Daiches Amathal
Daiches is a tall Tundra elf with pale skin, dark hair, dark grey eyes and an almost regal bearing. He is both ruthless and arrogant, but equally intelligent and calculating. Often wearing dark expensive spider silk robes and black minotaur fur under cloaks. As a tome keeper he rarely leaves home without some method of securing texts, books or scrolls, these are often empty until the opportunity arises to fill them from the outside world.
Skills and Abilities
Martial, Magical
Shadowmancy - As an Adept, Daiches is a skilled shadowmancer but far off fully mastering the craft.
Shadon Incantations - Initiate. The use of Shadon as a method of ritual and ceremonial incantation is as yet not understood by anyone, perhaps even those using it. Which is exactly what their god and his servants would wish.
Mimicry - There is a strange developing shadow mimicry going on in Engima City, but it's in its infancy.
Polearms - Skilled and well-trained with a Polearm, especially a glave.
Small Blades: Adequate at combat with small-bladed weapons.
Tinkerer: Skilled. Has a reputation as a professional tinkerer and collector of strange mechanisms.
Poisoncraft: Adept. Has an equally bad reputation for the crafting of vicious poisons.
Foraging: Average. Able to live off the land but not lavishly or easily, also able to acquire some of what he needs for his poison craft.
Resources: Is known as a man of wealth and influence within the Tome Keepers, and a possible candidate for their governing body, known as the circle of thorns.
Animals: Has a way with certain predatory creatures that you wouldn't want to meet.
Blinded by Ambition.
Partially Blind in sunlight. The workings of a shadowmancer have many associated risks.
Elven Frame. Agile but weaker.
Stalking Shadow: Rarely some Shadows don't return to their host, and when they do, they are not the same.
Some Agility, as an elf he is more nimble than the average man.
Lie Detector. It is very difficult to lie to someone as well-trained as Daiches, spending most of this life reading the subtle cues one makes or does not make in speech.
Shadowmancy - As an Adept, Daiches is a skilled shadowmancer but far off fully mastering the craft.
Shadon Incantations - Initiate. The use of Shadon as a method of ritual and ceremonial incantation is as yet not understood by anyone, perhaps even those using it. Which is exactly what their god and his servants would wish.
Mimicry - There is a strange developing shadow mimicry going on in Engima City, but it's in its infancy.
Polearms - Skilled and well-trained with a Polearm, especially a glave.
Small Blades: Adequate at combat with small-bladed weapons.
Tinkerer: Skilled. Has a reputation as a professional tinkerer and collector of strange mechanisms.
Poisoncraft: Adept. Has an equally bad reputation for the crafting of vicious poisons.
Foraging: Average. Able to live off the land but not lavishly or easily, also able to acquire some of what he needs for his poison craft.
Resources: Is known as a man of wealth and influence within the Tome Keepers, and a possible candidate for their governing body, known as the circle of thorns.
Animals: Has a way with certain predatory creatures that you wouldn't want to meet.
Blinded by Ambition.
Partially Blind in sunlight. The workings of a shadowmancer have many associated risks.
Elven Frame. Agile but weaker.
Stalking Shadow: Rarely some Shadows don't return to their host, and when they do, they are not the same.
Some Agility, as an elf he is more nimble than the average man.
Lie Detector. It is very difficult to lie to someone as well-trained as Daiches, spending most of this life reading the subtle cues one makes or does not make in speech.
Religious, Ambitious, Ruthless, Amiable when succeeding, vocal when not. Calculating and Clever.
Daiches pursues power, for his kind that is the power of the unknown, a web of lies covering knowledge and promoting ignorance, this is what gives him both faith and strength. On a good day you will find yourself rewarded for serving him well, on a bad day you will disappear not to be seen again.
Able to walk in intellectual circles and also at least behind those doing the work, he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty but prefers to wear gloves.
Daiches pursues power, for his kind that is the power of the unknown, a web of lies covering knowledge and promoting ignorance, this is what gives him both faith and strength. On a good day you will find yourself rewarded for serving him well, on a bad day you will disappear not to be seen again.
Able to walk in intellectual circles and also at least behind those doing the work, he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty but prefers to wear gloves.
Biography & Lore
Daiches has lived all his life in the long struggle his kind thrives in. The web of lies can be concealing but also sharp and cutting. Even as a child he was made aware of the different groups within the Tundra elf society, his parents were powerful players within the Blind Mind, an organization dedicated to cleaning up more than the prevention Tundra elves prefer.
This was his life, learning how to mask actions, emotions, and even thoughts. As a masked child, blinded from the world, he spent occasional seasons in darkness where he was taught to listen rather than act. Both how sight deceived and how to spot the deception in words. This became his specialty, but he found language so fascinating that he did not follow his parents into their craft, instead following the Shadon linguists and enrolling to become a Tome Keeper.
Ever since becoming a Tome Keeper Daiches has thrived. Even though the title is misleading, the tomes are not kept but unlearned, subtle changes made so they lead people down the wrong path to confusion rather than an outright disaster. It is an art to hide the truth in plain sight, to not make people put down a text, because it almost seems right, when in fact it's only leading them further astray. Every small alteration intended to build upon the last.
As of late Daiches has risen in favor, the recovery of the great arch at the spine of the world was no small task, but really the first of many that he must do to fully ascend to where he belongs.
This was his life, learning how to mask actions, emotions, and even thoughts. As a masked child, blinded from the world, he spent occasional seasons in darkness where he was taught to listen rather than act. Both how sight deceived and how to spot the deception in words. This became his specialty, but he found language so fascinating that he did not follow his parents into their craft, instead following the Shadon linguists and enrolling to become a Tome Keeper.
Ever since becoming a Tome Keeper Daiches has thrived. Even though the title is misleading, the tomes are not kept but unlearned, subtle changes made so they lead people down the wrong path to confusion rather than an outright disaster. It is an art to hide the truth in plain sight, to not make people put down a text, because it almost seems right, when in fact it's only leading them further astray. Every small alteration intended to build upon the last.
As of late Daiches has risen in favor, the recovery of the great arch at the spine of the world was no small task, but really the first of many that he must do to fully ascend to where he belongs.
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