Finch is an experienced bard and one of the more colourful residents of Teth, in all senses of the word.
Originally from Eaglehead, Finch yearned for more from his life and after a brief run-in with a pirate raid, he ended up intrigued by the variety and adventure that follows the piratical lifestyle.
After several years of floating between crews and picking up various skills, Finch gained some notoriety as a skilled lookout and bard. His race's natural ability to fly and his own talent at perfectly mimicking the sounds of anything he hears have left him a particularly useful and entertaining member of any crew.
Eventually, however, he settled upon the Black Concordant and sailed with the crew for many years before its untimely demise. Despite his closeness with the crew, at the sight of the dastardly and wicked kraken, Finch fled the ship and the crew and barely escaped for his life. Whilst some feelings of guilt remain over these cowardly actions, Finch has come to realise there would have been little he could have done to save the rest of the crew.
In regards to skillset, Finch is a highly skilled musician and is capable of replicating any sound he has heard and commit it to memory. Usually such a feat is used for entertainment or performances, but this talent is particularly versatile and over the years he has come to use it for a whole plethora of reasons.
Regarding his combat expertise, Finch rapidly acquired wealth from his noteworthy performances and years as a pirate and he used such resources to create custom weaponry to suit his needs. Instead of the usual cutlass or rapier, he uses an orcarina that doubles as a knife when the situation requires it.
His prized possession, however, would be a specially enchanted tuning fork turned sword that collects and stores sounds. Once sufficiently charged, Finch can release the stored energy into concussive blasts or explosions. That said, due to his otherwise inability to use magic, such enchantments drain him particularly quickly and he only resorts to such measures sparingly.