Evaine Coltair

Evaine Coltair

Biographical information
Vel Anir 27 Anirian Colony Torrith, Malakath
Physical description
Human Female 5'7'' Sturdy Blonde, mid-length Gray-blue Fair
Political information
Dreadlord, Level 2
Out-of-character information
Velaeri July 31, 2024

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Blonde hair, blue eyes, sleek fighter build on a sturdy frame.

Skills and Abilities


- Strong and agile
- Exceptional melee fighter, top of her class

- Skilled tactician
- Effective with twin swords but not a top swordsman

- Armored Body:
Eve has the ability to create a hardened, chitin-like layering of armor over her natural form. Its appearance is similar to that of a skinned human, bearing muscle and bone, but this layer maintains a near indestructibility that allows her to take massive amounts of damage without batting an eye. While in this form, Evaine's physical capabilities are doubled, giving her increased strength, speed, and reflexes. This form is also markedly larger than her natural form: standing at 6'5'' with proportionately increased mass.

---In order to take her Armored Body form, Evaine should be well-rested, well-fed, and generally in good health. The weaker she is in her natural form, the faster it saps her own energy. She can take the form multiple times a day, but the more she does so the more it wears on her natural body to the point of black out, exhaustion, and potentially fatal anemia.

---Every time Evaine takes her Armored Body form, she loses one year of vitality that cannot be given back. It is estimated she will not live past the age of 40, and that is a generous estimate.

---The Armored Body has 5 weak points: the eyes, inside the mouth, between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck, the middle of the chest at a juncture of multiple sections of armoring, and the soft area under the jaw. These areas can only be protected from direct attack if she shields them with other parts of her body (hand, arm, etc) or forms Enhanced Armoring overtop.

- Enhanced Armoring: While Armored, Eve can expend additional energy to increase the hardened bone-like structures along her figure to further enhance specific areas, even her entire form, against damage. While her base Armored Body has a strong resistance to magic, the enhanced Armored form is almost fully capable of shrugging off magical attacks.

- Titan Form: An as of yet undiscovered ability, this takes Evaine's Armored Body and grows it to the behemoth stature of 14m (45 feet) tall. It maintains all the same capabilities of her Armored Body, including the ability to don Enhanced Armoring, but is limited to how long she can maintain it. While a completely healthy and "charged" she could potentially hold her Armored Body form for an entire day if not under strenuous activity or damages, Evaine is limited to holding the Titan Form for only a maximum of an hour, less when under stress. After the form expires, Evaine is forced into a Regenerative Coma to recover regardless of what the form underwent. It is unknown if she is capable of taking this form multiple times in one day.

- Regenerative Coma: In this state she is capable of not only healing fatal wounds, but regenerating lost limbs. Evaine will go catatonic until the healing has finished and even once finished healing and awakened she remains in a weakened state for several hours to several days, requiring additional sustenance to return her body to equilibrium.


Serious. Punctual. Disciplined. Structured. Introverted. Self-serving. Goal-oriented. Short-fused.

Biography & Lore

Evaine's arrival to the academy was at the forced hands of the Republic. Her mother having died in childbirth left her father desperate to retain whatever was left of his wife. He hid Evaine's magical abilities for as long as he could and had intended to leave Vel Anir with his daughter but was given up by someone he thought to be a friend and imprisoned for his efforts. Evaine was seven years old when she was placed into the Dreadlord Academy and ever since they have held the life of her father over her head to push her past her limits.

This has made Evaine ruthless and often times unforgiving of her peers for mistakes and weakness. Having graduated from the Academy several years before the Revolution, she made her way to Level 2 by putting a lot of her fellow Initiates in the ground and proving herself a prime weapon for Vel Anir.

It was this very reason she "volunteered" to join the colonizing mission to Malakath - under the promise that if she completed the contracted 10-year mission, her father would be released from prison and she could return home to fill a position within the Anirian Guard that would afford her the ability to care for her now ageing father.


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