Cyra Al-Dushar
The Jewel of Rhaqoum. Bringer of Rain. Chosen of Dhukhal. Mistress of the Sands.
The beautiful daughter of the Shiekh of the Al-Dushar tribe serves as an ambassador for her clan, and a potential leader for the future. Do not let her appearance fool you, this jewel of the desert is deadly with her magic and the warriors of her tribe at her back,
Her entire life she has been used as a political tool by her tribe, but with her father weakening from age, she feels it is time for her to make her own moves.
Cyra's beauty is known far and wide in Amol-Kalit. It is said to be a great honor if someone gets a chance to look upon her face. That is why her face is often covered with a light cloth. For this reason, not many know exactly what Cyra looks like. She wears two layers of clothing. The top layer is the traveling cloth of her tribe meant to weather the desert sands and the sun. Beneath that, she prefers to wear a light dress of some kind. She prefers to wear just a little bit of jewelry to show her station in the tribe.
Cyra stands at 5'6 with a petite figure with only the faintest hint of muscle. She is certainly in shape enough to be able to quickly move when needed in battle, but she has not trained to the level of the warriors of the tribe. She has black hair that is dyed red at the ends. Her amber eyes are said to glow like the sun itself. Cyra's sun-kissed skin is the canvas for an intricate pattern of tattoos that trace across her whole body. She claims it is the contract for which she and Dhukhal are bound upon.
Cyra stands at 5'6 with a petite figure with only the faintest hint of muscle. She is certainly in shape enough to be able to quickly move when needed in battle, but she has not trained to the level of the warriors of the tribe. She has black hair that is dyed red at the ends. Her amber eyes are said to glow like the sun itself. Cyra's sun-kissed skin is the canvas for an intricate pattern of tattoos that trace across her whole body. She claims it is the contract for which she and Dhukhal are bound upon.
Skills and Abilities
Tribal Sorceress: Cyra has been trained in the use of illusion magic her entire life, able to let her tribe disappear in the sands, appear to double in number, and various other effects. . She skillfully uses it often for the benefit of her tribe's hit and run tactics.
Bow and Spear: Like all tribes of the Abtati, Cyra was trained in the use of the spear and bow. Slightly better with the bow than the spear, but her sheltered up bringing greatly hindered her skills in these arts.
Diplomatic Piece: Cyra has been used as a strategic weapon of diplomacy her entire. She has gotten pretty good at her charm and her looks to get what she wants. She also is fairly politically savvy when it comes to handling such situations.
Dancer: Cyra is possibly the most skilled dancer in her tribe, and her performances are often used to welcome special guests to the tribe.
Contract with Dhukal: Cyra's most unique ability is her contract with the desert spirit Dhukal. Dhukal, is an earth spirit who has supposedly guided the tribes of the desert elves to the haven of the oasis since the beginning of the tribes. Through her contract, Cyra is able to call upon his power for various purposes such as finding the nearest oasis, summoning the desert sands, or manipulating the earth to her will.
Bow and Spear: Like all tribes of the Abtati, Cyra was trained in the use of the spear and bow. Slightly better with the bow than the spear, but her sheltered up bringing greatly hindered her skills in these arts.
Diplomatic Piece: Cyra has been used as a strategic weapon of diplomacy her entire. She has gotten pretty good at her charm and her looks to get what she wants. She also is fairly politically savvy when it comes to handling such situations.
Dancer: Cyra is possibly the most skilled dancer in her tribe, and her performances are often used to welcome special guests to the tribe.
Contract with Dhukal: Cyra's most unique ability is her contract with the desert spirit Dhukal. Dhukal, is an earth spirit who has supposedly guided the tribes of the desert elves to the haven of the oasis since the beginning of the tribes. Through her contract, Cyra is able to call upon his power for various purposes such as finding the nearest oasis, summoning the desert sands, or manipulating the earth to her will.

Cyra is trained to play the role of the perfect daughter when in the presence of her father, family, or most of her tribe. She understands how valuable the image she displays can be for the tribe. However, in the rare case where she finds herself where she is alone, one will quickly learn of her playful, curious, and rather reckless nature. Cyra is always looking to explore and experience new things and will go to great lengths to show that she is more than a simple display piece. She enjoys picking on those that seem awkward to her flirtatious charms.
Biography & Lore
On the day that Cyra Nadya Al-Dushar was born, a drought ended for the city of Rhaqoum. The drought was not all that strange. However, what followed began the myth of Crya "the Rain Bringer". The city experienced 5 straight days of rain.
Even from an early age, the tribe recognized her beauty and delicately raised her as their "jewel". She was trained in the arts of magic, diplomacy, etiquette, and any other skills that could be useful to beguile those that visited the tribe. Of course, such a life may grow to annoy a young girl. One day, when she was 12, she ran off into the desert in a fit of rage from a fight with her father. The tribe looked everywhere for her, but could not find her. They feared they had lost her to the sands.
When she returned 1 month later, Cyra displayed new marks on her body. Her father originally thought she had been marked by some slavers and then escaped. It was quite the shock when she claimed in front of the whole tribe that she had met the great spirit, Dhukal, and that this was his mark to signify their bond. Shortly after, she began to display her new magical abilities. Slowly, as she began to grow comfortable with her earth and illusion magic, she was allowed to accompany her tribes' raiders.
Her father has recently grown sick, and Cyra worries that if he were to die the tribe would begin to use without any say from her in her own future. She did not have much to begin with, but at least her father tried to think of her feelings. Now, she plans to leave the tribe in the hopes of finding a cure and making a name for herself, without her tribe.
Even from an early age, the tribe recognized her beauty and delicately raised her as their "jewel". She was trained in the arts of magic, diplomacy, etiquette, and any other skills that could be useful to beguile those that visited the tribe. Of course, such a life may grow to annoy a young girl. One day, when she was 12, she ran off into the desert in a fit of rage from a fight with her father. The tribe looked everywhere for her, but could not find her. They feared they had lost her to the sands.
When she returned 1 month later, Cyra displayed new marks on her body. Her father originally thought she had been marked by some slavers and then escaped. It was quite the shock when she claimed in front of the whole tribe that she had met the great spirit, Dhukal, and that this was his mark to signify their bond. Shortly after, she began to display her new magical abilities. Slowly, as she began to grow comfortable with her earth and illusion magic, she was allowed to accompany her tribes' raiders.
Her father has recently grown sick, and Cyra worries that if he were to die the tribe would begin to use without any say from her in her own future. She did not have much to begin with, but at least her father tried to think of her feelings. Now, she plans to leave the tribe in the hopes of finding a cure and making a name for herself, without her tribe.
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