Danthir Fellovenius
It's like being allowed to glimpse the very fabric of everything. To see how even the most mundane of actions can cause a ripple in the Weave, to make eddies in what you perceive as a pond, but stretches beyond the horizon and what even our splendid eyes can witness.
And being forever unable to express the vast expanse of your reach and simultaneous diminutive nature of one's own existence within that Weave. Knowing full well that whatever you touch might forever change the way a thread lays elsewhere, but never knowing which thread another plucks to forecast your ever changing future.
A sharp and pointed jaw that is matched only by an equally sharp set of eyes. His physical vision taken care through attentive use of shade to ensure the continued use of his limited eyesight, he is broad shouldered and narrow at the waist from not only his workouts, but also from a carefully manicured diet by his parents. His training to prepare himself for an eventual escape from his homeland by whatever means necessary.
His features come as a facet of their own, separate from his parents who both are somewhat more rounded in countenance. Neither parent is truly present in his appearance much to his thankfulness.
His sharp features are a blessing to his parents given their hopes of their continued lineage through their son. He often lets his eyes remain in a constant state of scrutiny, half lidded and gazing beyond those in his direct sight. Where most would find his half-lidded eyes a sign of contempt or perhaps snobbery, in truth he is struggling to see definition. Using this stare to dissuade any from casual conversation.
Muscle defined and clear through the gauzy materials he is often adorned in are another hallmark that make him stand out among those willowy and lithe figures typically found in the Summer Court. Made possible with the interest developed in Aerial Silks. A display he had been blessed enough to witness during a festival in the Summer Court in his youth, and one that held his fleeting interest since.
His features come as a facet of their own, separate from his parents who both are somewhat more rounded in countenance. Neither parent is truly present in his appearance much to his thankfulness.
His sharp features are a blessing to his parents given their hopes of their continued lineage through their son. He often lets his eyes remain in a constant state of scrutiny, half lidded and gazing beyond those in his direct sight. Where most would find his half-lidded eyes a sign of contempt or perhaps snobbery, in truth he is struggling to see definition. Using this stare to dissuade any from casual conversation.
Muscle defined and clear through the gauzy materials he is often adorned in are another hallmark that make him stand out among those willowy and lithe figures typically found in the Summer Court. Made possible with the interest developed in Aerial Silks. A display he had been blessed enough to witness during a festival in the Summer Court in his youth, and one that held his fleeting interest since.
Skills and Abilities
Fire and Air Elements - With control over both these elements, his ability to create a devastating scorched earth is something to behold. Far more proficient with Fire, his control over Air is somewhat lacking compared to those innately skilled with the Air element.
Sight Beyond Sight - Most notable is his ability to peer into the tapestry of the Weave, and see its expanse as it is currently woven. This tapestry can and does often change however and his visions can be rendered moot with a few actions by those involved with the vision. The downfall of his affinity comes at a degradation of his eyesight and his grasp on the real. As currently his vision is limited to objects and features no further than fifteen feet with moderate detail. Where once he was able to catch sight of a hawk's prey before it struck, he is now limited to making sure he is speaking to the proper person in a room. He is often plagued by illusory beings and items in his peripheral vision, only catching glimpses of what may have been another leaving his presence, or something he is nearing to bump into.
Honest Tongues - A trait that Danthir often struggles with given his Future Sight, he has learned to skirt or omit words of his visions given that a lie is nigh impossible to perform.
Laws of Hospitality - As with all Fae beings, this Duanann is still bound by the Laws of Hospitality. Able to be ejected from a structure by the magic of hospitality laws.
Iron Weakness - Even being a Duanann born of fire, capable of wrapping himself inside a gout of flame, nothing compares to the bite of iron upon his skin. The touch of this metal instantly causes severe burns, and weapons forged from iron can deal significant damage to his person.
Darkvision - As a lunar Duanann, Danthir is able to perceive color even in darkness though his eyesight is not what it used to be.
Physical Aptitude - While the warriors of the Summer Court far outshine Danthir in every way for physical prowess, he is an agile being in his own right. His time practicing the Aerial Silks has provided him with an excellent grip, a keen understanding of his body's limits, and an appreciation for falls from high places.
Sight Beyond Sight - Most notable is his ability to peer into the tapestry of the Weave, and see its expanse as it is currently woven. This tapestry can and does often change however and his visions can be rendered moot with a few actions by those involved with the vision. The downfall of his affinity comes at a degradation of his eyesight and his grasp on the real. As currently his vision is limited to objects and features no further than fifteen feet with moderate detail. Where once he was able to catch sight of a hawk's prey before it struck, he is now limited to making sure he is speaking to the proper person in a room. He is often plagued by illusory beings and items in his peripheral vision, only catching glimpses of what may have been another leaving his presence, or something he is nearing to bump into.
Honest Tongues - A trait that Danthir often struggles with given his Future Sight, he has learned to skirt or omit words of his visions given that a lie is nigh impossible to perform.
Laws of Hospitality - As with all Fae beings, this Duanann is still bound by the Laws of Hospitality. Able to be ejected from a structure by the magic of hospitality laws.
Iron Weakness - Even being a Duanann born of fire, capable of wrapping himself inside a gout of flame, nothing compares to the bite of iron upon his skin. The touch of this metal instantly causes severe burns, and weapons forged from iron can deal significant damage to his person.
Darkvision - As a lunar Duanann, Danthir is able to perceive color even in darkness though his eyesight is not what it used to be.
Physical Aptitude - While the warriors of the Summer Court far outshine Danthir in every way for physical prowess, he is an agile being in his own right. His time practicing the Aerial Silks has provided him with an excellent grip, a keen understanding of his body's limits, and an appreciation for falls from high places.
Animal Form

Danthir takes the flight in the form of a large Bearded Vulture. The black highlights around his eyes nearing ebony in color, a sharp contrast against the red and gold of his eyes. Pure White feathers cover his body, with further ebony coloring on his wings. A wingspan of nine feet make him a sight in the sky, while the large, hooked beak make his animal form a worry for any being. The collar conforms to his animal form, the gold somehow complimentary of his inherent colors.

While in his animal form, he proudly wreaths himself in flames, mimicking the Visage of a Phoenix. Using a glamor to add to his features and make himself seem much more intimidating on top of the flames that roll off of his form.
Celestial Alignment
While both moons are present in the sky, the Pnerian moon is the celestial body that holds the most sway over Danthir. Especially during a waxing crescent rather than when it presents itself as a full moon. His powers however seem to wane when the moon is at its peak, while the majority of his power stems from the rise and fall of the moon. As if the newly formed night brings a fresh spring of power while his own power sends the dark off on its final hours.
Where once an overly honest and affable boy had been, now resides a man that subtly twists his words to give himself the upper hand. Holding everyone at arms length from his own ambition of seeing himself freed from his family's control, the persona that he plays into presents itself as terse and wielding a barely cool interest in the typical day to day operations of his household.
Apathetic to most of the concerns his parents have, he seldom allows himself the sincerity he once gushed with. The boy who sought out others now a recluse forced to hospitality. Where once the staff had been accompanied by a motivated ward, they now were laden with a barely considerate shadow. The joyous noise that had filled the house had over the years dwindled to a low murmur of affirmations and bargaining.
The considerate nature he has kept bottled up is seldom shared, only given to those that he know will have no interaction with his family directly. A warm smile seldom shared outside the admission of his own pleasure to learning something. A husk of his former younger self, his mothers efforts to claim more in the name of providing has turned an honorable being into a cynical and misanthropic entity they share a house with.
Apathetic to most of the concerns his parents have, he seldom allows himself the sincerity he once gushed with. The boy who sought out others now a recluse forced to hospitality. Where once the staff had been accompanied by a motivated ward, they now were laden with a barely considerate shadow. The joyous noise that had filled the house had over the years dwindled to a low murmur of affirmations and bargaining.
The considerate nature he has kept bottled up is seldom shared, only given to those that he know will have no interaction with his family directly. A warm smile seldom shared outside the admission of his own pleasure to learning something. A husk of his former younger self, his mothers efforts to claim more in the name of providing has turned an honorable being into a cynical and misanthropic entity they share a house with.
Biography & Lore
Danthir was born to Edelmina and Heflinar Fellovenius of the Summer Court. From a young age showing propensity for knowledge given a tendency towards an ever changing interest of subjects. A worldly study throughout his youth on a variety of topics, ranging from astrology to holistic medicines and most every topic between. Nothing was far from his reach in regards to his willingness to learn and observe, though his role in the family would eventually fall to the ultimate responsibility of producing an heir of his own, all the while serving the current queen of the Summer Court in whatever capacity he could.
His capabilities with the Element of Fire and Air became more noticeable with each passing day as he began to express himself more as a child with fervent passions.
Stoking not only his own internal flames of interest, but external ones that more often threatened various items throughout the house when he found himself on a particularly passionate exploration of topics.
It wasn't until his true capabilities began to present themselves in the way of subtle warnings to his parents that they grew more guarded of his presence to those outside of their line. An old inheritance of the Fellovenius family became the focus of these visions as the family sought to improve their standing among the elite social circles of the Summer Court. His father’s own business of acquiring and distributing servants for hire only added to their weighty pockets. An old land claim for his mother’s side, laden with gemstones previous to Danthir’s involvement. The mine alongside his fathers business had proven sufficient to provide them with an easy life, unburdened by the worry of frivolous spending too often. The small cadre of servants and staff about their estate is equally ample enough to only need assistance from the family's heir occasionally.
His mothers ambition to be more than comfortable however drove their meager presence in the fashion scene into something more aligned with her own goals. Prodding her son with questions while he peered into the future, each time pulled back from the intricacy of the Weave and leaving behind a sliver of the sharpness with which he beheld the world.
New veins were tapped, eventually leading to an intensely rich lode of gold that delved deep into the rocks below as if to provide for an eternity. The damning price of her son's vision deteriorating was a meager price for the boom in the Fellovenius business and status. Now welcomed into the more esteemed circles for the added production of jewelry and gold fleck trim the merchants were laden with, Edelmina knew her choice was prudent and honest for the sake of her family's future.
Danthir however, began to poison the very well of knowledge his family had come to rely on given his continued treatment as an accessory rather than a son by any true measure of the word. A careful play on words when he would ascend from the feverish pitch of a vision, a twisting of his warnings in subtle ways to leave details out or play upon the importance of something otherwise worthless.
His only value was solely as their prophetic golden goose, and were seldom bothered to spend any more time than needed to earn those little presents of warning from their child.
Being bound by their needs, he seldom gets to spend time outside of their estate within the Summer Court. Kept on a short lead by the “gifts” his family had given him in jewelry, enchanted and laced with Magick to keep him within the confines of the Summer Court and to allow them to exert control over him regardless of where he might be.
The Heir of the Fellovenius Duanann line is gifted with the ability to peer into the future. His true name, Flostionus, has yet to be discovered.
His capabilities with the Element of Fire and Air became more noticeable with each passing day as he began to express himself more as a child with fervent passions.
Stoking not only his own internal flames of interest, but external ones that more often threatened various items throughout the house when he found himself on a particularly passionate exploration of topics.
It wasn't until his true capabilities began to present themselves in the way of subtle warnings to his parents that they grew more guarded of his presence to those outside of their line. An old inheritance of the Fellovenius family became the focus of these visions as the family sought to improve their standing among the elite social circles of the Summer Court. His father’s own business of acquiring and distributing servants for hire only added to their weighty pockets. An old land claim for his mother’s side, laden with gemstones previous to Danthir’s involvement. The mine alongside his fathers business had proven sufficient to provide them with an easy life, unburdened by the worry of frivolous spending too often. The small cadre of servants and staff about their estate is equally ample enough to only need assistance from the family's heir occasionally.
His mothers ambition to be more than comfortable however drove their meager presence in the fashion scene into something more aligned with her own goals. Prodding her son with questions while he peered into the future, each time pulled back from the intricacy of the Weave and leaving behind a sliver of the sharpness with which he beheld the world.
New veins were tapped, eventually leading to an intensely rich lode of gold that delved deep into the rocks below as if to provide for an eternity. The damning price of her son's vision deteriorating was a meager price for the boom in the Fellovenius business and status. Now welcomed into the more esteemed circles for the added production of jewelry and gold fleck trim the merchants were laden with, Edelmina knew her choice was prudent and honest for the sake of her family's future.
Danthir however, began to poison the very well of knowledge his family had come to rely on given his continued treatment as an accessory rather than a son by any true measure of the word. A careful play on words when he would ascend from the feverish pitch of a vision, a twisting of his warnings in subtle ways to leave details out or play upon the importance of something otherwise worthless.
His only value was solely as their prophetic golden goose, and were seldom bothered to spend any more time than needed to earn those little presents of warning from their child.
Being bound by their needs, he seldom gets to spend time outside of their estate within the Summer Court. Kept on a short lead by the “gifts” his family had given him in jewelry, enchanted and laced with Magick to keep him within the confines of the Summer Court and to allow them to exert control over him regardless of where he might be.
The Heir of the Fellovenius Duanann line is gifted with the ability to peer into the future. His true name, Flostionus, has yet to be discovered.