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Perhaps one of the largest members of the Stalkers of Liadain, Garrett never fails to draw in wandering eyes and steal the attention of idle thoughts.
His height and mass are his most striking physical attributes, as the times are becoming fewer and further in between that he displays his face. He towers a full head over most humans and similar species that he encounters, only being topped by the occasional elf in times past.
In the recent years his blonde hair has become a shade darker, as though the hair itself had actually become dirtier the longer Garrett spent on the hunt. Much the same could be said for his beard; full and well fitting of a towering warrior.
The man's blue eyes seem to glow in stark contrast to everything else about Garrett; always appearing disgruntled or unhappy. Alas, he still looks as though he would sooner eat a man than become his friend.
As an accomplished Stalker, he does pay mind to sport a level of flair in his choice of armor. His heavy articulated plating was personally forged by Anirian blacksmiths, and the same could be said for his weapons. A wolf pelt is often draped over one shoulder as well, a memento gained during his first hunt.