Gunner Valenntyne
Gunner Valenntyne is a victim of standards far too high, and a family name that is far too heavy for him to carry. Born to one of the founding families of Valenntenia, Gunner was expected to excel amongst his peers, join the Vanguard early in his teenage years, and become a revered Guardian of The Rune just like his father, and his father's father before him.
But that path was never the one which Gunner wished to take. He didn't want to dedicate his entire existence to an artifact he felt no attachment to or a religion he had no faith in. His home city bore down on him like the iron bars of a prison, and he could only last so long before he needed to be free.
Leaving was the easy part.
Gunner is a handsome young man. He has long, dark brown hair and light stubble. He sports a scar over his nose from an unfortunate accident involving practice swords and an angry orc that he'd very much not like to talk about. He wears brown leather armor, with copper plates attached to the breast and midsection. Though, when not expecting a fight, he prefers to wear clothes as light and loose as possible. He also sports white trousers tucked into a pair of expensive-looking black boots, and he carries an odd-looking book on his hip, written in the language of his home city.
Skills and Abilities
Gunner is rather inept at magic, possessing the capability to cast spells with none of the talent for doing so properly. He's also fairly clumsy with a blade, enough that during his training for the military, he was often given wooden practice weapons. Despite his siblings and parents all being excellent in a fight, Valenntyne, either due to lack of desire or lack of discipline, exhibits no such ability.
He's not without his strengths though. Mainly just that: His strength. Gunner is obnoxiously strong, so much so that his peers would often joke that it was 'Fate's way of making up for his brain.' Gunner is also a very adept horseback rider, the only class he ever truly excelled in, and picked up archery as a hobby, becoming fairly sharp with his aim. If he owned his own bow, maybe that would be useful.
He's not without his strengths though. Mainly just that: His strength. Gunner is obnoxiously strong, so much so that his peers would often joke that it was 'Fate's way of making up for his brain.' Gunner is also a very adept horseback rider, the only class he ever truly excelled in, and picked up archery as a hobby, becoming fairly sharp with his aim. If he owned his own bow, maybe that would be useful.
Gunner is headstrong, overconfident, and laid-back, expressing a nonchalant and carefree attitude even in dire situations. Nevertheless, he does possess an inherent desire to prove himself, and feels a need to be validated by those around him; his own family and city had no place for him outside of the path they chose, and he wants nothing more than to be accepted for who he is.
Despite his issues, he's generally a good, kind-hearted man with a strong sense of right and wrong.
Despite his issues, he's generally a good, kind-hearted man with a strong sense of right and wrong.
Biography & Lore
Gunner Valenntyne had extremely high expectations to live up to throughout his youth. Born to Valenntenia's oldest family, one which prided itself on the many great men and women it had contributed to the City across the generations, it was a foregone conclusion that the latest in that line would grow to serve in the Vanguard and be Appointed as one of the fifteen Guardians of The Rune. His upbringing, though, was difficult. As both of his parents were Guardians, they were often outside of the City, working to better the world through the powers of their stones. This left Valenntyne often alone or in the care of the Tower Somners. This, coupled with the fact that he showed little of the aptitude that they'd expected from him strained his relationship with both of them even when they were present.
Eventually, he was indeed enlisted into the Vanguard at the young age of only thirteen years old, and ladled with prodigious goals to meet. Unfortunately, Gunner simply did not have the talent that his parents or siblings had, or much talent with magic and combat at all. He served in the Guard for five years but was eventually discharged due to poor performance and insubordination. This final disappointment effectively severed the ties between Gunner and his parents. Many of the other young men and women his age looked down on him for his failures, and he was allowed to stay in his family home out of courtesy alone.
Sick of the heavy burden placed unfairly on his shoulders, and confident in his ability to do better without the judgment of others, he fled Valenntenia with a large amount of his parent's money. With nothing but a sword, his horse, and a book he'd found hidden away in his father's vault, supposedly full of old magic, he set out in search of his true calling, whatever that may be.
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