember When We: His ability to read the most recent memories is limited to one day in that persons past.
Kiileet is strange for a doppelganger. It seems to have a love or affinity for people not shared by a majority of its kind. It is driven by a desire to see people enjoy themselves, have fun, be entertained, so it created its own traveling circus.
It is kind to people, but especially caring for the freaks and the despised, offering them a home within his traveling circus where they can be cared for and called family. He's philanthropic in the worst of times, but when money is tight and the show isn't being successful, he is more than willing to resort to other methods of obtaining money.
It is kind to people, but especially caring for the freaks and the despised, offering them a home within his traveling circus where they can be cared for and called family. He's philanthropic in the worst of times, but when money is tight and the show isn't being successful, he is more than willing to resort to other methods of obtaining money.
Biography & Lore
Kiileet was actually its only name when it was a child. It grew up in a small doppelganger community who found shelter in the city of Cerak At'Thul. As expected life was hard for Kiileet in this slum of a city, but it managed and grew up with a love and appreciation for the people who stood up for it in its life, and so it vowed to show that same kindness to others. They did what they could to get by but Kiileet didn't want to stay. As soon as it came of age it left its family and all its community.
Kiileet went from employment to employment at whatever job it could find, but soon found its calling. Taking on a new shape for his new inspiration, Kiileet decided to start a circus, a place where he can bring the despised and unique together as a family. With his circus they traveled from village to village, city to city to perform for the populace and bring in money and supplies. They became very well known in some parts as one of the few traveling circuses with real talent, real shows, and no thievery. Not to say that no thievery ever occurred, but it somehow managed to never be pinned on the traveling troupe.
Kiileet soon took on the surname Glassdancer, and has been continuing with his family ever since.
Kiileet went from employment to employment at whatever job it could find, but soon found its calling. Taking on a new shape for his new inspiration, Kiileet decided to start a circus, a place where he can bring the despised and unique together as a family. With his circus they traveled from village to village, city to city to perform for the populace and bring in money and supplies. They became very well known in some parts as one of the few traveling circuses with real talent, real shows, and no thievery. Not to say that no thievery ever occurred, but it somehow managed to never be pinned on the traveling troupe.
Kiileet soon took on the surname Glassdancer, and has been continuing with his family ever since.
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