Dominic Valentino

Dominic Valentino

Biographical information
The Allir Reach 28 Alliria
Physical description
Otternali Male 6'10 330 lbs. bluish black fur one black and one white bluish black fur, black skin underneath
Political information
Crime Boss
Out-of-character information
OptimalOz OptimalOz Connor Richardson

Dom, One Eye, The Relentless, The Otter...Dominic goes by many names, but the most important is Boss. He is the leader of the criminal gang known as the Jungle. A group known for being made up of primarily demi-humans, and beast-like species.

Dominic has worked hard to gain a reputation as a gentleman, businessman, and also someone not to fuck with.

Rest assured, if one does business with demi-humans or beast species, then Dominic and the Jungle likely have a hand in it.


Dominic is a hulking bipedal creature that resembles that of the Otter, hence where his race gets its name. Like others of his kind, he is quite tall standing at 6'10, and has rough and stiff outer hair, but when pushed past reveals a soft and light underlayer. The Otternali are known as an elongated people, but Dominic uncharacteristically is quite the muscular and bulky figure. His underbelly's fur is white. His hands and feet are noticeably webbed and do feature sharp claws. His tail is about 3ft long.

Dominic tries very hard to come across as a gentleman. That means he often wears nice, custom-made clothing meant to make him look as good as possible. He hates when someone messes up his clothing. Dom is also known as a smoker, and can often be seen with a cigar.

Skills and Abilities

  • Strength: The Otternali were gifted with enhanced strength, but Dominic pushes even that to the extreme. He is able to lift up to 2,000 pounds.
  • Boxer: Dominic has trained himself in hand-to-hand combat, specifically the art of boxing/fisticuffs...just with far more cheating. He has developed a reputation as one of, if not the premier muscle in the Allirian underworld.
  • Aquatic: All members of the Otternali species are known for their amazing swimming capabilities and ability to hold their breath for long periods of time. Dom may not be as fast as most of his brethren, but can still swim faster than more bipedal species.
  • Sturdy: Dominic has grown up in a harsh environment and he has the toughness and stubbornness to show for it. Of course, it certainly helps that the Otternali fur is strong enough to act like a form of armor, better at handled blunt and piercing damage compared to slashing.
  • Businessman: He did not always have an eye for business, but the years of running the Jungle has given Dom an eye for an opportunity in the business world.


  • Protective: Dom is a protector for the outcast, specifically those of demi-human and beast-like natures. He knows it can be tough surviving in a world, looking like that, and he will go out of his way to help when he can.
  • Intelligence: Dom is surprisingly smart for his appearance. He actively tries to remain calm and give off an air of intelligence and understanding. He considers that the way a gentleman should act.
  • Anger Issues: His desire to come across as calm and smart is largely due to Dom's feral tendencies that he struggles to keep under control. He has been going to therapy lately and he believes it is working, but don't bring it up. He is sensitive about it.

Biography & Lore

Dominic began his life on the southern coast of the Allir Reach with the rest of his tribe. His father was a hunter, and his mother had died giving birth to him. His father died when he was 13 during a hunting trip. While the tribe would normally have taken over the raising of Dominic, it only lasted one year before Dom turned 14 and became of age to be considered an adult in his tribe. Dom had always been ambitious, and he wanted something more, so he packed up and traveled to Alliria.

His early days were not easy. Dominic was of a rare species, which most were fearful of. He struggled to make money before turning to underground fight rings. He survived in those fight pits for years, where he earned wealth and glory. While some suggested that he take care of himself and lead a life of luxury, he used his newfound wealth to protect and take care of other outcasts that resided in the city. Before long, Dominic's group expanded to protect more people and look after each other. The Jungle was formed.

Dominic has successfully expanded the Jungle into the Shallows and the Areck Slums. They earn most of their money running fighting pits, racketeering, and actual protection. Outside of the criminal underworld, the Jungle is known as a construction business.


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