Elspeth Sirl
"Iyuri Sirl's legacy was one of great power and severe spirit. It would survive among his descendants for generations, marking the family as both a fearsome enemy and a potent rival among the nobles that left many a scalded and singed offense throughout the years. To this day, not a single Sirl has gone without remark of wit or malice. Trial by fire is not only their mission within, but their mantra throughout."
- Annals of House Sirl
Elegant and refined, Elspeth Sirl is the very picture of regality. Her figure is lean, her hair well kept, and her presentation flawless ... except for two visible scars crossing over her left brow and cheek. The deep blue eyes and red hair are a hallmark of her family's bloodline, inherited from her father who inherited from his mother, and her father before her...and so forth and so on. Her cheeks and shoulders are peppered with freckles, softening her otherwise stately countenance.Skills and Abilities
Elspeth spent her formative years learning under the best private tutelage Vel Anir had to offer. Having shown a soft heart but a keen intellect from early childhood, she excelled in skills that allowed her to help others. Holding promise for a future in medicine, she was sent to study in Dornoch where she received a very thorough education in the art and sciences of the human body. There she also received training and experience as a field medic in battle, and partook in research of cadavers of not only humans, but animals as well.Elspeth presently practices medicine as a Junior Doctor in Vel Anir and can regularly be found working as a field medic or triage nurse on the front lines of Vel Anir's many battlefronts. She also partakes in missions of social and humanitarian aid by traveling to other towns and settlements outside of the capital to provide care and help wherever it is needed most.
Given her kind and caring nature, Elspeth has often been lauded as the white sheep of House Sirl. A kitten among tigers, but not to be mistaken for as cowardly or meek. Elspeth places others before herself and has been actively engaged in humanitarian efforts throughout the city - even in the newly established elven quarter. She harbors no superiority, nor judgement of others based on their caste or race, and for this has earned herself a tenuous relation with her father.Generally regarded as the next in line to head House Sirl, she was previously betrothed to Olvir Weiroon. Now that the revolution has shifted the ways of Anirian society, the betrothal has since fallen through and some people wonder if she might be passed over as Head of Sirl for her brother Elias despite his status as a Dreadlord Initiate. Recently, her father brokered an engagement between Elspeth and the crown prince Wilhelm Anireth, breaking any lingering perception of ties to Weiroon.
Biography & Lore
Twin sister to Elias Sirl, Elspeth has very few memories of her brother due to his early manifestation of magical abilities, and subsequent enrollment in the Dreadlord Academy at a young age. As a child she was doted upon by her parents and raised wanting for nothing. She received the very best education and was given every opportunity to excel in whatever path she chose. Though in her youth she was found not to possess magic, she was also found to be completely devoid of the unforgiving ruthlessness that her family had become so infamous for. It was believed that perhaps they had been too soft on her, and so after she expressed interest in furthering her education in medicine, Elspeth was sent to Dornoch where they hoped the regimented study with their renowned Doctors might sharpen her edges a bit.It had, in fact, done the opposite. When Elspeth returned home she was a woman wiser and far more skilled, self-assured, and knowledgable, and still possessed by the same gentile nature she'd previously left with. Her time in Dornoch had opened her eyes to the world beyond Vel Anir and gifted her with an open mind and heart for those not of her own society and people. After the revolution, Elspeth saw the opportunity to make a name for herself in providing humanitarian aid - so instead of spending her time off-duty at court with the other noble ladies her age, she spends it traveling to places in need beyond the city to help those less fortunate than herself.
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