
Faolan Ard an Greine

Biographical information
Vhora, Summer Court 1128 Vhora
Physical description
Duanann, fae male 7’0" angular, athletic orange gold tan
Political information
Knight Captain, full-time spoilsport
Out-of-character information
Peony April 9, 2020

Faolan is the second-born child of Ardghal and Áine of the house Ard an Greine. As a house of the Assembly, Faolan has lived up to his family’s expectations of excellence and serves Titania as a member of the royal guard. Having earned the role of Knight Captain at a young age, he is a promising young duanann rising in Vhora’s social circles, but also notorious for his serious nature.


Duanann Affinity

Rather at odds with his severe personality, Faolan holds domain over what he likes to call bloom. He can bring life and color back to wilting flora, encourage closed buds to blossom, and sow prosperity in gardens. Still a relatively young duanann learning his domain's intricacies, it currently affects his personal livelihood to channel, though he can divert it to other sources of life with more concentrated effort. He has not thoroughly explored the inverse of this ability, wither, in which he can draw strength from surrounding plants. This ability is still new and makes him feel particularly icky.

Celestial Alignment

Like a flower following the sun, Faolan is a solar child. His magic is strongest at midday and reaches its zenith in the heat of the summer solstice.

Elemental Alignment

Appearances are not always what they seem, and Faolan’s fiery coloration is especially deceiving. His natural element is solely earth, specifically working with flora. By this, he has a sense of understanding plantlife and no vine or bramble can harm him.

Animal Shape

Rumor has it that Faolan has never found his animal shape. In truth, he has one and is fully capable of using it, but chooses to refrain from taking its form. It is a hare.

Skills and Abilities

Faolan has all of the training expected of a high-ranking military official in the Summer Court. He is adept in the use of a variety of martial weapons and is a combat expert. He is also well-versed in military strategy and has studied fae history extensively with a specific focus on past altercations between Courts.

Born to the Assembly and close to the royal family as a personal guard to Princess Amaryllis, Faolan is well-versed in the affairs and social strata of Courtiers. His manners are refined and practiced -- even if he uses them to be surly and dour.

In recreation, Faolan is skilled at chess and other games of logic and strategy, and he enjoys whittling and woodcarving to busy idle hands.


The glittering halls of the Assembly never dazzled Faolan; from a young age, his serious nature ruined the appeal of social functions for him. Though his manners are fine, his personality can best be described as "grumpy". Faolan is not the kind of person to put on airs. Rather, he maintains the same serious attitude at all times. The only exception to this is the Princess and his family, both capable of rousing a reluctant smile and a surprisingly gentle character to the surface.

Faolan is a logical individual who relies on his skills to accomplish his goals. He is very competent in everything he does, training diligently and methodically. Though dour, he is civil and polite at the very least. He has little patience with incompetency but never ridicules others. This makes him a great mentor and leader, but not a figure held fondly in many hearts. Faolan doesn't waste his time with pretense and finds deceit to be wicked and useless.

In spite of being a full-time grouch, Faolan has a relatively positive outlook on life. He cultivates the company he keeps and makes choices based on careful consideration, building a life of his own making. Faolan's friends value him deeply but he has difficulty expressing himself in words. His actions carry louder meaning, his affection and loyalty displayed through deeds.

When he was very young, Faolan spoke with a stutter. His family afforded him extensive therapy to fix the impediment, but he can still sometimes stumble when he is feeling charged emotions.

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