Elinda Dawnflower

Elinda Dawnflower

Biographical information
Falwood 227 Currently, the Vale
Physical description
Elf Female 6'1 Blonde Blue Light, peach color.
Political information
Archpriestess of the Trinity of Light
Out-of-character information

Elinda Dawnflower is an Archpriestess of the Trinity of Light, who's recently moved to the Vale. She's a kind woman, altruistic and charitable, but also ambitious. She wants to raise the prominence of her religion throughout Arethil and is always looking for a chance to do just that.


She's a fairly tall woman at 6'1, with straight blonde hair that falls halfway down her back in length. She has bright blue eyes and a beautiful face. She has a lean body build, not overly thin or muscular.

She dresses in a pair of long white robes decorated by red embroidery, it bears the symbol of the sun on the chest, also in red. She often wears a flat hat on her head, with a red tassel hanging from the left side of it.

Skills and Abilities

Elinda's magic depends on her continued worship of the Trinity of Light. It's also physically taxing for her to use, she'll often need the help of other clerics to perform her more powerful magic's.

Divine Magic - Elinda's very proficient with blessings, to the exclusion of most other aspects of Divine Magic. She's capable of healing diseases and injuries alike, although serious cases require ritual treatment over the course of several days to heal.

Her blessings extend to granting individuals a boost in certain attributes, such as strength, speed, or magical prowess. She can either bestow a single long-lasting blessing to up to three people. Or she can grant minor blessings to a larger group of people. This ability can be bolstered by the aid of other clerics.

She can also, with the help of several other members of her faith, create hallowed grounds. The big condition on this is that the grounds must have some kind of history or purpose that makes it worthy of being such. For instance, if it was the sight of a great miracle or heroic act, it would be capable of being hallowed.

Hallowed ground put in place by her would weaken or perhaps eliminate any curses that someone might have. It would also weaken the connection of evil deities to their clerics, weakening their Divine Magic. Beyond that, members of the faith would feel a greater connection to their deity, strengthening their own Divine Magic.

Consecration - Elinda's also able to use her Divine Magic to consecrate things, it has several different uses. The simplest is to create holy water, which burns unholy things to the touch and gives a small boost in healing to those who drink it. In rare cases, and with the help of other members of her faith, she can make a weapon into a holy one. Although the enchantment she gives the weapon must be empowered by the faith and noble deeds of its wielder to be truly legendary.

Charisma - Elinda's a charismatic individual, making her an effective preacher. Her words inspire fellow practitioners and can drive them to action when necessary. it also serves her well when speaking to others, her natural charm helping win people over. It can also help her convert others to her faith.


She's a cheerful, warm, and friendly woman who genuinely cares for those under her care and beyond. She's active in pursuing her ambitions, sometimes failing to see how her actions may come across to others in the process. She's altruistic and charitable to those both inside and outside her faith, seeing it as both a moral good and a way to show everyone the tenets of the Trinity of Light.

She's a pious woman who wants to spread her faith and help it become prominent in the region. This has led her to be quite ambitious, not cruelly or even unkindly, she wants this not for her own benefit, but for the sake of others. In both a spiritual and physical sense. While this can draw the ire of some, her natural politeness and charm can often help her smooth things over.

She detests corruption and works of evil, often more than others due to her own worldview. She'll happily aid in the eradication of any such iniquity, should anyone seek her aid. For this reason she's quite popular among adventurers or heroes who require the aid of an experienced priestess.

Religious Beliefs

She's a follower of the Trinity of Light and is specifically devoted to Aliandra. She carries their faith with great reverence and devotion. Her beliefs have helped her find peace and joy in Arethil, and in the hereafter. It's that which motivates her to spread her religion to others.

She respects other religions but sees them as ultimately misguided or incomplete. Though she acknowledges the existence of their gods, viewing them as scattered thoughts or ideas of the Origin. Or as the creations of other Gods.

The Annunaki Pantheon, her former religion, she respects but believes is too disorganized and that it contains various contradictions, specifically among the Hundreds. Her main point of contention being that the Hundreds contain some morally dubious or cruel deities, unworthy of worship. Something she finds irrational.

The Religion of Celestialism she finds more agreeable, even a bit similar to her own in some ways, such as in their reverence for light and disdain for darkness. Though she ultimately disagrees with their view of the universe.

That said, she hates the Trinity of Darkness and the religion of other evil gods. Seeing them as a threat to the well-being of Arethil and all who dwell within.

Biography & Lore

Elinda Dawnflower was born in Fal'Addas as a typical citizen, originally a follower of the Annunaki Pantheon. She only discovered the Trinity of Light in her late thirties, but she took to it quite quickly and soon entered the priesthood there. She spent nearly a hundred years advancing through the ranks, working as a missionary, healer, and preacher at different intervals.

She was always frustrated by the lack of prominence of the Trinity of Light, and longed to find a way to help spread the faith and bring it into the public eye. Eventually, she decided to seek out opportunities more actively by leaving Fal'Addas and traveling Arethil. She's visited many places and helped foster Elysite communities there by building Chapels and Temples to the Lightbringers, Chapterhouses for the Gold Order, and even a Monastery.

She's recently arrived in the Vale, hoping to continue her quest there. She's seen by some to be a candidate for Vicar, given there's currently two empty seats available.


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