Edderick Stormbane

Edderick Stormbane

Biographical information
Volta 29 On the Road
Physical description
Human Female 5'9" 140 Auburn Green Warm Beige
Political information
Out-of-character information
Streetburger Leanna Crossan

A fledgling adventurer who is trying their best to make their mark in the world and complete a quest, given by their family, to create their very own spell. A herculean task that takes most years of arduous training to even consider achieving.


Strong in posture and muscularity, with a wardrobe mostly consisting of simple leather armors and warm colors offset with a blue tunic she has taken a liking to. She seems to dislike the cold, as even in temperate weather she is constantly bundled up. Scoffing at excessive wind with shivers and grimaces.

Skills and Abilities

Traditionally trained with a longsword Edderick was expected to be a warrior and Pyrokinetic like most of her family. A battlemage who used the very essence of heat and passion. Edderick, instead, had found an ancient scripture on the school of Empathy. Wishing to distinguish herself amoung others of her family, she dived head-first into the discipline, using only intuition and the books contents to guide her. With no formal teacher, Edderick is dangerously close to causing great harm with her misunderstandings of the text and principles of the discipline however, and despite her natural knack for the magic she has already caused harm. ^2

Edderick has survived many expeditions in the barren, storm razed lands around Volta City. She has exceptional survival techniques under her belt despite still complaining much of the time.

When it comes to trading, Edderick is trusting of merchants and tends to barely haggle, taking personal need as a measure of value over traditional set pricing systems. She is notoriously bad with money, giving great fortune she will not inherit any fortune from the mercenary based family business. It is common for her to blow all of her wealth on food and drink, or even lose it all in a gamble. She always finds a way to keep going, but this has caused several problems.


Excited and easy to strong passions. Lacking any serious introspection.

Biography & Lore

Edderick comes from a family of sorcerers and professional mercenaries. It is expected, by the family, that once you become of killing age you are to go out on solo expeditions, with little to no training and expected to create your own specialty. This tradition has brought many tragedies in their family, but these tragedies are never recorded so Edderick is oblivious to how cruel the practice, being an only child. It is her hope to impress her family by being one of the youngest to create her own spell.

The Stormbane family has raised their own to fight and conquer the worse climates of the Peninsula around Volta City. Their dedication to perfection and tradition has come under storm with the new rise of technologies and magic that makes their way of life slowly closer to extinction. Though Edderick fights against this wave of regressiveness in her family and still has pride in her home's ability to adapt and change the world to their needs, she finds herself stuck in the middle of two worlds that ring at each-other's necks. To embrace the traditions she was born into or take on the new world she was raised in.

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