Eliana Lialdi
The daughter of a corrupt military chief, Eliana was born in Fal'Addas, the city of elves. Following her ambitions of higher education, she hopes to enroll as a student at the College of Elbion in order to become more competent in magic and regaining honor to her name.
Eliana's icy blue eyes and snow white skin are framed by hair so pale it almost appears white. She carries all the grace of an elf in her slender frame, though her femininity shines through in her curves. Clothed in thin robes, Eliana prefers to be wearing a reminder of home at all times. She wears her ears proudly, decorating them in dainty gold jewelry which constantly tangles into her hair. Her clothing is embroidered in elven designs taught to her by an old seamstress.
Skills and Abilities
Growing up in Fal'Addas, Eliana was sent to work at the tailor's shop which was owned by an old elven woman named Seldanna. As it was her job, Eliana learned quickly how to sew, stitch, and tailor any article of clothing imaginable. While the job didn't pay much, her newfound skill became a hobby. From then on, to save money, Eliana made all of her dresses herself.
In the square of the city a traveling act set up their performances every so often. Eliana went to watch their performances every time they came and many of the travelers became familiar with her. Two dancers would stay after to teach her traditional elven dance as well as more contemporary styles. This became one of Eliana's greatest loves as it never failed to put her heart to rest.
A fan of the arts, Eliana took up singing and taught herself to play both the harp and the lute. Her harp was something she saved up for as she always found the instrument to be the most beautiful of anything she'd ever heard. Her lute, on the other hand, belonged to her mother, who was a bard.
Eliana's father, as an ex-military chief, had an understanding of elemental magic. When Eliana was young, her father taught her all he knew. Eliana quickly attached herself to the elements of water and earth, finding that those were the areas she excelled at. After her father's downfall, however, he halted any teachings of magic or any teaching at all, forcing Eliana to learn through books rotting in their basement. From these books, she also picked up on simple charms and curses, though she never felt swayed to divulge in dark magic.
Growing up in Fal'Addas, Eliana was sent to work at the tailor's shop which was owned by an old elven woman named Seldanna. As it was her job, Eliana learned quickly how to sew, stitch, and tailor any article of clothing imaginable. While the job didn't pay much, her newfound skill became a hobby. From then on, to save money, Eliana made all of her dresses herself.
In the square of the city a traveling act set up their performances every so often. Eliana went to watch their performances every time they came and many of the travelers became familiar with her. Two dancers would stay after to teach her traditional elven dance as well as more contemporary styles. This became one of Eliana's greatest loves as it never failed to put her heart to rest.
A fan of the arts, Eliana took up singing and taught herself to play both the harp and the lute. Her harp was something she saved up for as she always found the instrument to be the most beautiful of anything she'd ever heard. Her lute, on the other hand, belonged to her mother, who was a bard.
Eliana's father, as an ex-military chief, had an understanding of elemental magic. When Eliana was young, her father taught her all he knew. Eliana quickly attached herself to the elements of water and earth, finding that those were the areas she excelled at. After her father's downfall, however, he halted any teachings of magic or any teaching at all, forcing Eliana to learn through books rotting in their basement. From these books, she also picked up on simple charms and curses, though she never felt swayed to divulge in dark magic.
Eliana is a quiet girl who only speaks when she feels she has something of importance to say. She's quite reserved and due to her father's dubious outbursts has become anxious. In her works, she's a perfectionist and chides herself when she feels her work is unsatisfactory. She always wishes the best for others, no matter their situations, and looks for the good in everyone. This makes her naive and in some cases, stubborn.
Biography & Lore
Eliana's father was a military chief in the Fal'Addas army. He was looked upon with great respect and reverence as he made great strides to better the city and its defenses. In this time, Eliana was taught by her father who made great efforts to ensure she was well educated. Her mother was a traveller and wasn't home often enough to do so herself.
In a misunderstanding in the woods outside Vel Anir, Eliana's mother was killed by Vel Anir patrollers. Overtaken by guilt and grief, Eliana's father began to abuse his position to send search parties and small companies of soldiers into the woods in search of retaliation for his wife's death. When the higher commanders discovered her father's predicament, he pardoned him. Without any income, Eliana and her father were forced to relocate to a much cheaper side of the city. Her father refused to find work, overcome by the ghosts of his mistakes and the haunting mission of avenging his wife.
This forced Eliana to continue her education herself while finding work at the local tailor's at a very young age. She practiced what little magic she knew and as she grew older, set her sights to the College of Elbion. Finding solace in the magic arts, Eliana came to the conclusion that her future lie ahead of her broken family in Fal'Addas.
In a misunderstanding in the woods outside Vel Anir, Eliana's mother was killed by Vel Anir patrollers. Overtaken by guilt and grief, Eliana's father began to abuse his position to send search parties and small companies of soldiers into the woods in search of retaliation for his wife's death. When the higher commanders discovered her father's predicament, he pardoned him. Without any income, Eliana and her father were forced to relocate to a much cheaper side of the city. Her father refused to find work, overcome by the ghosts of his mistakes and the haunting mission of avenging his wife.
This forced Eliana to continue her education herself while finding work at the local tailor's at a very young age. She practiced what little magic she knew and as she grew older, set her sights to the College of Elbion. Finding solace in the magic arts, Eliana came to the conclusion that her future lie ahead of her broken family in Fal'Addas.