Fenren is a devoted follower of Relorath and serves as the Duke of Mania, overseeing the Eternal Ball at Relorath's estate near Leogaire. By nature of his position, he rarely leaves the grounds of the estate except when summoned directly, though what exactly summons him can be ambiguous at best. At Relorath's behest, he will appear at shrines to Relorath in his master's stead, leading some to believe that he may actually be the Fury of Madness himself. This is, however, nearly always a trick which will lead the caller to the Eternal Ball. Fenren's dance card always has an opening.
Fenren is a fae of average or slightly-above average height, lithe of body, and has intensely piercing eyes that appear to see through people entirely. His hair is tall and thick with no hint of unnatural ointments aiding it. He is always dressed as though attending a party full of the highest of nobility.
Skills and abilities
Illusion magic
Wherever Fenren is, he can summon various illusions. Amongst his favorites is the phantasmic orchestra he uses at the Eternal Ball. Sometimes there are visual components, sometimes there are not; he uses the sounds of the orchestra to enthrall, trick, and even torment those who have become either candidates for the Ball or are in some fashion standing in the way of his goals.
The best descriptors used for Fenren are "intense" and "frenzied" - his gaze is hard and cold, demanding attention and compliance. He often acts as an ostentatious aristocrat with no regard for those who might be considered either his subjects or his guests, and everything he does is to find candidates for the Eternal Ball. He is a well-studied and practiced musician, often providing typically via magical means the music to his parties even while he joins the dancers.
A favored torment of those who have wronged him - and the definition of "wronging" is quite wide, wider than any reasonable person would consider - is to incite creative impulses which can never be satiated. His ball's orchestra is mostly an illusion but there are nearly always at least a few actual people playing until their fingers bleed, starving and dehydrated, and their hearts unable to take the strain.
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