

Biographical information
Vel Luin 30 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human Female 5'8" Average Dirty Blonde Green White
Political information
Former Servant of Vel Anir
Out-of-character information
Myrra 5/8/2021 dongho Kang

Genevieve was, like all magical children of Vel Anir, parted from her family at a young age. She had been five years old when the separation occurred, her magic discovered after saving her brother's life, and her training at the Dreadlord Academy began.

At the academy she proved to be a perfectly mediocre pupil with many of her Proctors expressing disappointment at the fact that the girl's magic only had one suitable application: healing. Dreadlords were bred and trained to kill and while she could be useful to the forces of Vel Anir as a healer this limitation to her magic meant she'd never progress past the rank of a Level Three.

Genevieve showed a lot of promise with the use of polearms and spears. It was noted that she disliked close quarters combat as well as her somewhat squeamish nature. Once she graduated from the academy she pledge fealty to the House of Urahil.

After several years in service to the Dreadlords and House Urahil she became embroiled in a scandal that was kept quiet. Norris, a handler with the Forsaken program, was in need of a new healer and thus she was transferred from her service with Urahil to the Forsaken project.


Genevieve has dirty blonde hair and a rounded face.

Skills and Abilities

Her martial abilities are, like most Dreadlords, above average with her specialty of polearms and spears being quite impressive.

Genevieve's magic works as a white mist that emanates from her flesh. When it makes contact with others it swirls around, rapidly healing both the injury and dulling pain. The mist can also move inside of a subject's nostrils or mouth in order to heal internal injuries or nullify the effects of poisons.


Kind, caring, and generous. All traits that impeded her ability to excel in the Dreadlords.

Biography & Lore

For the past few years Genevieve worked in tandem to Norris, a cruel proctor of Dreadlords and handler of the Forsaken. Her main role, apart from doing whatever he ordered, was to mend the wounds of students. Torture and combat were frequent among the children that were indoctrinated into Vel Anir's way of life and having a reliable source of healing meant they'd lose fewer students to "accidents."

Quite often Genevieve would see her abilities used not just to bring someone back from the brink of death but as a psychological torture unto itself. With her boss, Norris, ramming a hook into someone only for Genevieve to heal the injury so that Norris could repeat the action over and over again.

Eventually, she was present at the time that the Forsaken child named Rumer killed Norris. Her future has now become uncertain as she can no longer justify the actions of her home nation.

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